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Sports in our Life

1 Уровень

Задание 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык

1. We have a good football team. 2. Our P.T. teacher does the coaching. 3. We have a good coach. 4. Do you go in for sports? 5. I go in for swimming, skiing, track and field, gymnastic. 6. Are you good at sports? 7. I like jogging, but I am not very good at high and long jumping. 8. We have two training sessions a day. 9. Sport takes almost all of my free time.

Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст, обратите внимание на выделенные курсивом слова

Sports and Games

It goes without saying that one of the most important tasks today is to bring up a healthy generation. That is why most governments pay special attention to sport and physical education. All students have at least two PT lessons a week. Most colleges have well-equipped gyms, swimming pools and tennis courts, where students can develop physically and get all the necessary skills and habits. It is known that most teenagers are interested in sport or take part in a sporting activity.

Boys, girls and teenagers participate in a great number of sport events. They include indoor and outdoor sports such as football, rugby, cricket, swimming, squash, tennis, running, athletics, horse-riding, archery, chess, and many other social games.

Many of these activities are organised through school or through youth clubs. Every school, college or university has sport teams and groups. They are formed to compete with other schools and clubs.

In many cases sport has become a commercial affair. Large sports and leisure centres have excellent facilities for sport and fitness. Though they are not free, and people have to pay, children and grown-ups attend them willingly. Such places are especially popular with teenagers because they usually offer discounted rates for young people.

Nowadays almost all people are fond of some sport, because it helps them to keep fit and because they enjoy it.

There are summer and winter kinds of sports. The winter sports are: speed and figure skating, skiing, hockey, free style and so on.

Some people prefer summer sports. The most popular are: swimming, rowing, fishing, track and field athletics, mountain-climbing, hiking and others. You can go in for gymnastics, wrestling, boxing, weight-lifting, play volley-ball, basket-ball and tennis in a gym all the year round.

Sports are very much the same in most countries, but some sports are more popular than others in a certain country. Cricket, golf and soccer are popular in England. Baseball and rugby football are popular in America.

Задание 3. Прочитайте темы и выучите одну из них наизусть

Sport in Our Country

Sport is very popular in our country. Thousands of people go in for sports, because sports help people to keep in good health. The most popular sports in our country are field-and-track athletics, football, volleyball, basketball, hockey and gymnastics, skiing and skating. There are lots of stadiums, sport clubs and sport grounds in our country.

At every school pupils spend much time going in for sports. First of all it’s their physical training lessons. And after the school is over they may train at different sport clubs and sections. From time to time every school organizes competitions in different kinds of sport.

The most popular kinds of sport in our school are football, basketball, gymnastics, wrestling. Some boys are also fond of boxing. Among girls gymnastics is very popular. In winter we spend much time outdoors, skating and skiing. Boys like to play hockey. In summer we like to swim most of all, because swimming makes a man healthy and strong.

National British Sports

Many kinds of sport originated from England. The British think that someone will do his work better if he goes in for sport as well.

Association football or soccer is one of the most popular games in the British Isles played from late August until the beginning of May. In summer the English national sport is cricket. Cricket in England is played and watched by all classes. Golf is Scotland’s chief contribution to British. Golf is everywhere in the British Isles a middleclass activity. Association football is a working-class sport as are boxing, wrestling, snooker, darts and dog-racing, fishing. Walking and swimming are the two most popular sporting activities, being almost equally undertaken by men and women. Snooker (billiards), pool and darts are the next most popular sports among men. Aerobics and yoga, squash and cycling are among the sports where participation has been increasing in recent years.

There are several places in Britain associated with a particular kind of sport. One of them is Wimbledon - a suburb to the south of London where the All-England Lawn Tennis Championships are held in July (since 1877). The other one is Wimble - a stadium in north of London where international football matches, the Cup finals and other events have taken place since 1923. It can hold over 100,000 spectators. The third one is Derby, the most famous flat race in the English racing calendar, which has been run at Epsom near London since 1780.