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7) Make up 5 questions to the text, beginning with:

why; what; where; how; when.

8) Insert prepositions where necessary (to; in; by; without):

1. You can be sure that your message is reproduced_____the exact words you choose and_____the sequence you have planned.

2. Your item news may be cut______a few words.

3. The broadcast media present______similar problems and opportunities

4. Your news item or feature idea may or may not be used - but your advertisement will be used_____alteration.

5. If you want your message presented in June, you can guarantee the date_____buying an advertisement.

9) Complete the sentences from the text with the following words (gatekeeper; message; eliminates; guarantee; ads; present):

1. ...occasionally the blue pencil ruins an idea or_______an important point.

2. If a__________changes the order or eliminates one story, the sequence is destroyed.

3. If you think your_______deserves major treatment, you can buy a whole page.

4. If you want the idea repeated, you can buy as many______as the budget permits.

5. The broadcast media____________similar problems and opportunities.

6. If timing is an important factor, advertising can_________that your message will be timely.

10) Can you explain the following?

1. With advertising, you can make your message as big, frequent, and powerful as you choose.

2. If timing is an important factor, advertising can guarantee that your message will be timely.

11) Agree or disagree:

1. The broadcast media present similar problems and opportunities.

2. Prompt response to a public issue, a fixed sequence of messages, continuity of communication - all can be maintained through advertising.

12) Give the main idea of the text in one sentence.

13) Develop in writing the following statement. Use no more than 80 words:

With advertising, you can be sure that your message is reproduced in the exact words you choose and in the sequence you have planned.

14) Render the following text in English:

Важным аспектом рекламной деятельности и залогом ее успеха является правильное позиционирование рекламируемого товара на рынке, т.е. обеспе­чение ему не вызывающего сомнения, четко отличного от других, желатель­ного места на рынке и в сознании целевых потребителей.

Известный рекламист Огилви писал: «Результаты вашей кампании в меньшей степени зависит от того, как написана реклама, чем от того, как позиционирован товар».

Позиция выбирается и формируется на базе учета следующих основных ее элементов:

1) выгоды клиента, т.е. эмоциональной причины для покупки данного товара данной фирмы;

2) целевого рынка - четко определенных, наиболее выгодных для фирмы потенциальных покупателей;

3) конкурентов - всех претендующих на завоевание доли целевого рынка фирмы.

При позиционировании могут быть использованы два подхода:

1) представить товар как еще один в ряду предлагаемых товаров. В этом слу­чае основной акцепт следует делать на рекламе, базирующейся на эмоциональ­ном воздействии;

2) представить товар как новинку, принципиально отличающуюся от това­ров данной группы (по одному или ряду параметров). Здесь более эффек­тивны аргументы рационального характера.

Text Е

Disadvantages of Advertising

Although institutional advertising can be effective in getting key messages to spe­cific audiences, there are some disadvantages.


Paid space is expensive. Ads in multiple media outlets, which are necessary for mes­sage penetration, can cost thousands of dollars in the trade press and millions in the consumer press. The most extreme example is the annual Super Bowl football game, during which a 30-second television commercial costs about $900,000.

The high cost of buying space for advertising has led many companies to shift more of their marketing communications budgets to product publicity, direct mail, and tele­marketing.


Super Bowl - Суперкубок (встреча команд американского футбола-победительниц Национальной и Американской конференций после окончания сезона). Игры на Суперкубок проводятся с 1967 г,


disadvantages - слабые стороны, недостатки

institutional - казенный, скучный, холодный

paid space - оплаченное место (в СМИ)

multiple - множественный, многократный, многочисленный

outlet - рынок сбыта, рыночный канал, канал реализации

penetration - проникновение

consumer - потребитель

annual - ежегодный

to shift - передвинуть, сместить, сдвинуть, переместить

product publicity - пропаганда товара

direct mail - прямая почтовая рассылка рекламы, директ-мейл

telemarketing - телемаркетинг, телефонный маркетинг


1) Find the English equivalents in the text. Use them in sentences of your own:

1. недостатки рекламы;

2. действенный;

3. важные сообщения;

4. платное место;

5. ежегодный футбольный матч на Суперкубок;

6. телевизионный рекламный ролик.

2) Find the words in the text which describe or mean the following:

1. the member or type of people who regularly watch or listen to a particular program -

2. happening once a year -

3. particular, or detailed, or exact -

4. something that is not favorable or that causes problems -

5. to enter something or pass through it, especially when this is difficult -

3) Translate the following words and word-combinations into Russian. Use them in sentences of your own:

specific audience; multiple media outlet; message penetration; trade press; Consumer press;

a 30-second television commercial; product publicity; direct mail; telemarketing.

4) Match the words which are close in the meaning:


to get through


to purchase



to penetrate


to shift


to buy

to change

5) Match the words having opposite meaning:




to remain



to penetrate

to sell

to shift


to buy

to ricochet

6) Complete the following sentences from the text and translate them into Russian:

1. Paid space is_________________.

2. Ads in multiple media outlet can cost_________________.

3. The high cost of buying space for advertising has led__________________.

7) Write down the questions to the following answers:

1.............................................................? Although institutional advertising can be affec­tive in getting key

messages to specific audiences, there are some disadvantages.

2.............................................................? Paid space is expensive.

3.............................................................? Ads in multiple media outlets are necessary for

message penetration.

4..............................................................? Ads in multiple media outlets can cost thou­sands of dollars in the trade press and millions of dollars in the consumer press.

5..............................................................? The most extreme example is the annual Super

Bowl football game, during which a 30-second television commercial costs about $900,000.

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