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Учебник английского языка (модуль).doc
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3 Уровень

Задание 1. Используйте дополнительный источник информации и сравните спортивную жизнь в Британии и в нашей стране


In my country

In Britain

National sports

Popular sports

Popular teenagers' sports

Famous sportsmen

Famous sportswomen

The Olympic achievements

Attitude to participation in sports competitions

Attitude to watching sport on TV

Задание 2. Переведите предложения на английский язык

1. Ты любишь спорт? 2. Да, мне очень нравится спорт. 3. Нет, я не интересуюсь спортом. 4. Какие самые популярные зимние и летние виды спорта в вашей стране? 5. Какие виды спорта тебе нравятся? Мне нравится плавание, гребля, легкая атлетика, теннис, настольный теннис, бокс, шахматы, волейбол. 7. Кто твой любимый спортсмен? 8. Какими видами спорта вы занимаетесь в школе? 9. У нас есть спортзал, спортплощадка, футбольное поле, бассейн, каток.

Задание 3. Реферат по теме.

Варианты тем:

1. Sports in Great Britain

2. American Football

3. The History of Olympic Games

4. Свободная тема.

Обучающий модуль 1.7

At the Doctor

1 Уровень

Задание 1. Прочтите и переведите диалоги

1) Bob: Hello?

Andy: Hi! This is Andy. How are you doing?

Bob: Not so good. I’ve got the flue.

Andy: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do?

Bob: No, I don’t think so. Peg’s taking care of me.

Andy: Well, I hope it doesn’t take long. Let me know if I can help.

Bob: Okay, I will. See you.

2) Laura: Boy, I feel awful. I’ve been sneezing all day.

Vern: Sounds like you’re getting a cold, honey. Have you taking your temperature?

Laura: Not yet, but I guess I should. Where’s the thermometer?... Well, it’s 38. I guess I have the flu.

Vern: Yeah, you should just stay in bed. I’ll make you something hot to drink. And I’ll call your boss and say that you can’t come to the office today. I’ll call the doctor then.

Laura: Thank you.

Doctor: Have a sit right here and open your mouth wide, please. Yes, your throat looks pretty sore. Mmm-Hmm. You have had a cold or the flue. There’s a bad virus going around and that’s probably what it is. Okay, I’ll be back in 2 days.

Задание 2. Переведите на русский язык и запомните следующие правила

Rules to keep fit:

Don't forget:

  1. Get up early and go to bed early.

  2. Take regular exercises.

  3. Eat healthy food.

  4. Never smoke or drink alcohol.

  5. Take a cool/cold shower.

  6. Clean your teeth every morning and every evening.

  7. Wash your hands.

  1. Too much food makes you fat.

  2. Too little food makes you thin.

  3. The wrong food makes you ill.

  4. The right food keeps you well.

  5. Too many sweets are bad for you, especially for your teeth.

  6. Too much coffee is bad for you.

  7. So, observe balance in everything, because balance is the key to everything.

Задание 3. Заполните таблицу словами и выражениями, подходящими для составления рассказов о работе врачей

A cut, eye-glasses, to feel pain in swallowing, a coated tongue, to have a tooth extracted, cross-eyed, to undergo an operation, to break a leg, to be hoarse, to put in a cast, a filling, to squint, a metal crown, to apply a dressing, a toothache, short/ near sighted, to gargle one's throat, to stop a tooth, to amputate, to get a splinter, to sprain an ankle.

at the dentist’s

at the surgeon’s

at the oculist’s

at the throat specialist’s

Задание 4. Подберите подходящее прилагательное из списка В к каждому существительному из списка А

A. a person, temperature, throat, chill, cold, headache, heart, pulse, disease, illness, cheek, health, eyesight, equipment, blood-pressure, disease, bath, use, tongue.

B. catching, quick, chronic, sick, sore, normal, weak, bad, slight, perfect, infectious, high, mud, medical, external, poor, splitting, swollen, internal.