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3 Уровень

Задание 1. Заполните пропуски подходящими словами

1. The doctor ... his patient very carefully and ... some medicine.

2. I can hardly turn my head because of...

3. The flu usually begins with...

4. There is nothing serious the matter with you, it's just...

5. You look rather ... today.

6. It ... me when I swallow.

7. Let me feel your pulse...

8. Do you feel any ... over there?

9. He has been ill with ... for a week already.

10. If you want ... you must follow the doctor's advice.

11. Will you go to ... and have ... made?

12. ... the throat three times a day.

13. This ... is very good for a cough.

14. I am feeling...

15. You have all the ... of the grippe.

16. If you are ... to colds you should take a good care of yourself.

17. She caught ... when we were skiing.

18. Your forehead is hot, let me take...

19. My sister was ill with ... when she was a child.

Задание 2. Ролевая игра «Visiting a Doctor»

Spoken Etiquette

1 Уровень

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык диалоги

- Hello, Mike! Nice to see you.

- Hello, Sam! How are you?

- I'm fine, thanks. And how are you?

- Thank you. Not so bad. Can't complain.

- Let's go somewhere together.

- I don't mind, but now I am in a hurry. Call me some time. So long. I wish you success.

- The same to you. Remember me to your sister. I hope we'll meet soon.


- Hi, David! How are you getting on?

- Fine, thanks.

- You were great at the conference yesterday. My congratulations on your excellent results!

- Thanks a lot. It was nice to meet you. Let's keep in touch.

- Have a nice weekend! Bye! Good luck to you. See you later.


- What are about your exams results?

- Don't know yet. I hope that everything will be alright. But 1 am a little bit nervous about it.

- Don't worry and relax. Let's hope for the best.

- Thanks. We'll wait and see.

* * *

- I’d like to invite you to our party.

- A thousand thanks. At what time?

- Does 7 o’clock suit you?

- Fine. Thanks for inviting me...

- You are welcome!


- Good morning, Tom! How are you getting on?

- Good morning, Jane! Not too bad. Can’t complain.

- You were great at the exam yesterday. My congratulations on your excellent results!

- Thank you very much. And what about your exam results?

- Don’t know yet.

- Don’t worry and relax. Don’t take it to heart. I’d like to invite you to our party.

- Thank you for inviting me. At what time?

- Does 8 o’clock suit you?

- O.K.! Can I help you?

- Give it to me. See you soon.

- Bye for now!

2 Уровень

Задание 1. Составьте мини-диалоги, используя следующие фразы

1) - I don't feel my qualifications are being properly used and what does the job of general assistant in your office involve? What...

- I'm terribly sorry I'm late. It was very difficult to find your office.

- Excuse my interrupting you, but you may read all about this job in this leaflet.

- That's quite all right. Sit down, please. Perhaps now I could start asking you questions... Why do you want to leave your present job and join us?

2) - Excuse my interrupting you. Don’t worry. Everything will be all right!

- Oh, David! I’m terribly sorry. I’m late.

- Hi, Kate! That’s all right! Glad to see you!

- I don’t mind.

- Don’t know yet. But I’m a little bit nervous about...

- Nice to see you too. What about your exam results?

- We’ll wait and see. Let’s go somewhere together.

3) - Could you help her? Some trees in her garden need cutting.

- Are you going to visit your grandmother?

- And could you do me a lift?

- Of course. It goes without saying.

- Naturally. You are welcome!

- I am afraid not. I have no time. I'll do it next time.

4) - Sorry for interrupting you... But you were great at the exam. Well done! Everything will be all right!

- Good afternoon, James! Fine, thanks. And how are you getting on?

- I don't agree with you. Don't worry. Let's hope for the best.

- Good afternoon, Richard! How are you?

- Nothing of the kind. You are mistaken. It was pretty bad.

- Not too bad. But I don't know yet my exam results and...

5) - I've won a four-week cruise for two.

- What's the matter? You look so happy.

- Fantastic. My congratulations!

- Just fancy! I've sent the answers to some questions to the travelling agency two months ago. And it is the prize for my correct answers.

- You don't say so. That is surprise.

6) - Hi! You look so happy.

- Is that really so? That’s surprise! My congratulations on your excellent results!

- Thanks! I’d like to invite you to our party. Does 6 o’clock suit you?

- No need to be sorry. We’ll meet soon.

- Hi! I’ve won the first prize at the conference!

- And could you do me a lift now?

- Sorry. I’m afraid not. I’m in a hurry now.

- It’s O.K. Are you going to invite your friends?

- See you soon.

- Of course. It goes without saying.

7) - All right!

- Hi! What's the matter with you?

- As far as I remember it was a black one. It seems to me that you left it in the last shop.

- I can't find my wallet. Maybe I've lost it.

- Don't jump to conclusions. Go back and make it clear.

- I doubt it. I am not sure of it.