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3. Form with the help of suffixes –(a) (t) ion or –ment corresponding nouns from the following verbs and translate them.

reconstruct,replace, introduce, develop, consume, discuss, preserve, coordinate, deplete, cooperate, evaporate.

4. Check your knowledge and uderstanding the following words with the help of terminological dictionary:

effluent, cleanse, crop, loss, area, impact, aeration, permafrost, sewage.

5. Find the Ukrainian equivalents of the following word-combinations:

A: cleaning system, industrial wastewater, waste-free system, key consumer, pros and cons, abundant crops, inflict damage, irrigated area, never-ending sources, far-sighted attitude, annual rainfall, artificial cloud control, additional precipitation, arid area, hardy crops, low-salinity sea-water, closed production cycle, urban water, recirculated water system, industrial and domestic effluent, per capita daily water consumption, city aeration, desalination plant, river runoff, permafrost zones;

B: зрошувальні площини, доводи за і проти, наносити збиток, нескінченні ресурси, безвідходна система, система очистки, головний споживач, щорічна кількість опадів, багаті врожаї, далекоглядне ставлення, промислові стічні води, щоденне споживання води на душу населення, міська вода, система рециркульованої води, річний стік, промислові і міські очищені води, контроль за утворенням штучної хмари, міські станції аерації води, зони багаторічної мерзлоти, стійкі врожаї, морська вода з низькою наявністю солей, додаткові опади, посушливий район, замкнений цикл виробництва, завод (пристрій) по знесоленню води, очисні спорудження.

6. Read the text and say what new information have you got:


Of the 10 years which form the un-declared Drinking Water Decade three have already passed. Mankind has accumulated a considerable experience. Several schemes which appears to be promising have failed to justify themselves.These include artificial cloud control with a view to obtaining additional precipitation. The thus provoked rains frequently fall where they are not needed.

The shortage of fresh water is also due to the fact that 80 per cent of it is diverted to the irrigation of fields ( 250 million hectares of agricultural land, almost 100 million of which fall to the share of the developing countries). Meanwhile stable crops can also be obtained inother equally effective ways – by employing agricultural practices designed specially for arid and by choosing the most hardy crops and their varieties. An interesting experience is that of some Baltic farms, which have introduced irrigation by low-salinity sea water.

It is absolutely inadmissible to dump uncleaned sewage into rivers and lakes. The most effective method of protecting the water environment is to shift to a closed production cycle. This offers a triple advantage: saving of water (cleaned, it can be reused), opening the way for extracting valuable substances from the wastes and ruling out harm to nature.

Today water recycling in industrial enterprises is a reality. In the former Soviet Union, for instance, recirculated water systems are already functioning in many plants and factories. The volume of recirculated water supply in our country has reached per cent of the total of fresh water used infilling production requirements.

Technological progress makes possible the constant improvement of urban water-supply systems as well.In Ukraine more than griven are spent annualy on construction of purifiers. Now the scale of cleansing structures inmost of our large cities makes it possible to process all industrial and domestic effluent. However, cities expand and with them water consumption also expands.

Near – Fantastic Projects

Man has long turned his eyes to the immense water resources of the oceans and seas. A;as, their water is undrinkable, but in our time topping up of fresh water reserves by desalination has ceased to be a dream. Several desalination plants are already operating on some islands of the West Indies, in the Middle East and the United States. In Russia on the deserted coast of the Caspian Sea ( the Manyshlak Peninsula ) the modern city of Shevchenko has sprung up. Each of its 120.000 inhabitants uses a daily 400 litres of fresh water obtained with the aid of the world’s largest desalination plant.

Many bold original projects are designed to resolve the fresh water problem on a world scale. One proposal is to tow icebergs in order to provide water to the arid areas of Australia, South America< Southern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. The Antarctic ice cap releases into the ocean at least 2.400 cubic kilometres of crystalclear fresh water annually.

Another proposal is to transport fresh water in tanks tied into garlands each holding 25.000 cubic metres of water.

7. Name all ways to solving the problem of fresh water.

8. Explain the most effective method of the protection of water resources

9. Explain how one can solve the problem of expanding of water consumption in big cities.

10. What way is soved the problem of water desalinationin some countries,

11. Say in detail about the ways of solving the problem of fresh water in the world scale, which you have read in this text.


1. Read and define the meaning of the following words:

storm n, period n, stable a, balance n, correct a, exploration n, regulate v, permanent a, aesthetic a, dust n.

2. Read and remember the following words:

destroy – розрушати

improper – неправильний

sparse – рідкий ( про населення ), розкиданий

irretrievable – непоправний

steep – крутий

heap – куча

excessive – посилений, надлишковий

cattle – худоба

prohibit – забороняти

ban – забороняти

danger – небезпека

meadow – луки

harm – причиняти шкоду

3. Check your knowledge the following words with the terminological dictionary:

slope, measure, avalanche, mountain, gorge, foam, grasing, denuded, felling rock, ore, dam, flood, sand, silt, habitat

4. Give the correspondence:

1 dust storm 1 еродовані ( розмиті ) грунти)

2 eroded soils 2 дно річки

3 anti-erosion measures 3 пилова буря

4 mud avalanche 4 ґрунти на заливних землях

5 dust analanche 5 захисні дамби

6 fertile lands 6 відпрацьована руда

7 plant resources 7 пилова лавина

8 random felling of trees 8 селевий потік, селі

9 refuse ore 9 родючі землі

10 check dams 10невпорядкована вирубка дерев

11 river bed 11 заходи проти ерозії ґрунту

12 floodland soil 12 лісозахисна зона, лісна зона

13 forest belt 13 рослинні ресурси

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