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1) Find the English equivalents in the text. Use them in sentences of your own:

1. главная цель

2. точка зрения по какому-то вопросу

3. проводить кампанию

4. принять законопроект

5. отношение общественности

2) Find in the text the words which describe or mean the following:

1. the act or skill of persuading someone to do something -

2. the way that a person or animal does or says things, or a particular example of this -

3. to make small changes to something in order to improve it and make it more appropriate or effective -

4. to make someone or something less respected or trusted -

5. a law or set of laws -

6. a plan for a new law that is written down for a government to decide on -

7. something that gives you advantages or improves your life in some way -

8. very large in size, amount or degree –

3) Translate the following words into Russian and use them in sentences of your own:

1. to advertise for smth.

2. it pays to advertise

3. advertiser

4. advertisement

5. advertising agencies

6. institutional advertising

7. advertising campaign

8. advocacy advertising

4) Match the words which are close in the meaning:

to regulate




to agree

to alter

to face


to modify

to manage-

to mute

to meet


to muffle


to admit

5) Match the words having the opposite meaning:

to regulate

to contradict


to withdraw

to agree

to disorganize

to face


to modify


to mute

to leave alone


to provoke



6) Match the words:

to generate

public pressure

to improve

public attitudes

to stem

public criticism

to mute

public opposition

to discredit


to wage

the image

to regulate

somebody off

to run

the rates

to design

the industry

to face

a campaign

the flow

an ad

7) Complete the following sentences from the text and translate them into Russian:

1. What the viewers may not have known is that the American Association of Railroads was...

2. The ads did not directly discuss the impending legislation, rather, they...

3. A good example of an advocacy campaign designed to achieve a specific goal was run...

4. Although persuasion is an element of all institutional advertising, it...

5. One series of ads, designed for placement by local cable companies, concentrated...

6. The objective was to mute public...

8) Insert prepositions where necessary (by; with; on; about; off; for):

1. The ads concentrated____improving the image of the cable industry.

2. Such legislation would make the trucking industry more competitive____the railroad industry.

3. A woman and her two children are almost run____the road____the impatient driver of a triple-trailer truck.

4. This often means trying to get readers or viewers to agree____the position of the advertiser____some issue.

5. The objective was to mute public criticism and stem the flow of angry letters to legislators____high rates.

6. The National Cable Television association, facing____public pressure____

Congress to pass a bill to regulate cable television rates also used an extensive advertising campaign to charge public attitudes____the industry.

9) Answer the following questions:

1. What is the primary goal in advocacy advertising?

2. What does persuasion mean in advertising?

3. What was one of the commercials about?

4. What kind of campaign was the American Association of Railroads waging?

5. What was the objective of it?

6. Why did the National Cable Television Association use an extensive advertising campaign?

10) Agree or disagree with the following:

Ideally, the advertising campaign will cause people to change attitudes, modify behavior, and even take steps to influence others about the issue.

11) Give the main idea of the text in one sentence.

12) Render the following item in English:

Телевидение и радио

Эффект телевизионной рекламы в целом существенно выше, чем газетно-журнальный, в связи с почти безграничными возможностями видеозаписи и монтажа. Так как реклама может быть включена почти в любую передачу, то те­левидение сохраняет и «выборочные» возможности. И, конечно, никакая, даже самая популярная газета не сравнится по массовости аудитории с десятками, а то и сотнями миллионов телезрителей, «приникших» к экранам во время по­пулярного футбольного матча или развлекательной программы. Реклама на телевидении весьма дорога, ее эффективность существенно зависит от време­ни суток для показа рекламы, от удачной компоновки ее с основными переда­чами, от воздействия другой рекламы и многих иных факторов. Кроме того, до­вольно острой проблемой является время, отводимое на саму рекламу. И это вопрос не только денег, но и довольно жестких нормативных соотношений между объемом основных и рекламных передач.

В радио- и телепрограммах не допускается прерывать рекламой детские и религиозные передачи; радиопостановки и художественные фильмы без согла­сия правообладателей; транслируемые в прямом эфире передачи, освещающие деятельность органов государственной власти; образовательные передачи бо­лее чем один раз в течение 15 минут на период, не превышающий 45 секунд; пе­редачи, продолжительность трансляции которых составляет от 15 до 60 минут, более чем два раза.

Text G


Announcement can be used for any category of public relations advertising. Their primary use is to inform the public promptly about something that affects everyone. Recalling a product, explaining a failure of service, or rebutting a charge of irresponsi­bility are appropriate announcements.

Sears used announcement advertisements to tell how auto owners could apply for rebates if they believed they were charged too much or paid for replacement parts that were not needed. And Jack-In-The-Box used announcement ads to reassure con­sumers that it was taking precautions to make sure its restaurants met new health standards after an outbreak of food poisoning at several locations in the Seattle area. Here is the text of one such advertisement that appeared in the San Francisco Bay Area.


promptly - быстро

affect smb. - влиять на к.-л.

recall - принимать обратно

failure - неудача, провал

rebut - опровергать, давать отпор

a charge of - обвинение

irresponsibility - безответственность

appropriate - соответствующий, подходящий

owner - владелец

apply for - обращаться за

rebate - скидка, уступка

charge for - взимать плату за; назначать плату за; просить за

replacement parts - запасные части

reassure - заверять, уверять, убеждать

take precautions - принимать меры предосторожности

meet - соответствовать, удовлетворять, отвечать

outbreak - вспышка (гнева, эпидемии); внезапное начало (болезни); взрыв

food poisoning - пищевое отравление

location - местность


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