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Word combinations

a turning point поворотный пункт

be determined (to do sth) быть полным решимости (что-н сделать)

take place иметь место, состояться



Ex 1 Answer the following questions.

1. When and where was Joe Hill born? 2. What was his real name? 3. When did he come to the United States? 4. Why did Joe Hill join the I.W.W.? 5. What sort of organization was the Industrial Workers of the World? 6. How did Joe Hill fight for a better future for the working people? 7. What happened on January 10, 1914 in Salt Lake City? 8. Who were the real killers of the grocer? 9. What did Mrs Morrison tell the police? 10. Why did the police keep Joe Hill under arrest? 11. What made Joe Hill "a marked man"? 12. Why did people all over the world protest against the trial? 13. Why does Joe Hill live on in the hearts of the people?

Ex 2 Find in the text the English for the following phrases, and use them in retelling and discussing the text.

ужасное известие; признать виновным в убийстве; протестовать против судилища; возглавить борьбу рабочих; квалифицированные рабочие; неквалифицированные рабочие; посещать собрания; сочинять песни; как ни странно; быть на заметке у полиции; власти штата; забастовочное движение.


Ex 3 Give the four forms of the following verbs.

find, bear, win, lead, cry, shoot, die, hold, sit.

Ex 4 Compare the meaning of the words in bold type with words of the same root in Russian.

1. Before the Great October Socialist Revolution sport was a privilege of the rich classes. 2. On the First of May demonstrations are held all over the world to mark International workers' day. 3. Military parades are held in Red Square on November 7th. 4. Distances have grown much shorter today. TU-144 will take you to the most distant corners of our big country within hours. 5. The Znamensky brothers were famous long distance runners. 6. The Narodniks believed in terror as a way of changing the regime in the country. 7. The great Russian free thinker Chernishevsky was exiled to Siberia for his progressive ideas.

Ex 5 Combine the following, using 'though' according to the model.

Model: He didn't understand what they were talking about, but he asked no questions.

(a) Though he didn't understand what they were talking about, he asked no questions.

(b) He asked no questions though he didn't understand what they were talking about.

1. It was raining heavily but they decided to start on their way. 2. The weather was bad most of the time but we enjoyed our holiday anyway. 3. I need the book myself but I can let you have it for several days. 4. She felt worse that day but continued to work. 5. He got up earlier than usual but he missed the train all the same. 6. She didn't expect to hear such a remark but she showed no surprise. 7. The boy wasn't much of a fighter but he fought very bravely. 8. Spring had come but it was still rather cold. 9. She wasn't sure of the spelling of the word but she didn't look it up in the dictionary.

Ex 6 Study the following phrases, and (a) recall the sentences in which they are used in the text, (b) use them in sentences of your own.

all over the world; protest against sth; work at many (different) jobs; change one's name to; move from one place to the next; shoot at sb/sth; in the past years; look sb/sth up; lead to sth; a campaign against sb/sth; wait for sb/sth; in a hurry.

Ex 7 Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs.

(A) 1. It has been a hard fight — the child's life; the doctors have really won a victory — death. 2. The day his picture was exhibited was a turning point — his career. 3. Take the child — the hand when crossing the street. 4. If you aren't sure — the spelling, look the word — — the dictionary. 5. The children could hardly wait — the rain to stop to continue the interrupted game. 6. The first group — mountaineers failed — their attempt to reach the peak. — the past years the peak has been stormed several times. 7. Some pictures — modern painters should be looked — — a certain distance. 8. The hunter shot — the bird, but missed. 9. He promised to look — his old friends when he came — his home town. 10. Just look — the note! I'm sure she wrote it — a great hurry. 11. Don't hide the news — him, it will lead — no end of trouble if he finds — — it — somebody else. 12. The TV set was — — order, so I turned — the radio for the news. 13. The lake was — a distance — some three miles and we used to walk there every afternoon — exercise. 14. How do you expect him to say anything — or — the plan if he hasn't been told a word — it yet? 15. Why not ask her? She has been working as secretary — our director — nearly ten years and knows all there is to know — the affairs — the office. 16. The news — the arrival — the new teacher was all — the village in no time, going — one house — the next.


(B) It is generally believed that Robin Hood was a man who fought — a better life — poor people. How old the story — Robin Hood is nobody knows. The oldest ballads — him were written down after 1400. One — the ballads that comes — those distant times says that Robin Hood was a Yorkshireman. The ballad says:

"For he was a good outlaw

And did poor men much good."

Did such a Robin ever live? His name is first mentioned — Government documents — the 13th century.

So one can be sure that Robin did live and was something like the

man described — these early ballads.

He became such a popular hero that — many places there was a special Robin Hood's day, attended — thousands — people.

— the 16th century a writer Anthony Munday decided to make a nobleman — — Robin. Perhaps they thought that it was too dangerous — ordinary people to think that ordinary men could be heroes who tried to do "poor men much good".

