- •Для некоммерческого использования.
- •9. Fundamentals of English Lexicography:
- •§ 1. Definition. Links with
- •§ 2. Two Approaches to Language Study
- •§ 3. Lexicology and Sociolinguistics
- •§ 4. Lexical Units
- •§ 6. Course of Modern English
- •§ 2. Meaning in the Referential Approach
- •§ 3. Functional Approach to Meaning
- •§ 4. Relation between the Two Approaches
- •§ 5. Grammatical Meaning
- •§ 6. Lexical Meaning
- •§ 7. Parf-of-Speech Meaning
- •§ 8. Denotational and Connotational Meaning
- •§ 9. Emotive Charge
- •§ 10. Sfylistic Reference
- •§ 11. Emotive Charge and Stylistic Reference
- •§ 12. Summary and Conclusions
- •§ 13. Lexical Meaning
- •§ 14. Functional (Parf-of-Speech) Meaning
- •§ 15. Differential Meaning
- •§ 16. Distributional Meaning
- •§ 17. Morphological Motivation
- •§ 18. Phonetical Motivation
- •§ 19. Semantic Motivation
- •§ 20. Summary and Conclusions
- •§ 21. Causes of Semantic Change
- •§ 22. Nature of Semantic Change
- •§ 23. Results of Semantic Change
- •§ 24. Interrelation of
- •§ 25. Summary and Conclusions
- •§ 26. Semantic Structure of Polysemantic Words
- •§ 27. Diachronic Approach
- •§ 28. Synchronic. Approach
- •§ 29. Historical
- •§ 30. Polysemy
- •§ 31. Summary and Conclusions
- •§ 32. Homonymy of Words and Homonymy of Word-Forms
- •§ 33. Classification of Homonyms
- •§ 34. Some Peculiarities of Lexico-Grammatical Homonymy
- •§ 35. Graphic and Sound-Form of Homonyms
- •§ 36. Sources of Homonymy
- •§ 37. Polysemy and Homonymy:
- •§ 38. Formal Criteria: Distribution and Spelling
- •§ 39. Summary and Conclusions
- •§ 40. Polysemy and Context
- •§ 41. Lexical Context
- •§ 42. Grammatical Context
- •§ 43. Extra-Linguistic Context (Context of Situation)
- •§ 44. Common Contextual
- •§ 45. Conceptual (or Semantic) Fields
- •§ 46. Hyponymic (Hierarchical) Structures and Lexico-Semantic Groups
- •§ 47. Semantic Equivalence and Synonymy
- •§ 49. Patterns of Synonymic Sets in Modern English
- •§ 50. Semantic Contrasts and Antonymy
- •§ 51. Semantic Similarity
- •§ 52. Summary and Conclusions
- •§ 1. Lexical Valency (Collocability)
- •§ 2. Grammatical Valency
- •§ 3. Distribution as the Criterion of Classification
- •§ 4. Lexical Meaning
- •§ 5. Structural Meaning
- •§ 6. Interrelation of Lexical
- •§ 7. Syntactic Structure
- •§ 8. Polysemantic and Monosemantic Patterns
- •§ 9. Motivation in Word-Groups
- •§ 10. Summary and Conclusions
- •§11. Free Word-Groups
- •§ 12. Criteria of Stability
- •§ 13. Classification
- •§ 14. Some Debatable Points
- •§ 15. Criterion of Function
- •§ 16. Phraseological Units and Idioms Proper
- •§ 17. Some Debatable Points
- •§ 18. Criterion of Context
- •§ 19. Some Debatable Points
- •§ 20. Phraseology as a Subsystem of Language
- •§ 21. Some Problems of the Diachronic Approach
- •§ 22. Summary and Conclusions
- •§ 1. Segmentation of Words into Morphemes
- •§ 2. Principles of Morphemic
- •§ 3. Classification of Morphemes
- •§ 4. Procedure of Morphemic Analysis
- •§ 5. Morphemic Types of Words
- •§ 6. Derivative Structure
- •§ 7. Derivative Relations
- •§ 8. Derivational Bases
- •§ 9. Derivational Affixes
- •§ 10. Semi-Affixes
- •§ 11. Derivational Patterns
- •§ 12. Derivational Types of Words
- •§ 13. Historical Changeability of Word-Structure
- •§ 14. Summary and Conclusions
- •§ 1. Various Types and Ways of Forming Words
- •§ 2. Word-Formation.
