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1) Find the English equivalents in the text. Use them in sentences of your own:

1. предоставить информацию

2. ряд благотворительных организаций

3. снизить риск заболевания раком

4. симптомы сердечного приступа

5. список запретов

6. предупредить кого-либо о

7. это относится к чему-либо

8. сократить топливные расходы

2) Find in the text the words which describe or mean the following:

1. the number of miles a vehicle has traveled since it was made or since another particular time –

2. to make something smaller or less in size, amount, or price -

3. relating to money or gifts given to people who need help, or organizations that give this kind of help -

4. to do something so that something harmful or bad does not happen -

5. to give something to someone or make it available to them, because they need it or want it -

6. someone who drives a car -

3) Translate the following words into Russian. Use them in sentences of your own:

1. how-to suggestions

2. nonprofit and charitable organizations

3. warning signs

4. to prevent the spread of AIDS

5. a list of don'ts

6. to generate goodwill

7. how to get better gasoline mileage

4) Match the words which are close in the meaning:




to keep from



to reduce

to equip

to prevent


to provide

to decrease

5) Match the words having the opposite meaning:


to upgrade




to allow

to reduce


to prevent

to deprive

to provide


6) Complete the following sentences from the text and translate them into Russian:

1. Public service advertisements provide...

2. A number of nonprofit and charitable organizations use...

3. The American Red Cross gives a list of...

4. Businesses also do public service advertising, to...

5. The Shell Oil Company gives motorists hints on...

7) Insert prepositions (on; about; of; during; for; to):

1. The American Heart Association informs people____the warning signs___ a heart attack.

2. The American Lung Association warns people____the dangers_____smoking.

3. A number of nonprofit and charitable organizations use such advertising______public education.

4. Public service advertising is related____their products and services.

5. The Pacific Gas and Electric Company provides helpful hints____how to reduce energy costs___the winter months.

8) Make up 5 questions to the text.

9) Explain the following:

Public service advertisements provide information, tips, and how-to suggestions.

10) Give the main idea of the text in one sentence.

11) Read and translate the advertisement into Russian:

Cable contributes to life

The Mobil Corporation has for many years run an advocacy advertising cam­paign to express its opinion on a variety of issues that affect the oil industry. The ads, in the format of editorials, appear on a regular basis in magazines that have high readership among opinion leaders and people interested in public policy.

In early 1993, when the Clinton administration was considering higher taxes on gasoline, Mobil used advocacy ads to let the public know that "the average tax per gallon for the metropolitan areas listed was 39.6 cents" The ad went on to list 18 metropolitan areas and the total tax per gallon in each area. Chicago, for example, led the list with 53.91 cents of taxes per gallon.

Mobil's approach does not directly ask consumers to take action opposing high­er taxes by writing their congressional representative but merely provides facts and information geared to give citizens perspective on the issue. In this particular ad, it was also pointed out that the oil industry should not take all the heat for high gaso­line prices. The ad said, in part: "So, occasionally, we point out that we are not the only ones profiting from what motorists pay at the pump. In fact, a constantly larg­er chunk of what motorists pay at the pump goes directly to the tax collectors - fed­eral, state, and local".

Businesses and trade groups, however, are not the only bodies that use advocacy advertising. Charitable organizations do a great deal of public service advertising. But they also do a form of advocacy advertising when the purpose of the ad is to solicit contributions.

The City of Hope, for example, used a full-page ad in Time magazine to solicit contributions. The ad said, "You can make sure patients everywhere continue to benefit from our work by donating time and money".


Although persuasion is an element of all institutional advertising, it is the primary goal in advocacy advertising. This often means trying to get readers or viewers to agree with the position of the advertiser on some issue. Ideally, the advertising campaign will cause people to change attitudes, modify behavior, and even take steps to influence others about the issue.

A good example of an advocacy campaign designed to achieve a specific goal was run by the American Association of Railroads. Millions of Americans watched one of its commercials in which a woman and her two children are almost run off the road by the impatient driver of a triple-trailer truck.

What the viewers may not have known is that the American Association of Railroads was waging a campaign to discredit the trucking industry. The objective was to generate public opposition to congressional legislation that would allow the trucking industry to use larger and heavier vehicles on the nation's highways. Such legislation would, of course, make the trucking industry more competitive with the railroad industry.

The National Cable Television Association, facing public pressure for Congress to pass a bill to regulate cable television rates, also used an extensive advertising campaign to change public attitudes about the industry. One series of ads, designed for placement by local cable companies, concentrated on the multiple benefits of cable television. The ad did not directly discuss the impending legislation (which ultimately passed); rather, they concentrated on improving the image of the cable industry. The objective was to mute public criticism and, ideally, stem the flow of angry letters to legislators about high rates.


the American Association of Railroads - Американская ассоциация железнодорожников

the National Cable Television Association - Национальная ассоциация работников кабельного телевидения


persuasion - убеждение

primary - первостепенный, главный, основной

get smb. to do - заставить к.-л. делать ч.-л.

position - точка зрения, мнение

issue - вопрос, проблема

ideally - идеально; превосходно

cause smb. to do - заставлять

attitude отношение

modify - изменять, преобразовать

behavior - поведение

influence - влиять

designed - предназначенный

achieve - достичь

run a campaign—wage a campaign - проводить кампанию

run off - прогнать

impatient - нетерпеливый

triple - тройной

trailer – прицеп

truck - грузовой автомобиль, грузовик

discredit - опорочить, позорить, дискредитировать

objective - цель

opposition - сопротивление, противодействие, оппозиция

legislation - законодательство

vehicles - машины; перевозочные средства

nation's highways - шоссейные дороги страны

competitive - конкурентоспособный

face smth. - предстать перед, встретиться с, стоять лицом к, столкнуться с

pressure - давление

pass a bill - принять законопроект

rates - расценки

extensive - обширный, пространный

series - ряд, серия, группа

placement - размещение (рекламы в СМИ)

concentrate on - сосредоточиваться на, концентрироваться

multiple - многочисленный, многократный

benefit - польза, выгода

impending - предстоящий, неминуемый, надвигающийся

ultimately - в конечном счете, в конце концов

rather - скорее, предпочтительнее

improve - улучшать

mute - заставить замолчать, приглушить, обезмолвить

criticism - критика

stem - искоренить, уничтожить, прекратить

flow - поток

legislation - законодатель


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