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search vt обыскивать; искать search a person (room, town, etc); He searched his pockets for a cigarette (the ticket, etc); search n поиск(и); обыск; Phr make a search делать, производить обыск; Phr be in search of (work, a new method, etc) искать работу (новый метод и т. п.)

humiliate vt унижать, оскорблять; humiliation n унижение, оскорбление

careful а аккуратный, внимательный; тщательный; осторожный a careful person (look, search, examination, behaviour, etc); be careful with books (money; one's work; fire, etc); be careful about one's words (looks, etc); He is careful about what he does (says, reads, wears, etc). You must be careful when you cross the street; careless а невнимательный, неосторожный a careless person (driver, step, etc)

add vt прибавлять, добавлять Would you like to add anything to what has been said? addition n; Phr in addition to sth в добавление к чему-н

attention n внимание Children need attention. Phr pay (much, little, no, etc) attention to sb/sth обращать (много, мало, никакого) внимания на кого-н/что-н; call sb's attention to sth обратить чье-н внимание на что-н; attract (sb's) attention привлечь чье-н внимание; give attention to sb/sth уделять внимание кому-н/чему-н; (in)attentive a (не)внимательный be (in)attentive to sb/sth

proper а правильный, должный, подходящий а proper method (word, moment, behaviour, etc); proper packing подходящая, соответствующая упаковка; properly adv как следует, должным образом

frighten vt (ис)пугать The noise frightened the child. He was so frightened that he couldn't speak.

behave vi вести себя, держаться; поступать behave well (properly, calmly, badly, etc); behaviour n поведение

calm а спокойный a calm person (voice, sea, etc); calm weather; calmly adv спокойно; calm vi/vt успокоить(ся); утихомирить(ся) Не got excited at the news but soon calmed. It wasn't easy to calm him down.

approach vt 1. приближаться, подходить (к) approach a house (station, town, person, etc); 2. обращаться (к кому-н) I don't know how to approach him.

seem vi казаться It seems that he is right. It seems strange that he doesn't know it. He seemed tired (excited, happy, etc).

fill vt/vi наполнять(ся) fill a glass (plate, etc) with sth; His heart filled with joy (sadness, etc); Phr fill up a form заполнять бланк

hurt vt (hurt) 1. ушибить, причинить боль Не hurt his foot as he fell; 2. болеть (о части тела) My leg hurts when I walk; 3. обижать, огорчать I didn't mean to hurt you (your feelings) when I said it.

climb vt лезть, взбираться, влезать на climb a tree (a hill, the stairs, etc)

Word combinations

catch one's breath перехватить дыхание

make an effort делать, прилагать усилие

tight down (one's feelings, excitement, anger, fright, panic, etc) подавить, побороть (чувства, волнение, злость и т. п.)

Come on (along)! Пойдем(те)!



Ex 1 Answer the following questions.

1. In what part of New York did the boys live? 2. What happened as they were hurrying down the block to their house? 3. Why were they stopped by the police? 4. What did the police order them to do? 5. Why did the police make them turn to face the wall and raise their hands 6. What took place before the boys were allowed to continue on their way? 7. What did the boys talk about as they walked home? 8. Why was Caleb glad that his little brother had been with him? 9. What was it that little Leo couldn't understand about the incident? 10. How did Caleb answer his question whether white people were people like themselves?

Ex 2 Look through the text once again, and:

1. Tell as much of the setting (physical and social background) as you possibly can. 2. Describe the atmosphere of the story as well as the specific means used by the author to build up the single dominant effect of horror and fear. 3. Find facts to prove that in their behaviour the policemen were motivated by fear. 4. Say what can be learned of the boys' characters from their manner of behaviour. 5. Express your opinion as to what you believe to be the most dramatic moment in the story. 6. Say what the essential conflict of the story is. 7. Explain what Caleb had in mind when he said: "All I can tell you, Leo, is — well, they don't think they are."

Ex 3 Find in the text the English for the following phrases, and use them in retelling and discussing the text.

идти быстрым шагом; вниз по улице; по направлению к; жилой квартал; станция метро; кинотеатр; резко затормозить; ослепить ярким светом фар; погаснуть (о фарах); обочина дороги; осветить ручным фонарем; внимательно осмотреть; сесть в машину и уехать, меня охватили ужас и смятение; подняться вверх еще на несколько ступенек.

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