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Interviews at the Media

There are three basic situations that call for an interview at some medium: a meet­ing with the editors of a publication, an appearance on a panel at a broadcasting sta­tion, and participation in a radio or television program where only one person is inter­viewed but may be questioned by several reporters.

Broadcasting stations usually want only one representative from the organization. If there are several participants and one moderator, the program may be devoted to one topic, such as the environment or consumer interests, and the discussion will be limit­ed to that area.

In program where only one person is interviewed, there are two procedures. The simplest is typified by the type of talk show where the interviewer introduces the speaker, tells why the person is there, allows an opening statement, and then questions the speaker. Often there will be an arrangement for members of the listening audience to phone questions to the studio. These shows are commonest on radio, but there are some TV shows, that follow the same procedures.

There are some tips how to answer news media questions:

• Be relaxed, confident, and honest.

• In using your voice, changes in pitch and rate will make for variety.

• Build a "cutoff into your answer if you wish to drop a given subject.

• Discuss only activities and policies that lie within your area of responsibility.

• Admit you don't know the answer if that's the case. If you promise to provide more information, deliver.

• If the situation permits, tape the interview yourself.

• Don't use jargon, acronyms, or technical terminology.

• Don't use speech mannerisms.

• Don't be curt, even with the dumbest question.

• Don't answer more than one question at a time.

• Don't restate the question.

• Don't begin with such trite phrases as "I'm glad you asked that".

• Don't give a "no comment" response; if you are unsure of the answer or can't discuss it, say so.

• Don't volunteer information unless it supports a positive point you want to make.

• Don't be defensive - make all your responses positive.

• Don't let anyone put words in your mouth; agree only if the facts and figures are correct.

This advice is for TV Talk Shows:

Say it in 60 seconds.

Deliver your message convincingly.

Know your facts.

Rehearse your message.

Dress conservatively.

Stay alert.

Participate in discussion.

Get your message across.

Don't get mad.

Don't look at the camera.


call for smth. - требовать ч.-л.

broadcasting station - радиостанция

environment - окружающая среда

consumer - потребитель

pitch - высота (тона)

rate - скорость, темп

variety - разнообразие

deliver information - предоставить информацию

acronym - аббревиатура, сложносокращенное слово

mannerism - манерность

curt - резкий, отрывистый

dumb - (ам) глупый

restate - заново формулировать

trite - банальный

common - обычный

be alert - быть начеку


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