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Учебник английского языка (модуль).doc
7.38 Mб

3 Уровень

Задание 1. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя герундий

1. Перестаньте разговаривать. 2. Мы уже закончили чтение этой книги. 3. Продолжайте петь. 4. Вы не против того, чтобы открыть окно? 5. Он отрицал, что совершил преступление. 6. Я очень люблю рисовать. 7. Мы получили удовольствие от плавания. 8. Я не могла не согласиться с ним. 9. Он рассмеялся. 10. Она бросила курить. 11. Она избегала встречи с ним. 12. Мы отложим обсуждение доклада. 13. Наконец, они перестали смеяться. 14. Она отрицала, что украла деньги. 15. Нам пришлось отложить поездку на дачу до следующей субботы.

Обучающий модуль 5.4 Слова still, yet, another (other), more, else в предложении

1 Уровень

Задание 1. Используйте, где необходимо still или yet

1. They haven't returned from the trip.... 2. Is it ... raining? — Yes, it is. It hasn't stopped raining.... 3. Has your brother graduated from the University...? — No, he is ... a student. 4. No news has come from them as.... 5. Do you ... want to make sure it is true? 6. It was early..., the sun hadn't ... risen. 7. We have ... a lot of things to finish. — It's all right. We ... have a lot of time. 8. It was late, ... we decided to stay. 9. She ... hopes to get a letter from him. 10. It was too early to speak about the results.... 11. I... don't want to discuss this matter.

2 Уровень

Задание 2. Сравните, что говорил Дэн несколько лет назад с тем, что он говорит сейчас. Напишите предложения о Дэне, используя still и notany more

A few years ago


I travel a lot.

I work in a shop.

I write poems.

I want to be a teacher.

I'm interested in politics.

I'm single.

I go fishing a lot.

I travel a lot.

I work in a hospital.

I gave up writing poems.

I want to be a teacher.

I'm not interested in politics.

I'm single.

I haven't been fishing for years.





(travel) He still travels a lot.

(shop) He doesn't work in a shop any more.

(poems) He ……………………………….

(teacher) ………………………………….





(politics) ……………………

(single) ……………………...

(fishing) …………………….

(beard) ………………………

Задание 3. Для каждого предложения (со still) напишите предложения с похожим значением, используя not... yet + один из следующих глаголов

decide find finish go stop take off wake up

  1. It's still raining. It hasn’t stopped raining yet.

  2. George is still here. He

  3. They're still having their dinner. They .

  4. The children are still asleep.

  5. Ann is still looking for a job. .

  6. I'm still wondering what to do.

  7. The plane is still waiting on the runway.

Задание 4. Поставьте still, yet, already или not...any more в подчеркнутое предложение (или часть предложения)

1. Jack lost his job a year ago and he is unemployed. he is still unemployed.

2. Do you want me to tell Liz the news or does she know? does she already know.

3. I'm hungry. Is dinner ready? Is dinner ready yet?

4. I was hungry earlier but I'm not hungry. I’m not hungry any more.

5. Can we wait a few minutes? I don't want to go out. …………………………...

6. Jill used to work at the airport but she doesn't work there. …………………….

7. I used to live in Amsterdam. I have a lot of friends there. ……………………..

8. 'Shall I introduce you to Jim?' - There's no need. We've met. ………………….

9. Do you live in the same house or have you moved? …………………………..

10. Would you like to eat with us or have you eaten? ……………………………