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Учебник английского языка (модуль).doc
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3 Уровень

Задание 1. Посмотри на картинку, составь утвердительные и отрицательные предложения с глаголами

buy - покупать

smile - улыбаться

come - приходить

drink - пить

drop - ронять

forget - забывать

have - иметь

sit - сидеть

sleep - спать

be - быть

Задание 2. Переведите на английский язык

1. Дайте мне меню, пожалуйста. 2. Принесите нам чистые тарелки. 3. Передайте мне соль, пожалуйста. 4. Накройте этот стол для обеда. 5. Возьмите меню, пожалуйста. 6. Говорите по-русски, пожалуйста. 7. Закройте книгу и принесите ее мне. 8. Не открывайте это окно, пожалуйста. 9. Пусть они помогут нам. 10. Давайте пойдем в ресторан сегодня. 11. Не курите здесь! 12. Давайте закажем ужин в этом кафе. 13. Позвольте мне познакомить Вас с моим другом 14. Позвольте мне помочь вам, мадам. 15. Давайте встретим наших гостей в холле. 16. Пусть Виктор сделает заказ. 17. Пусть они приходят вечером. 18. Давайте пригласим наших друзей на обед в воскресенье 19 Дорогие гости, не опаздывайте к обеду.

Задание 3. Заполните пропуски глаголами speak, tell, talk, say

  1. Who … you that?

  2. He … nothing to my question.

  3. 'Any news?' 'Nothing to … about'.

  4. Dan never troubles to … 'please' (не утруждает себя).

  5. Bert … me that he wouldn't come.

  6. 'I'm leaving tomorrow,' he….

  7. Who are they to … us what to do? (да кто они такие?)

  8. I've never … anything like that (ничего подобного).

  9. So many keys you have! How can you … the right one? (нужный)

  10. Never … so again!

  11. I … you that there would be troubles (будут неприятности).

  12. Do you think Rona is … the truth?




My working day. My study in the college. Education and Professions. Spoken Etiquette (Как делают комплименты. Как договориться о планах)


Present Simple. Present Continuous. Future Simple. To be going to. Время и предлоги времени. Числительные. Словообразование

Лексика обучающий модуль 2.1

My working day. My Study in the College

1 Уровень

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите диалоги. Обратите внимание на фразы, выделенные курсивом

A) M. Hello, Natasha! I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you doing?

N. Hello! Glad to see you. I am so busy now. You see, I am a student of the college and the session has just begun.

M. Do you study in the South Ural Polytechnic College?

N. Yes, I do. I study chemistry.

M. What year are you in?

N. I am in the third year. I am a full-time student.

M. What about Ksenia? I guess she studies at the same college.

N. Yes, she does. But she is a sandwich course student.

B) Max: Hello, Helen! Nice to see you! How's life?

Helen: Hello, Max! I am glad to see you. I'm well. What about you?

Max: Thanks, everything is all right. Can’t complain. Let's go somewhere together.

Helen: Oh, sorry. But I'm short of time. I have much of work to do. Today is a working day, and not a day off.

Max: You are so busy. And what are your plans for today?

Helen: You see, first, I am going to the library to prepare for a report. Second, I have to do some shopping, and, moreover, I wish to do my homework properly.

Max: Sorry for interrupting you. They say, that you are a student of a college now, aren't you?

Helen: Yes, I am. That is why I am very busy on weekdays. I have to get up very early in the morning because my college is far from my house.

Max: How much does it take you to get to the college?

Helen: Well, it takes me half an hour to go by bus. Sometimes, I'm in a hurry and even take a taxi.

Max: Oh, Helen, I see. But let's keep in touch. I'll call you some time. Bye!

Helen: You are welcome. Bye!

C) Mick: When do you get up?

Sam: I usually get up at 7 a. m. What about you?

Mick: At the same time. But I never get up without an alarm clock.

Sam: How many periods will you have tomorrow?

Mick: Six periods. Two lectures and a seminar.

Sam: Have you much work to do for tomorrow?

Mick: No, Tuesday is not a hard day for me.

D) Nick: Let's go to the cinema. There's a good film on.

Ron: Sorry, I can't. We've got a seminar tomorrow at the third session. So I have to get ready for it.

Nick: What about tomorrow?

Ron: Tomorrow is all right. Let's go just after the third session.

Nick: О. К. But I'll have to get some books from the library first.