- •§ 3. Word-Formation as the Subject of Study
- •§ 4. Productivity of Word-Formation Means
- •§ 5. Summary and Conclusions
- •§ 6. Definition. Degree
- •§ 7. Prefixation. Some Debatable Problems
- •§ 8. Classification of Prefixes
- •§ 9. Suffixation. Peculiarities of Some Suffixes
- •§ 10. Main Principles of Classification
- •§ 11. Polysemy and Homonymy
- •§ 12. Synonymy
- •§ 13. Productivity
- •§ 14. Origin of Derivational Affixes
- •§ 15. Summary and Conclusions
- •§ 16. Definition
- •§ 17. Synchronic Approach
- •§ 18. Typical Semantic Relations
- •I. Verbs converted from nouns (denominal verbs).
- •II. Nouns converted from verbs (deverbal substantives).
- •§ 19. Basic Criteria of Semantic Derivation
- •§ 20. Diachronic Approach of Conversion. Origin
- •§ 21. Productivity.
- •§ 22. Conversion and Sound-(stress-) Interchange
- •1) Breath — to breathe
- •§ 23. Summary and Conclusions
- •§ 24. Compounding
- •§ 25. Structure
- •§ 26. Meaning
- •§ 27. Structural Meaning of the Pattern
- •§ 28. The Meaning of Compounds. Motivation
- •§ 29. Classification
- •§ 30. Relations between the iCs of Compounds
- •§31. Different Parts of Speech
- •§ 32. Means of Composition
- •§ 33. Types of Bases
- •§ 34. Correlation between Compounds and Free Phrases
- •§ 35. Correlation Types of Compounds.
- •§ 36. Sources of Compounds
- •§ 37. Summary and Conclusions
- •§ 1. Some Basic Assumptions
- •§ 2. Semantic Characteristics and Collocability
- •§ 3. Derivational Potential
- •§ 4. Summary and Conclusions
- •§ 5. Causes and Ways of Borrowing
- •§ 6. Criteria of Borrowings
- •§ 7. Assimilation of Borrowings
- •§ 8. Phonetic, Grammatical
- •§ 9. Degree of Assimilation and Factors Determining It
- •§ 10. Summary and Conclusions
- •§ 11. The Role of Native and Borrowed Elements
- •§ 12. Influence of Borrowings
- •§ 13. Summary and Conclusions
- •§ 1. Notional and Form-Words
- •§ 2. Frequency, Polysemy and Structure
- •§ 3. Frequency and Stylistic Reference
- •§ 4. Frequency, Polysemy and Etymology
- •§ 5. Frequency and Semantic Structure
- •§ 6. Development of Vocabulary
- •§ 7. Structural and Semantic
- •§ 8. Productive Word-Formation
- •§ 9. Various Ways of Word-Creation
- •§ 10. Borrowing
- •§ 11. Semantic Extension
- •§ 12. Some Debatable Problems of Lexicology
- •§ 13. Intrinsic Heterogeneity of Modern English
- •§ 14. Number of Vocabulary
- •§ 15. Summary and Conclusions
- •§ 1. General Characteristics
- •§ 2. Lexical Differences of Territorial Variants
- •§ 3. Some Points of History
- •§ 4. Local Dialects in the British Isles
- •§ 5. The Relationship Between
- •§ 6. Local Dialects in the usa
- •§ 7. Summary and Conclusions
- •§ 1. Encyclopaedic and Linguistic Dictionaries
- •§ 2. Classification of Linguistic Dictionaries
- •§ 3. Explanatory Dictionaries
- •§ 4. Translation Dictionaries
- •§ 5. Specialised Dictionaries
- •§ 6. The Selection
- •§ 7. Arrangement of Entries
- •§ 8. Selection and Arrangement of Meanings
- •§ 9. Definition of Meanings
- •§ 10. Illustrative Examples
- •§ 11. Choice of Adequate Equivalents
- •§ 12. Setting of the Entry
- •§ 13. Structure of the Dictionary
- •§ 14. Main Characteristic
- •§ 15. Classification of Learner’s Dictionaries
- •§ 16. Selection of Entry Words
- •§ 17. Presentation of Meanings
- •§ 18. Setting of the Entry
- •§ 19. Summary and Conclusions
- •§ 1. Contrastive Analysis
- •§ 2. Statistical Analysis
- •§ 3. Immediate Constituents Analysis
- •§ 4. Distributional Analysis and Co-occurrence
- •§ 5. Transformational Analysis
- •§ 6. Componental Analysis
- •§ 7. Method of Semantic Differential
- •§ 8. Summary and Conclusions
- •I. Introduction
- •II. Semasiology
- •Meaning and Polysemy
- •Polysemy and Homonymy
- •III. Word-groups and phraseological units
- •Interdependence of Structure and Meaning in Word-Groups
- •IV. Word-structure
- •V. Word-formation
- •Various Ways of Forming Words
- •Affixation
- •Word-Composition
- •VI. Etymological survey of the english word-stock
- •Words of Native Origin
- •Borrowings
- •Interrelation between Native and Borrowed Elements
- •VII. Various aspects of vocabulary units and replenishment of modern english word-stock
- •Interdependence of Various Aspects of the Word
- •Replenishment of Modern English Vocabulary
- •Ways and Means of Enriching the Vocabulary
- •VIII. Variants and dialects of the english language The Main Variants of the English Language
- •IX. Fundamentals of english lexicography Main Types of English Dictionaries
- •Some Basic Problems of Dictionary-Compiling
- •X. Methods and procedures of lexicological analysis
§ 3. Functional Approach to Meaning
recent years a new and entirely different approach to meaning known
as the functional approach has begun to take shape in linguistics and
especially in structural linguistics. The functional approach
maintains that the meaning of a linguistic unit may be studied only
