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Учебник английского языка (модуль).doc
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3 Уровень

Задание 1. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский

1. Сейчас ровно 2 часа. 2. Я встаю в 7 часов 10 минут. В половине восьмого я завтракаю. 3. Без пяти минут восемь я выхожу (leave) из дома. 4. Занятия начинаются полдевятого. 5. Я возвращаюсь домой около 4.45. 6. Я ложусь спать около 12 часов. 7. Сейчас 10 минут седьмого. 8. Он позвонит без четверти восемь. 9. Мне необходимо 50 минут, чтобы выполнить эту работу. 10. Встретимся около кинотеатра в 6.15.

Задание 2. Запишите следующие цифры, номера комнат, автобусов, страниц на английском языке

первый, второй, третий, четвертый, пятый, восьмой, девятый, двенадцатый

пятая комната, третий автобус, страница двадцатая.

Задание 3. Напишите даты по-английски

1) 7 марта 1999 года; 2)1 сентября 1974 года; 3) 22 апреля 1911 года; 4) 11 марта 1951 года; 5) 12 декабря 2024 года.

Задание 4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous Tense или в Present Simple Tense

One Sunday Agnes and her mother went to the zoo. Agnes was very excited. She was interested in everything she saw.

"Mother, look," she said. "There (to be) a monkey in this cage. It (to eat) an apple. Now it (to give) a bite to another monkey. I (to think) monkeys (to like) apples very much."

"Yes, dear," said her mother.

"Now I (to want) to go and see the lions and tigers. Where they (to live), mother?"

"In that big house over there. Come along."

Agnes enjoyed herself very much in the lion house. "Mother," she said, "the tiger (to want) a drink: it (to go) to the dish of water there in the corner. And the lion (to look) right at me. You (to think) it (to want) to eat me up? When the lions and tigers (to have) their dinner, mother?"

"The keepers (to bring) them great pieces of meat every day at four o'clock. And they (to make) a big noise before their dinner time, so everybody (to know) they (to be) hungry."

Задание 6. Закончите предложения, поставив глагол из скобок в Present Simple Tense или Present Continuous Tense

1. A: Look, it ………. again. (rain)

B: Yes, it ………. this time of year. (rain)

2. Good night, I ………. to bed. I always ………. there during the week, (go, go)

3. Most days, John ……….to work, but since it ………. today he ………. his car to work. So Mary ………. her shopping at the local shop instead of the supermarket where she usually………., (cycle, rain, take, do, go)

4. A: Where are the children?

B: They ………. in the garden. They ………. home from school at about four and usually ………. straight out to play with their friends, (play, get, go)

5. A: What work ……….?

B: He ………. French and German, and this term he ………. English as well, (your husband do, teach, teach)

6. We usually ………. the news on TV at seven o’clock, but tonight we ………. that new soap opera, (watch, watch)

Обучающий модуль 2.2 Словообразование. Future Simple Tense. To be going to

1 Уровень

Задание 1. Прочитайте следующие существительные, укажите, от каких слов они образованы, подчеркните суффиксы

pressure, construction, direction, concentration, collection, necessity, agreement, difference, drawing

Задание 2. Сопоставьте вопросы и краткие ответы

  1. Will you join us?

  2. Is it warm outside?

  3. Did you buy the book?

  4. Were they late for classes?

  5. Does your father work in the office?

  1. Yes, they were.

  2. Yes, he does.

  3. Yes, it is.

  4. Yes, I shall.

  5. Yes, I did.

Задание 3. Переведите на английский язык

1. I’m not going to have breakfast this morning. I’m not hungry.

2. What are you going to wear to the party on Saturday?

3. Oh, dear! It is 9 o’clock and I’m not ready. I’m going to be late.

4. Are you going to invite John to your party?