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Учебник английского языка (модуль).doc
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2 Уровень

Задание 1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту «My Day Off» (1 уровень, задание 1)

1. What days of the week do you like and why?

2. What time do you get up on Sunday?

3. What do you do in the morning?

4. How do you usually spend your days off?

5. Do you often go to the country on your days off?

6. How did you spend your last Sunday?

7. Do you go shopping?

8. Do you go in for sports on Sunday?

Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите диалог. Разыграйте диалог

A. Hi, Alex! It is nice to meet you. They say you are attending the courses of studying the Spanish language. Are you going to enter Foreign Languages Institute?

B. Hi, Kate! No, I am not going to enter such kind of educational institution. Learning foreign languages is my hobby.

A. Oh, good for you. To my mind, learning foreign languages adds much to the knowledge of your own language. Is it difficult to study Spanish?

B. Believe it or not, but it is easy for me.

A. Is that really so? Great! Will you be so kind as to let me go with you to these courses?

B. It goes without saying. You are welcome.

A. Alex, I don’t know how to thank you ... What should I take with me?

B. Kate, you need only a notebook and a pen. They have all modern study aids: tape-recorders, voice recording with booklets, videotapes...

A. Sorry for interrupting you. And do you use computers during your classes?

B. Certainly! Computers provide not only instruction and practice, but also self instruction. You may use different application programs. You will go and see.

A. Thanks a lot! That’s fine!

3 Уровень

Задание 1. Обменяйтесь мнениями о времяпрепровождении, используя предлагаемые выражения

- What are the most popular free time activities in Britain?

- Some children spend all their free time staying at home. They watch TV or play video games.

- Oh, great! Computer games are very expensive. And they have become rather popular in this country too.

- My friends are crazy about computers. But I think it’s a waste of time. I prefer outdoor activities.

- There is a running boom in Britain today. I started running and jogging. Next summer I’m going to take part in the London Marathon.

- Really? I’m also a member of our school football team…

- What other sports clubs do you have?

- We have a chess club (an aerobic club, a tennis club…)

- And where do young people in your town (city) go for a night out?

- Discos are the usual thing.

Задание 2. Заполните пропуски подходящими словами, первые буквы которых даны в предложениях

1) Most people choose a hobby for p.... 2) People of a... any age can enjoy hobbies. 3) Almost any kind of l... activity can become a hobby. 4) Hobbies of different categories may o.. each other. 5) Hobbyists have many p... in each art form. 6) The most w... kind of hobby is collecting. 7) Some hobbyists can work s... with their hands. 8) Some people are engaged in n... activities. 9) Hobbyist may use k... to make model aero planes. 10) J... making is a kind of handicrafts.

Задание 3. Давайте поговорим о вашем хобби

What do you think a hobby is? Let's speak about your hobbies. I'd like to say that it's very interesting to have a hobby. Hobbies help us to learn more about our planet, to be more intelligent and well-educated. We should all have a hobby and our life will be more interesting. You know there is the proverb "Tastes differ". Whose hobby do you think is the best?

1. Travelling. Who is interested in travelling? Tell us about your hobby.

2. Collecting stamps. Who has a collection of stamps? Tell us a few words about your collections. Is your collection thematic? What is its name? What can stamps teach you? Are you proud of your collection(s)?

3. There is one more hobby - going to the theatre. Who enjoys going to the theatre? Are you a theatre-goers? Do you prefer to have seats in the stalls or in the balcony? What is your favourite theatre?

4. Books are our best friends, aren't they? Which of you adores reading? What types of books do you prefer? Have you got a big collection of books at home? How long have you been collecting books? Tell us about your library.

5. Who is fond of dancing? Would you like to tell us about your hobby?

6. Cooking is a beautiful hobby, isn't it? Can everybody cook well? Who cooks in your family?