through its relation to other linguistic-units and not through its
relation to either concept or referent. In a very simplified form
this view may be illustrated by the following: we know, for instance,
that the meaning of the two words move
different because they function in speech differently. Comparing the
contexts in which we find these words we cannot fail to observe that
they occupy different positions in relation to other words. (To)
move, e.g.,
can be followed by a noun (move
chair), preceded by a pronoun (we move),
The position occupied by the word movement
different: it may be followed by a preposition (movement
by an adjective (slow movement),
so on. As the distribution l
two words is different, we are entitled to the conclusion that not
only do they belong to different classes of words, but that their
meanings are different too.
The same is true of the different meanings of one and the same word. Analysing the function of a word in linguistic contexts and comparing these contexts, we conclude that; meanings are different (or the same) and this fact can be proved by an objective investigation of linguistic data. For example we can observe the difference of the meanings of the word take if we examine its functions in different linguistic contexts, take the tram (the taxi, the cab,, etc.) as opposed to to take to somebody.
It follows that in the functional approach (1) semantic investigation is confined to the analysis of the difference or sameness of meaning; (2) meaning is understood essentially as the function of the use of linguistic units. As a matter of fact, this line of semantic investigation is the primary concern, implied or expressed, of all structural linguists.
1 By the term distribution we understand the position of a linguistic unit in relation to other linguistic units.
§ 4. Relation between the Two Approaches
comparing the two approaches described above in terms of methods of
linguistic analysis we see that the functional approach should not be
considered an alternative, but rather a valuable complement to the
referential theory. It is only natural that linguistic investigation
must start by collecting an adequate number of samples of contexts.1
On examination the meaning or meanings of linguistic units will
emerge from the contexts themselves. Once this phase had been
completed it seems but logical to pass on to the referential phase
and try to formulate the meaning thus identified. There is absolutely
no need to set the two approaches against each other; each handles
its own side of the problem and neither is complete without the
It is more or less universally recognised that word-meaning is not homogeneous but is made up of various components the combination and the interrelation of which determine to a great extent the inner facet of the word. These components are usually described as types of meaning. The two main types of meaning that are readily observed are the grammatical and the lexical meanings to be found in words and word-forms.
§ 5. Grammatical Meaning
We notice, e.g., that word-forms, such as girls, winters, joys, tables, etc. though denoting widely different objects of reality have something in common. This common element is the grammatical meaning of plurality which can be found in all of them.
Thus grammatical meaning may be defined ,as the component of meaning recurrent in identical sets of individual forms of different words, as, e.g., the tense meaning in the word-forms of verbs (asked, thought, walked, etc.) or the case meaning in the word-forms of various nouns (girl’s, boy’s, night’s, etc.).
In a broad sense it may be argued that linguists who make a distinction between lexical and grammatical meaning are, in fact, making a distinction between the functional (linguistic) meaning which operates at various levels as the interrelation of various linguistic units and referential (conceptual) meaning as the interrelation of linguistic units and referents (or concepts).
In modern linguistic science it is commonly held that some elements of grammatical meaning can be identified by the position of the linguistic unit in relation to other linguistic units, i.e. by its distribution. Word-forms speaks, reads, writes have one and the same grammatical meaning as they can all be found in identical distribution, e.g. only after the pronouns he, she, it and before adverbs like well, badly, to-day, etc.
1 It is of interest to note that the functional approach is sometimes described as contextual, as it is based on the analysis of various contexts. See, e. g., St. Ullmann. Semantics. Oxford, 1962, pp. 64-67.
It follows that a certain component of the meaning of a word is described when you identify it as a part of speech, since different parts of speech are distributionally different (cf. my work and I work).1