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12) Can you explain the following:

1. Expected questions should be supplemented by others, such as "trick and trap" questions.

2. Mistakes here will be much easier to bear than those that might occur on a live show being broadcast to thousands.

13) Write down one sentence summing up the contents of the text.

14) Render the following text in English:

Публичные выступления - это представление: сыграйте свою роль

Те, кто подходят к своему выступлению перед публикой или интервью прес­се как к представлению, достигают наилучших результатов.

Публичное выступление требует физической и психологической энергии, сосредоточенности и размеренности. Чтобы обеспечить необходимую энергию и при этом выглядеть нормально, говорите энергичней и оживленней обычного, особенно, если находитесь от аудитории на удалении.

Жестикуляция и мимика добавляют энергичности вашим словам. Чтобы обеспечить успех выступления перед публикой или интервью прессе, требуют­ся значительные физические усилия; наклонившись вперед и жестикулируя, вы сможете лучше поддержать энергетический уровень и компенсировать не­благоприятный эффект стрессовой ситуации.

Концентрация на аудитории поможет прояснить ваши мысли и сфокусировать внимание.

Размеренность особенно нужна для продолжительных речей и интервью. Есть важное различие между «выступлением» и «игрой», и аудитория сможет немедленно почувствовать это. Повышенная энергия и оживленность помогут безукоризненно произнести речь, а желание и стремление установить контакт с аудиторией - добиться ее одобрения, а может и поддержки, и не позволит считать ваше выступление простой игрой.

Text E

Key Point

People remember only a small part of what they see and even less of what they hear. Out of several thousand words in a speech, listeners may remember only a few. If the entire speech is published, most readers still won't remember much of what they read. Therefore, every speech should contain at least one memorable key point. In a debate or on a panel, the same rule applies. Be sure that the most important ideas are stated in a clear and memorable way. With interviews this is doubly important, because an interviewer from a publication may rely on notes, taking down only the highlights. If the interview is for a radio or television program, a large part of a what is recorded may not be used. People frequently complain that after they have given an hour-long inter­view, only a minute or two is actually broadcast.

Determining the key points requires a thorough study of the subject to be covered. Among all the ideas that might be pertinent, there are always a few that are vitally important. A good way to find them is to try to boil everything down into a few brief sentences. Each of these sentences should be a clear and positive statement covering • one of the main ideas.


If the person to make an appearance is a celebrity or performer, the choice of what to wear won't be a problem. On shows being broadcast from Las Vegas or Hollywood, men commonly wear casual clothing. Women may wear flamboyant outfits that expose legs. This is part of the image they are trying to project, but these are "personality" shows whose sole purpose is to entertain.

To get a serious message across to an audience, there is a different set of rules. The speaker must dress conservatively and show or do nothing that might distract atten­tion from the message.

Men should wear conservative suits. A sports jacket might be permissible in some cases, but it must not be loud. Violent colors won't do. Suits should be dark, if there is a pattern, it should be so subdued as to be almost invisible. White reflects light, so it should be avoided. Your speakers should oven avoid white shirts. Pale blue, gray, or tan with no noticeable pattern is best.

Flashy rings, large cuff links, and big belt buckles are unacceptable. If a man has a dark beard, a shave just before the appearance is a good idea. For any television appear­ance, the producer may suggest some makeup. This should not be resisted; even the nation's presidents have used it.

Women should dress conservatively in dresses or suits. Makeup should be the kind that is normally worn for business. Any jewelry that dangles, jingles, or flashes is taboo.

Another important point is that the speaker is "on stage" at all times. A surrepti­tious scratch or adjustment of clothing may be seen by some members of the audience or picked up by a TV camera. No speaker should assume that an inelegant gesture will not be seen.


memorable – запоминающийся

highlight - основной момент, факт

pertinent - уместный, подходящий

casual - повседневно flamboyant - броский, показной

outfit - костюм

expose - выставлять напоказ

get a message across - донести идею

distract attention from smth., smb. - отвлечь внимание от к.-л., ч.-л.

permissible - допустимый

loud - кричащий, яркий

pattern - рисунок

subdued - приглушенный

surreptitious - сделанный исподтишка

celebrity - знаменитость

performer - исполнитель


1) Find the English equivalent in text. Use them in sentences of your own:

ключевой момент; вдвойне; полагаться на записи; жаловаться; подробное изу­чение вопроса; единственная цель; набор правил; избегать ч.-л.; запонки; бижу­терия; выступление по телевидению

2) Find the words in the text which describe or mean the following:

1. the most important, interesting, or enjoyable part of an activity, movie, sports event etc. -

2. directly relating to something that is being considered -

3. not formal, or not for a formal situation -

4. allowed by law or by the rules -

5. to uncover or show something that is usually covered or not able to be seen -

3) Match the words. Use them in sentences of your own:











4)Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. The weekend in Venice was definitely the highlight of our trip.

2. The information is not pertinent to this study.

3. The use of racial preferences is not permissible under the new law.

4. Two boys were smoking cigarettes surreptitiously behind the bushes.

5. Events in Europe must not distract attention from problems in the third world.

5) Complete the following sentences (audience; surreptitious; casual; applies; thor­ough; determining):

1. In a debate or on a panel, the same rule_______.

2. On shows being broadcast from Las Vegas or Hollywood, men commonly wear _________clothing.

3. A_____scratch or adjustment of clothing may be seen by some members of the__________or picked up by a TV camera.

4._______the key points requires a________study of the subject to be covered.

6) Match the words which are close in their meaning:











7) Match the words having the opposite meaning:











8) Discuss the functions of the infinitive in the following sentences. Think of your own sentences with these and some other functions.

1. If the person to make an appearance is a celebrity or performer.

2. ...it should be so subdued as to be almost invisible...

9) Write these words with correct negative prefixes (in/un; in; un/im; un; dis):

memorable, important, elegant, clear, appearance, permissible, visible, noticeable, acceptable

10) Answer the following questions:

1. Why should every speech contain at least one memorable key point?

2. In what way should the most important ideas be stated?

3. What do interviewed people often complain of?

4. What does determining the key points require?

5. Why isn't the choice of what to wear a problem for a celebrity or performer?

6. What set of rules is there to get a serious message across to an audience?

7. What sort of clothes are advisable for men who are to make an appearance?

8. What rules are there for women?

11) Can you explain the following:

1. A good way to find them is to try to boil everything down into a few brief sentences.

2. Violent colors won't do.

3. Any jewelry that dangles, jingles, or flashes is taboo.

4. These are "personality" shows whose sole purpose is to entertain.

12) Agree or disagree:

1. People remember only a small part of what they see and even less of what they hear.

2. The speaker must dress conservatively and show or do nothing that might dis­tract attention from the message.

13) Give a summary of the unit.

14) Translate the following text into Russian:

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