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4. Словообразование

4.1 Наиболее употребительные суффиксы и префиксы существительных

Суффиксы существительных

Префиксы существительных

-er/orteacher, writer, actor, doctor

-istscientist, artist

-ment — movement, development, government

-ess — fortress, hostess, actress

-ian — musician, technician, politician

-ance — distance, importance, appearance

-(t)ion — revolution, translation, operation

-ity/-ty — popularity; honesty, morality, ability

-hood — childhood, neighbourhood

-y — energy, assembly

-ship — friendship, leadership

-age — passage, marriage

-ism — heroism, socialism, capitalism

-ant — assistant, consultant

-ence — conference, silence, difference

-ure — culture, picture, agriculture

-ing — building, reading, meeting

-dom — freedom, kingdom, wisdom

-sion/ssion— revision, session, discussion,

-ness — happiness, illness, darkness

(-s)ure — pleasure, treasure, measure

re — reconstruction,

со — cooperation, coexistence

dis — disadvantage, discomfort, distaste

in — inaccuracy, independence

mis — misunderstanding, misprinting, misinformation

im — impossibility, impatience

un — unemployment, unconcern, unreality

ill — illegality, illiteracy.

4.2 Наиболее употребительные суффиксы и префиксы глаголов

Суффиксы глаголов

Префиксы глаголов

-en — deepen, lighten, strengthen;

-fy — classify, electrify, specify

-ize — organize, characterize, mechanize

-ate — indicate, activate, translate

co — cooperate, coexist, collaborate

de — decode, decompose, demobilize

dis — disbelieve, disapprove, disappear

in — input, inlay, incut, indraw

im — immigrate, impart, implant

inter — interact, interchange, interdepend

ir — irradiate, irrigate, irritate

over — overcome, overheat, overhear, overlook

re — readjust, rebuild, reconstruct, rewrite

mis — misprint, misunderstand, miscount

4.3 Наиболее употребительные суффиксы и префиксы прилагательных

Суффиксы прилагательных

Префиксы прилагательных

-ful — careful, beautiful, useful, powerful

-ant — distant, important, resistant

-ous — famous, dangerous, various

-ed — talented, developed, interested

-ing — interesting, disappointing

-al — natural, cultural, territorial

-ent — dependent, transparent, different

-ish — Spanish, British, boyish, Irish

-ible — possible, terrible, visible, convertible

-able — comfortable, miserable

-ic — atomic, historic, poetic, heroic

-y — rainy, busy, sunny, windy, dirty

-less — hopeless, lifeless, useless, homeless

-ary — ordinary, revolutionary, necessary

-ive inventive, effective, impressive, detective

-ian Russian, Canadian, Romanian

un unhappy, unable, uncomfortable

in independent, indirect, invisible

disdisappointing, disconnecting

im impossible, imperfect, immaterial

non non-ferrous, non-governmental

ir irregular, irresponsible, irrational

post post-war, post-operational

inter interdependent, interchangeable, international

ill — illegal, illiberal, illimitable.


Native places and the town”