Ex 8 Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. Use the correct form. Translate the sentences into Russian.

order v, n, fight v, mark v, lead v, allow (2), free, freedom, distance (3), event, attempt n (2), active

1. — of speech is one of the rights enjoyed by the Soviet people. 2. The flight of Soviet Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was an — which opened up a new chapter in the life of mankind. Since then, April 12 has been — in our country as Cosmonaut's Day. 3. We expect the youth of our country to take an — part in the construction of a new society. 4. Are the booklets —? I'd like to take home a few. 5. No one is — to speak out of order at our meetings. 6. Together with the others I watched the sportsman fail in his first two — and hoped with all my heart that he would be luckier in his third. 7. He stepped back and looked at the painting from a —. 8. Leukemia is a terrible illness, and man is only now learning to — it. 9. His business affairs are always in perfect —. 10. This year another — was made to reach the top of Mt Everest. The party was — by an Englishman. The expedition ended tragically: one of the climbers froze to death. 11. It was almost three o'clock when I at last finished writing my paper and was — to leave the examination room. 12. The nearest village is at a — of some four kilometres. 13. Though I feel perfectly all right, the doctor has — me to keep the bed for a couple of days more. 14. The traveller was tired and hungry and had almost lost all hope of getting anywhere before dark when he suddenly saw a light in the —.

Ex 9 Replace the Russian words and phrases with suitable English equivalents in the correct form. Retell the passage.

I once took a foreign friend of mine who thought the English а (спокойный и молчаливый) people to Hyde Park Corner on a Sunday morning. Hyde Park (похож на) many other London Parks, but there is a corner of it, near the Marble Arch, which cannot be found anywhere in England or anywhere else in the world.

Here, on wooden stands,* boxes and (даже) park chairs (разного рода люди) stand up and (высказывают свои идеи) on such matters as politics, religion and even the best way of getting on with your mother-in-law.* When we arrived a dark gentleman (объяснял) to a group of people the main principles of some unknown eastern religion.

There were large crowds round some of the stands with speakers from different political parties. A Communist speaker was telling his audience what he had seen in the Soviet Union. He was also saying that the capitalist press had no right (скрывать правду о первом в мире социалистическом государстве). On the stand (рядом с) him a student from the West Indies was speaking about his fellow countrymen who had come to Britain (искать лучшей жизни). At a stand further on, marked "Anarchist", a man (выступал против) the different governments of the world. Every time a voice from the crowd (выражал протест) at some bitter attack, he (поворачивался с улыбкой к) the protester and remarked: "(He торопись), son, I'll be coming to the people you don't like next."

A century ago this little corner of London's largest park (было любимым местом) for duelling. When it (случилось) that Englishmen (решили) that (улаживать) their affairs with the help of their tongues was better than with pistols, the historians do not tell us.

Among the park's orators there are serious speakers, jokers, fanatics, and some have no themes (совсем). We stood in a group round a speaker who had just asked the crowd to give him a subject "to chat about". My foreign friend immediately (поймалась) "І want you to tell me about England," she said. "Aha," said the speaker who had noticed her foreign accent, "what (заставило вас) ask that question?" And the next moment he (заставил ее) talk about herself and her country. The crowd (была в восторге). It may also (случиться с вами), reader! If you come to Hyde Park one day, you may become an orator too.

(After "Orator's Corner" by Robert Daglish)

Ex 10 Теst translation.

1. Москва — столица первого в мире социалистического государства. Она является гордостью каждого советского гражданина. 2. Москва была основана в 1147 году, Петербург — в 1703 году. Хотя в 1712 году Петр I перенес столицу в Петербург, Москва оставалась культурным и экономическим центром страны. 3. В 1954 году советский народ отмечал большое событие — трехсотлетие воссоединения (reunion) Украины с Россией. 4. В армии, куда Тарас Шевченко был направлен царским правительством за свои прогрессивные идеи, ему не разрешали ни писать, ни рисовать. 5. Ломоносов, основатель Московского университета, пришел в Москву в 1730 году из небольшой деревушки, расположенной близ города Холмогоры. Весь путь от Белого моря до Москвы юноша прошел пешком. Он был полон решимости поступить на учебу в Москве. 6. В 1790 году указом (приказом) Екатерины II Радищев был сослан в Сибирь на 10 лет за свою книгу «Путешествие из Петербурга в Москву». 7. Русская армия под предводительством фельдмаршала Кутузова одержала победу над армией Наполеона в Отечественной войне 1812 года. 8. В годы Великой Отечественной войны весь советский народ сражался против фашистской Германии. Многие советские люди отдали свои жизни за свободу Родины. 9. Спорт играет большую роль в жизни советских людей. На стадионах Москвы и других городов Советского Союза ежегодно проводятся международные соревнования.


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