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Учебник английского языка (модуль).doc
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1 Уровень

Задание 1. Переведите предложения, обращая особое внимание на форму глагола-сказуемого

1. New underground lines are being built in Moscow. 2. When I went to Leningrad in 1957, the first underground line was still being built. 3. Are they ready with the parcel? No, it's still being parked. 4. Listen carefully, a new grammar rule is being explained. 5. Mr. Brown is at the hospital now. His son is being operated on. 6. Negroes in America are often arrested only because they fight for their rights. 7. I think Peter has crossed with John because John has made a joke at his expense. You see, Peter has never been laughed at before. 8. Which grammar rules were explained at the last lesson? 9. By the time Peter came to the group, the grammar rules for the first lesson had already been taken. 10. Which rule was being explained when you came into the classroom? 12. New buildings are being built in our town now. 13. My friend was being asked by the teacher when I entered the classroom.

Задание 2. Сопоставьте правую и левую колонки

1) put forward

a) выдвигать, предлагать что-л. для обсуждения

2) put away

b) убирать, прятать

3) put off

c) прибавлять, увеличивать

4) put on

d) тушить, гасить

5) put out

e) соединить (по телефону)

6) put through

f) давать приют, принимать гостей

7) put up

g) мешать, отвлекать

2 Уровень

Задание 1. Ответьте на вопросы. Используйте любое местоимение или существительное в качестве подлежащего

1. Who's being examined now? 2. What was being discussed at that time? 3. Is the mail still being looked through?

Задание 2. Составьте как можно больше предложений, используя информацию из таблицы. Переведите предложения на русский язык

An exercise

His story

An article

The letter

The telegram

The sentences

New words

The articles


The stories





still being




read loud


Задание 3. Поставьте предложения в пассивный залог

1. What are they discussing? 2. The professor is examining our group. 3. The Spartans were celebrating a religious festival when a messenger came from Athens. 4. They are building a new school in our district. 5. What film are they demonstrating in the lecture room? 6. He had a feeling that someone was following him. 7. They were watching and taking pictures of a UFO. 8. They were interrogating the first witness when I came into the courtroom. 9. They are counting the prize money. 10. They are relieving him of his duty because of his age.

Задание 4. Закончите предложения, используя глагол to put с предлогом

put forward

put away

put off

put on

put out

put through

put up

1. What arguments did they …? 2. These interruptions … me. 3. He never … his clothes in the wardrobe. 4. He … his cigarette and closed the window. 5. I don't want to … a bit of weight. 6. Don't worry. If all the hotels are full, we'll … you for the night. 7. Hello, can you … me to Ms Tracy Binged, please?