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1. Read and translate the following international words:

atmosphere n, troposphere n, stratosphere n, exosphere n, ultraviolet a.

2. Remember the pronunciation and translation of the following words:

breathe – дихати

envelop – оточувати, обкутувати

harmful – шкідливий, згубний

originate-відбуватися, брати початок

altitude – висота

3. Name the verbs from which the following nouns were formed and tanslate them: protaction, variation, container, development, observation, radiation, reflection, location, composition.

4. Check your knowledge the following words with the help of terminological dictionary:

vapour, absorption, dispersal, density, mixture, admixture.

5. Read the text and give the main idea:


The atmosphere is not just the air breathed by people, animals and plants. It is also a gaseous substance enveloping the earth, protecting it from abrupt changes in temperature ( without the atmosphere, daily variations in the temperature on the planet would reach 200 C ) and protecting all living things from harmful solar and cosmic radiation. The direct and indirect influences of the atmosphere on man are varied.

The atmosphere consists of the following basic strata:

  1. The troposphere reaches to a height of 8 to 17 kilometres; it contains 80 per cent of the atmospheric mass and water vapour; the weather phenomena develop in it.

  2. The stratosphere is the layer above the troposphere and reaches to an altitude of about 40 kilometres. The greates concentration of ozone ( O ) is observed in the stratosphere’s upper level.. The ozone absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation and protects life from its harmful effect.

  3. The ionosphere is the layer above the stratosphere containing highly ionised gas molecules. This layer protects the biosphere from the harmful effect of cosmic radiation and influences the reflection and absorption of radio waves; the northern lights originate here.

  4. The exosphere is located above the ionosphere and is also known as the dispersal spere, because the gas molecules of this layer are disposed into outer space.

It is impossible to exactly determine the upper limit of the earth’s atmosphere. The higher the altitude the less dense the air. At sufficiently high altitudes, the air density is higher than that of the interplanetary space. Up to 250 kilometres, the atmosphere is composed of the following gases: nitrogen 78.09 per cent( by volume), oxygen 20.95 per cent, argon 0.93 per cent, carbon dioxide 0.03 per cent, as well as small quantities of neon, helium, krypton, xenon, hydrogen and ozone. According toSoviet space research, the principal component of the atmosphere at a height of 250 to 300 kilometres is atomic oxygen. Even higher, beginning at a height of 500 to 600 kilometres, the atmosphere becomes a mixture of helium and hydrogen, and its very outer layer consists of atomic hydrogen.

Besides gases, the atmosphere always contains a certain amount of water vapours and various admixtures.

6. Find in the text the paragraph which is said what layer of the atmosphere defines the weather conditions.

7. Confirm by the facts from the text how the atmosphere layers defend the life on the Earth.

8. Give the definition of the main layers of the atmosphere.

9. Give a title the last but one paragraph from the text.

Вживання коми

В простому поширеному реченні кома ставиться:

1. Для відокремлення однорідних членів речення, на відміну від української мови, часто ставиться також перед останнім з трьох або більше однорідних членів, перед яким стоїть сполучник and і. Наприклад:

There are many theatres, museums, and libraries in London. - В Лондоні багато театрів, музеїв та бібліотек.

2. Для виділення, як і в українській мові, прикладка з пояснювальними словами, які стоять після визначає мого іменника. Наприклад:

Washington, the capital of the USA, is a very large city. - Вашингтон, столиця США , дуже велике місто.

3. Для виділення самостійного дієприкметникового звороту. Наприклад:

It being Sunday, the library was closed. - Так як була неділя, бібліотека була зачинена.

4. Для виділення вставних слів і словосполучень, таких як: howeverпроте, однак

thus – таким чином

in addition – на додаток

for example – наприклад

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