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1. Read the following paragraphs of the text and define their main idea.

2. Write out from the text and translate the words and word-combinations connecting with the preserving the environment.


1. Recently more and more attention has been focused on the problem of preserving the environment. Over the past thirty years or so the quality of many people’s lives has deteriorated in some respects because of technological progress. Those people living near airports are constantly attacked by the noise of increasingly larger and more powerful jet aircraft taking off and landing. We have ugly buildings which have appeared in towns and cities. Some of these are blocks of flats-high-rise buildings built because of the high price of land.

2. The motor car has been responsible for many changes in the environment. On the one hand it has brought mobility to millions of people but on the other it has led to the construction of more noisy and dangerous roads and has polluted the atmosphere with exhaust fumes.

3. While towns and cities have become larger and uglier and more densely populated, the rural areas have lost most of their population owing to yhe need for fewer workers in agriculture. The countryside has also been affected by the large-scale use of insecticides. For one thing the killing of insects has resulted in a loss of balance in the ecology. Isects, although a nuisance to farmers, provide food for birds. Many people are afraid that fruit and vegetables sprayed with chemicals may have some poisonous effect upon the people who eat them.

4. Recently, however, certain counter measures against the destruction of the environment have been introduced. One of the first acts of Parliament to counter pollution was the Clean Air Act, which opened the way to smokeless zones in large towns and cities. This followed a very bad winter in which many people with bronchial complaints become very ill or died through the effects of a mixture of smoke, fog and fumes known as “ smog”. Rivers which are fouled up with industrial chemical waste are now being cleaned, and fish which could not live there a few years ago can be caught again.

3. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and word-combinations:

суміш диму, туману і парів; інсектицид; погіршуватися; технічний прогрес; хімікати; промислові відходи; забруднювати; шум; комаха; охорона (збереження) навколишнього середовища; боротися з забрудненням; вихлопні гази; бездимна зона; порушення екологічної рівноваги; отруйний.

4.Find the sentences in the text with the following words:

noise, noisy, insecticides, price, measures, preserving,smokeless, deteriorate, smog, pollute, clean, waste,chemicals

5. Find the correspondence:

1.smog 1.protect environment

2.pollute 2.make or become worse (in quality)

3.preserve,v 3.thrown away because not wanted; useless; refuse

4.deteriorate 4.fog with smoke, exhaust fumes from motor-vehicles, etc.

5.waste 5.make dirty, impure

6.Find inthe first paragraph the sentence defining the main idea of this paragraph.

7.How do you think, about what country is said in the text?

8.Read the text without the dictionary and say what the main problem is.

People everywhere have become aware of a new kind of pollution – noise pollution. The problem has been brought into sharp focus by the discovery that many teenagers have suffered permanent hearing loss following long exposures to amplified rock music, and by public concern about the effects of sonic booms that would be caused by supersonic transports (SST) if they were put into commercial service.

Noise is usually measured in decibels. A tenfold increase in the strength of a sound adds 10 units on the decibel scale, a 100-fold increase adds 20. The human threshold of hearing is represented by zero decibels.

Even a brief exposure to intense noise can cause temporary loss of hearing acuity. Permanent loss of hearing follows chronic exposure to high noise levels. Noise levels as low as 50-55 decibels may delay or interfere with sleep and result in a feeling of fatigue onawakening. There has been growing evidence that noise in the 90-decibel range may cause irreversible changes in the nervous system. These forms of damdge, including permanent hearing loss such as that suffered by fans of rock music, can occur at noise levels well below those that are painful. Noise may be a factor in many stress-related diseases, such as peptic ulcer and hypertension,although present evidence is only circumstantial. In any case noise pollution is clearly a growing threat to o0ur health and happiness.

teenager – підліток; дівчина або хлопець

peptic ulcer – виразка шлунку

9.Give a title the text.

10.Name all international words you have seen in the text.

11.Say why the numbers 10, 50-55, 90 are mentioned in the text.



1. Read and translate the following international words:

resources, n; figure,n; synthesize,v; toxicological,a; allergic,a; respiratory,a; endocrine,a; integral,a; liquidation,n; vibration,n; magnetic,a; project,n; neutralizer,n; cylinder,n; control,n,v; minimize,v; commercial,a; limitn,v.

2. Remember the pronunciation and translation of the following words:

thrifty – економний, бережливий

allocate – асигнувати

provide for – передбачати ,завбачати

envisage – передбачати, намічати

transfer – переміщувати, перекидати

retain – зберігати, утримувати

stringent - суворий

3. Check ,if you remember the meaning of the following words and word-combinations:

the rest (of), double, purity, aside from,according to, as high as, in many respects, as...as, in view of , with respect to.

4. Translate the words with the prefix re- , which has the meaning of the repeated actions. By the translation you may use the words “повторно”, „удруге”, or prefixes „пере- ,від-, по-”.

Production – reproduction; consider – reconsider; utilization – reutilization; precipitation – reprecipitation; distribute(розподіляти) – redistribute; sampling (відбір проб) – resampling; settling( відстоювання. ) – resettling; salinization(засолення ґрунту) – resalinization.

5. Check your knowledge the following words and word-combinations with the help of the terminological dictionary:

by-product, waste, industrial waste, household waste, discharge, fertilizer, foodstuff, prevention, nature reserve, deposit, comprehensive, forecasting, shortage, irrigation, drain, healthy environment, non-waste technology, soil washout, afforestation, forestation, recycle, recycling, monitoring, noxious, maximum permissible concentration.

6. Define the verbs from which the following nouns were formed and translate them.

Eradication, maintenance, neutralizer, forecasting, consumption, vibration, installation, additive, fertilizer, irrigation, purification, fluctuation, precipitation, liquidation, elimination, concentration, prevention.

7.Translate the following word-combinations:

1.water,waste,waste-paper – recycling

2.food, timber, water, fertilizer – shortage

3.chemical,antismoke, food, paper – additive

4.weather, long-range, seasonal, frost and minimum temperature – forecasting

5.atmospheric, automatic, long-term, hydrologic, chemical, environmental quality – monitoring

6.energy, oxygen, food, water, fuel, stream, per capita – consumption

7.city, factory, gaseous, toxic, radioactive, food – waste

8.combat – pollution, noise, radiation, vibration, dangerous consequences

9.chemical, mineral, nitrogen, organic, phosphate, synthetic – fertilizer

10.ash,wastes, industrial, circulating, water – discharge

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