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Учебник английского языка (модуль).doc
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1 Уровень

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите диалог, обратите внимание на выражения, выделенные курсивом

Nadia: Good morning! Could you recommend me something interesting?

Librarian: Of course I can, but wouldn't you like to look through the catalogue yourself? (Nadia looks through the subject catalogue, chooses two books, fills in a slip and hands it to the librarian).This isn't the kind of book I'd recommend you to read. That one is a well-written entertaining story of the war.

Nadia: Then I rely on your choice. You have already suggested to me quite a number of interesting books which I have read with the greatest interest.

Librarian: There are so many subscribers to our library that it's difficult to remember the taste of each.

Nadia: In fact, I am interested in everything: fiction, historical books and books on journey. Couldn't you recommend me something in English? I prefer to read foreign literature in the original, not in translation, just for the sake of improving my knowledge of English.

Librarian: I'd suggest to you a science fiction novel. It's not difficult for reading. The language of the characters is chiefly colloquial. It is a very exciting and entertaining book and very much in demand.

Nadia: Well, let me have it. This book is just the thing for me.

Librarian: Please, let me have your card and I'll make an entry in it.

Nadia: Thank you very much. I've got something to read for at least a fortnight.

Задание 2. Выучите тему наизусть

At the Library

Books play a great role in our life. Reading makes a man clever and wise. There are lots of libraries in our country. As for me, I like to read very much and I go to the library to get a new interesting book. We see many books on the shelves. There are different novels, poems, plays, books on sports, history and geography. You can not only take home books from the library, you can read books in the reading-hall. But I prefer to read at home. Best of all I like to read adventure books, detective stories and historical novels. Some time ago I read a famous historical novel written by the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. It's called "War and Peace". The book is very big, but it's easy to read. It depicts the events of the war of 1812 between Russian and French armies. The author has described the atmosphere of that time. The main heroes of the novel are Natasha Rostova, Pierre Besoukhov. I’ve read the book with great interest.

Задание 3. Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык, а затем все предложение на русский язык

1. Nadya is (любит читать) at the public library. 2. Reading books is (большое удовольствие) for her. 3. She exchanges books every (две недели). 4. She (просматривает) the subject-catalogue. 5. She (просматривает) two books. 6. Nadya fills in (требование) and (вручает) it to the librarian. 7. The librarian (не рекомендует) her this book. 8. The chosen book is а (бессодержательная) one. 9. She (полагается) on the librarian's choice. 10. The librarian (помнит) the taste of each subscriber. 11. The librarian (предлагает) to her a science fiction book. 12. The book suggested by the librarian is a very (захватывающая и занимательная) one. 13. Nadya prefers reading foreign literature in the original (ради усовершенствования знаний) of the foreign language. 14. The librarian makes an entry (в карточку). 15. The book (пользуется большим спросом). 16. Nadya enjoys reading newspapers and (журналы). 17. She likes to read (рецензии) of books, plays and films. 18. She is well informed about the latest (мировых событиях).

Задание 4. Поставьте глаголы в предложениях в Present Continuous Tense

1. I go to the library every day. 2. I read the books in the evening. 3. Mr. Brown fills in the request slip in the library. 4. They read magazines in the Reading room. 5. My friends often go to the library. 6. They often work in the current periodicals area. 7. I always wait for my books at the issue desk.