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Учебник английского языка (модуль).doc
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Контрольные задания к модульным блокам Модульный блок № 1 Контрольные задания по лексике

1 Уровень

Задание 1. Переведите с английского языка на русский

1. I would like to introduce you to my family.

2. There are three children in our family — me, my sister and my brother.

3. My father is a short, plump man with fair hair and blue eyes.

4. My sister Ann is so talkative.

5. There is a bathroom, a bedroom, a living room in our flat.

6. My windows face the garden.

7. I’m in a hurry. Come to see me tomorrow.

8. - What is the weather like today? - It’s getting hot.

9. It’s raining cats and dogs.

10. Have a nice holiday. Good luck to you!

11. Waiter, please, bring the menu. I’d like to order fried fish and vegetables, some salad and a glass of pure orange juice.

12. Sorry? What?

13. - Forgive me. - That’s all right!

14. - Excuse me, please. I’m looking for some gloves and a scarf.

15. May I try it on?

16. Thanks for coming. – Not at all.

17. What kind of sport do you like? I go in for skating and skiing.

Задание 2. Разделите все слова и словосочетания на три группы, которые подходят для описания

а) внешности, б) квартиры, в) другая тема

easy, comfortable, slim and slender, a hall, in the corner, to go shop­ping, tall, thin, to do homework, to get up early, furniture, curtains, a carpet, it takes half an hour, to be in a hurry, to dress in a modern style, fair hair, an armchair, a wardrobe, shelves, busy.

Задание 3. Решите, какое слово не подходит в каждой группе слов

For example: blue, brown, black,

  1. a father, a mother, a brother, a friend;

  2. slim, slender, tall, thin;

  3. a kitchen, a college, a bathroom, a bedroom;

  4. a house, a college, a school, a university

Задание 4. Выпишите пары синонимичных выражений

to hurt, a physician, pain, pills, to send for a doctor, to go to a doctor, to be unwell, a sick person, to keep in good health

2 Уровень

Задание 1. Подберите названия группам слов, вставьте их вместо пропус­ков

For example: blue, red, black, brown — ... (colour)

  1. a chair, an armchair, a wardrobe, shelves — ...;

  2. an aunt, a brother, an uncle, a cousin — ...;

  3. big, small, tall, short — ...;

  4. tall, slim, slender, thin — ....

Задание 2. Подберите пару для слов или выражений с противоположным значением

medicine for internal use, to take off a compress, to have a slight cold, bad cough, to undress a wound, the temperature rises, to feel well, to be out of bed.

Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы о своей семье

  1. How many persons are there in the family?

  2. How old are your grandparents?

  3. Where do your parents work?

  4. How do you get along with your family?

  5. Which of the parents do you want to be like?

  6. What does your family usually have for dinner and supper?

  7. What are your favourite drinks?

  8. What is the chief meal of the day?

  9. What is "Russian tea" among the En­glish?

  10. Where do you go shopping for food?

  11. Does your mother often go to doctors?

  12. What kind of sports do you go in for?

  13. What kind of weather do you like?