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1) Find the English equivalents in the text. Use them in sentences of your own:

1. печатные рекламные объявления

2. «дразнилки», вызывающие интерес

3. короткие и энергичные предложения

4. предоставлять информацию

5. бесплатный междугородный телефонный разговор

6. основной текст рекламы

7. штриховой рисунок

8. компьютерный рисунок

9. реклама, легкая для прочтения

2) Find in the text the words which describe or mean the following:

1. the title of a newspaper article, printed in large letters above the article -

2. the way in which writing and pictures are arranged on a page -

3. a strong human feeling such as love, hate, anger -

4. pictures that are made for a book or magazine, or for another product such as a computer program -

5. to produce words, numbers, or pictures on paper or other material, using a machine which puts ink onto the surface -

6. to make a serious public request for help, money, information, etc. -

7. including everything that is necessary -

8. a full-size model of something that is going to be made or built, which shows how it will look -

9. something that gives you advantages or improves your life in some way -

3) Translate the following words into Russian and use them in sentences of your own:





to benefit from/by

to have the benefit of

for smb's benefit

to reap benefits

to give smb. the benefit of the doubt

to take the benefit (of the bancruptcy laws)

4) Match the words which are close in the meaning:

to persuade

to withdraw


to convince to do

to print



to involve



to include


to avoid

to publish

5) Match the words having the opposite meaning:

to persuade



to neglect

to avoid



to meet


to discourage

to include


6) Match the words:

to be specific about

a headline

a specific

the reader

to create


a declaration

a benefit

an independent

the reader

to appeal to


to persuade


to attract

the reader

7) Complete the following sentences from the text and translate them into Russian:

1. An ad can consist of just....

2.... is followed by what is known as text or body copy.

3.... need to be integrated into an attractive, easy-to-read advertisement.

4. Headlines should be specific about....

5. The copy should invoke emotion, provide....

6. A layout can be a mock-up of....

8) Insert prepositions (of; on; by; with; to; up):

1. The headline is followed____what is known as text or body copy.

2. The copy should suggest a way that the reader can act____the information.

3. This was accompanied____an illustration of a smiling senior citizen fishing in a mountain stream.

4. Artwork attracts the reader____the ad and breaks____large blocks of type.

5. An ad can consist___just a headline and copy.

9) Answer the following questions:

1. What are the key elements in a print advertisement?

2. What kind of headlines are considered to be the best?

3. What should the copy be limited to?

4. What should the copy be aimed at?

5. What graphic elements should be included in an ad?

10) Agree or disagree with the following:

1. "Sentences should be short and punchy. A declarative sentence is much better than one that includes a dependent or an independent clause".

2. "The headline is the most important element in most ads."

11) Give a summary of the text.

12) Render the following item in English:

При разработке графики рекламы следует руководствоваться следующими общепринятыми правилами, выработанными в результате профессиональных исследований и творческого подхода специалистов в области рекламы.

1. Все элементы рекламы - иллюстрация, заголовок, текст, логотип, верстка, шрифт и общий образ - должны создавать единый образ и определять общий эффект рекламы. Суть продукта и его преимущества должны быть видны с первого взгляда. Реклама, создающая единый образ, хорошо запоминается и понятна покупателю.

2. Реклама должна четко и эффективно представлять рекламную идею и донести до покупателя преимущества рекламируемого товара. У покупателя должна возникнуть уверенность в том, что рекламируемый товар разрешит все его проблемы.

3. На рекламу возложена определенная этическая ответственность.

4. Элементы рекламы должны быть расположены близко друг от друга.

5. Для повышения эффективного воздействия рекламы необходимо убрать из нее то, что не относится к основной идее, а лишь отвлекает внимание.

6. Недомолвки и пропуски можно использовать с целью привлечения вни­мания покупателей.

7. Рекламная информация должна быть выражена легко воспринимаемым визуальным и вербальным языком.

Text В

Using an Advertising Agency

Most public relations advertising is prepared and placed by advertising agencies. The agency has people who are experts in all phases of creating the ads and getting them published or broadcast in the chosen media.

If your organization has an advertising department, it is likely to be the prime con­tact with the agency. However, there are some organizations in which the public rela­tions depart [mill is the contact. In either case, the public relations people are identi­fied as the "client", the entity that approves or disapproves the agency's recommenda­tions.

This relationship must be one of enthusiastic cooperation. Agency and client are not adversaries but partners. In general, the public relations role is to determine broad objectives ("what to do") while the agency determines the means ("how to do it").

Advertising agencies do not normally charge anything for their services. Their com­pensation comes from the "agency discount" that is granted by most media. Normally this discount is 15 percent of the cost of the space or time, and it is not granted to advertisers. It works this way: If the space or time costs $1000, the agency bills the advertiser for the sum but remits $850 to the medium. The $150 difference is retained by the agency as pay for preparing the ad.

Agencies do bill clients for the cost of materials purchased for use in preparing the advertising for publication or broadcast.


place an advertisement - поместить объявление

phase - стадия, фаза

create - создавать

broadcast - вещать, передавать по радио

chosen - выбранный

prime - очень важный, основной; первоначальный, первичный, подходящий

in either case - в любом (из двух) случаев

dentify - отождествлять, опознавать

entity - зд. самостоятельное (хозяйственное) подразделение

approve - одобрять

adversary - соперник, противник

determine - определять

broad - широкий

objective - цель

means - средство; средства

charge - взимать плату

discount - снижение цен

grant - предоставлять

advertiser - рекламодатель; газета с объявлениями

cost - стоимость

space - место, пространство

bill smb. - выставлять счет кому-либо

remit - пересылать (деньги по почте)

retain - удерживать


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