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Учебник английского языка (модуль).doc
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3 Уровень

Задание 1. Установите, в каком из текстов (1-5) можно найти информацию, соответствующую разделам (A-F). Один раздел лишний

A. Noise

B. Food

С. Temperature

D. Space limitations

E. Fear of flying

F. Air sickness

Airplanes are obviously a much more comfortable conveyance than covered wagons, but hurtling around the world in a metal box can have its unpleasant moments.

  1. If you are very tall, you may prefer an aisle seat. This will hopefully give you a chance to stretch your legs into the aisle from time to time. Even better is to get a "bulkhead seat": there is usually more legroom in those positions. Be advised, however, that those seats go quickly; it pays to book ahead!

  2. If you do come down with discomfort, one relatively easy but embarrassing way to feel better is to empty your stomach. "Barf bags" are usually located in the pouch on the back of the seat in front of you. Frequently, using them reduces and/or eliminates the discomfort.

  3. Because of the altitude, airplanes can also be quite cold (especially the floor). I always take a jacket with me on the plane and take one of the blankets that the airline provides. Wool socks are not a bad idea either. On the larger planes, there is usually a little fan that blows on you. The airflow can be adjusted by twisting the unit.

  4. Most of the large jets have sound systems built-in. Many of the newer planes also have built-in TV systems for movies and infomercials. Usually, you have to pay a small fee (generally around five US dollars) to rent headphones if you want sound. Be advised that the sound quality will NOT rival that of a compact disk player: the tapes get played over and over again, and the lack of fidelity can pain a purist.

  5. U.S. carriers are pretty good about accommodating standard dietary preferences, but you have to help them out. If you are vegetarian or keep kosher, tell your travel agent when you purchase the ticket, and the airlines will usually accommodate you.

Задание 2. Ролевая игра по теме. Разыграйте сценку «В аэропорту», «На станции», «В агентстве по продаже билетов», «Наши планы на лето»

Обучающий модуль 4.3

At the Hotel

1 Уровень

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите лексику, используемую в гостиничном бизнесе

The tariff

Single occupancy

De luxe

A suite

A continental breakfast

Master Charge, etc

A deposit

Yellow pages


Be lair

- the list of prices (especially at a hotel)

- occupied by one person

- top class

- a set of rooms (a bedroom, a sitting room, a bathroom)

- usually coffee plus bread

- these are credit cards. Master Charge, Visa and Bank Americard accepted

- money which you pay in advance (before you stay at the hotel)

- in Britain, telephone directories have information about goods and services on these pages

- attendant who carries luggage to your room

- Guest House

24-hour parking

Sorry - no children under ten years.

Rates subject to change

Reservations must be secured by your deposit cheque for one night's room rate.

Check-out time: 12 noon.

Room rates for one or two persons including a full continental breakfast:

Large corner rooms Standard rooms

$100 per day

$85 per day

Small cottage rooms

Extra guests in room

$75 per day

add $20 per person

Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите диалоги.

1) A woman is calling a hotel clerk for reservations.

Clerk: Hello, Ashley Hotel.

Woman: Hello. I'd like to make reservations for 3 nights beginning March 6.

C: Yes, of course. What kind of room would you like?

W: I'd like a double room. How much would that be?

C: A double room is $42.00 a night.

W: O.K. I'll take it.

C: What is the name, please?

W: The name is Scott, Jack and Susan.

C: And what time will you be arriving?

W: We're planning to arrive around 8:00 in the evening.

C: Very well, Mom. We'll have your room ready for you.

W: OK Thank you!

C: Thank you for calling Ashley Hotel.

2) A man arrives at a hotel without reservations. He speaks to a clerk.

Clerk: May I help you, sir?

Man: Yes. I'd like a room for tonight.

C: Do you have a reservation?

M: No, I don’t.

C: I'm sorry, sir. We're completely booked up. This is a big week. Most places are booked. I think that some places outside of town might have rooms. You can try checking the yellow pages and calling.

M: O.K. I guess I'll have to try that. Thanks anyway.

3) A married couple is checking into a hotel. A clerk attends to them.

Clerk: Can I help you?

Husband: Yes. We have reservations for a double room for tonight. The name is Wilson.

C: Just a minute, sir. Is that Sam Wilson, Mr. and Mrs.?

Wife: Yes, it is.

C: OK. Please fill out this registration card.

W: (She fills it out.) OK. Here it is.

C: O.K. The room is $45.50 a night. The first night is payable in advance.

H: You accept traveler's checks, don't you? (Writing the check)

C: Yes, sir. We do. (Taking the check) The bell-hop will show you to your rooms. (To the bell-hop) James, please take Mr. and Mrs. Wilson to their room. Room 545.

Bell-hop: Yes, sir. Please come with me.

W: What time is check-out time?

C: Check-out time is 12:00 a.m.

4) A bell-hop brings a guest to the room.

Bell-hop: Here's your room, sir. Room 1266. (He opens the door)

Guest: Thank you. It seems to be O.K.

B-h: I hope you find everything to your satisfaction. If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to call the front desk or room service. Hope you have a pleasant stay.

G: Thank you (tips to the bell-hop).

B-h: Thank you, sir.

5) A woman calls room service for dinner.

Room service: Hello. Room service.

Woman: Hello, I'm calling from room 113. I would like to order dinner.

S: What would you like to order?

W: I'd like the roast beef with mashed potatoes and green beans.

S: Would you care for something to drink with dinner?

W: Ah...yes a large glass of milk.

S: Any dessert?

W: A dish of vanilla ice cream.

S: Thank you. We'll bring it up in about thirty minutes.

6) A man stops at the hotel desk and speaks to the clerk.

Clerk: May I help you?

Man: Yes. Can you call me a taxi?

C: Yes, sir. (He talks on the telephone) OK, sir. One should be here in about five minutes. It will stop in front.

7) Receptionist: Good evening! Can I help you?

Guest: Good evening! Are there any free rooms?

Receptionist: Yes, sir. Do you want a single or double room?

Guest: A double, please with a bathroom.

Receptionist: How long will you stay?

Guest: Three nights, or possibly four.

Receptionist: Very good. You can take Room 302. Will you please sign the register? The porter will take your luggage up.

Guest: How much do you charge?

Receptionist: Two pounds for bed and breakfast.