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The Continuous Tense Forms (Present, Past and Future)

Ex 21 Study the following chart.

The Present Continuous Tense

1. She is in her room. She is looking through the morning newspapers.

2. They are working at this problem at present.

The Past Continuous Tense

1. He was working in the garden at six in the morning (when I came home, after lunch, etc)

2. They were studying at the University in 1977.

The Future Continuous Tense

1. I wonder what he will be doing at this time tomorrow.

2. They will be writing their course papers in April.

3. I can send the telegram. I'll be passing by the post-office.

Ex 22 Answer the following questions, using the continuous tense forms (Present, Past or Future).

1. What is the weather like? (rain a little). 2. Why didn't you go to the country yesterday? (rain). 3. What will the weather be like tomorrow? (the radio, give the weather forecast in a few minutes). 4. Why did the militia-man stop him? (walk across the street in the wrong place). 5. Why don't you want to go to the cinema tonight? (finish a book which I must give back tomorrow). 6. Where is Mother? (work in the garden). 7. Why didn't he hear the bell? (play football). 8. Why can't we speak to him now? (write business letters). 9. What is the noise about? (watch a football match). 10. Why do you think you won't get much sleep tonight? (travel all night). 11. Will you come to the party? (not move to a new flat).

Ex 23 Practise the following according to the model (mind the possible adverbial modifiers of time: 'now', 'today', 'this morning', 'tonight', etc).

Model 1: She usually reads the newspaper at breakfast but she is not reading it today. She is busy with other things.

1. They often watch TV in the evening. 2. He always works in the garden after office hours. 3. He usually plays chess very well. 4. He goes to the library every day. 5. She always leaves town in summer. 6. She always sleeps after lunch.

Model 2: Please tell John it's time to finish the work. But he is (already)

finishing it.

1. Tell the children it's time to get up. 2. Please, tell her to wash the floor. 3. May I ask you to translate this article? 4. Please, ask him to look through her report. 5. Please, tell her to make some coffee. 6. Tell them it's time to leave for the station.

Ex 24 Open the brackets, using the Present Continuous or the Present Indefinite according to the sense.

1. She (wear) a new coat today. 2. Peter never (wear) a hat. 3. I (get up) at eight in the morning. 4. It's eight o'clock. He (get up). 5. What you (say)? I (not hear) you well enough. 6. It (get) late. It's time to go home. 7. It (get) dark early in winter. 8. Listen! Somebody (sing) in the street! 9. She (sing) well and she (have) a pleasant voice. 10. When it is foggy in London, cars (move) very slowly. 11. Our train (move) very fast.

Ex 25 Translate the following sentences, using either the Present Indefinite Tense or the Present Continuous according to the sense.

1. (i) Ты много читаешь? (ii) Что ты читаешь? 2. (i) Здесь часто идет дождь? (ii) По-моему, идет дождь. 3. (i) Он пишет родителям довольно часто, (ii) Он занят. Он что-то пишет. 4. (i) Он не носит теплого пальто зимой, (ii) Он сегодня в новом пальто. 5. (i) Ребенок просыпается несколько раз за ночь. (ii) Не шумите. Ребенок просыпается. 6. (i) Они часто обсуждают такие проблемы, (ii) Они обсуждают что-то интересное. 7. (i) Погода в Англии меняется очень часто, (ii) Возьми плащ. Погода меняется.

Ех 26 Open the brackets, using either the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous Tense according to the sense.

1. When we got off the train it (rain) heavily. 2. The summer that year was cold. It often (rain). 3. The weather was foggy. Cars and buses (move) slowly. 4. While I (pack) my things, he (ring) up for a taxi to take me to the station. 5. The house was quiet. The boys (play) chess and Mary (read) a book. 6. When you (see) him last? 7. I (buy) the guide book in London. It (catch) my eye when I (pass)-a shop window. I (return), (call) at the shop and (buy) it. 8. In 1972 Peter (be) in Siberia, he (build) a railway together with his friends. Later he (write) a book about it. 9. Who (speak) over the telephone at five yesterday? The line (be) busy for an hour at least. 10. The whole family (watch) a detective film on TV when I (come) into the room. 11.1 (look) into the window and (see) an old woman (sit) at it, a cat (sleep) on the window-sill, next to a flower pot. The picture (take) me back to my childhood. 12. Ships (travel) from Southampton to New York in four or five days last season.

Ex 27 Open the brackets, using the correct tense form. Use Reported Speech in place of Direct Speech.


It was Sunday. I never (get up) early on Sundays. I sometimes (stay) in bed until lunch-time. Last Sunday I (get) up very late. I (look) out of the window, it (be) dark outside. "What a day!" I (think). "It (rain) again." Just then the telephone (ring). It (be) my Aunt Lucy. "I (be) at the station. I (come) to see you." "But I still (have) breakfast," I (say). "What you (do)?" she (ask). "I (have) breakfast," I (repeat). "Dear me!" she (say), "You always (get up) so late? It (be) one o'clock."

Ex 28 Make up sentences, using the Past Continuous Tense.


to play badminton in the garden

when we arrived.


still to rain

when the telegram came


to get dark

when he turned to her.


to make coffee in the kitchen

when suddenly it began to rain.


to come into the station

when the door bell rang.


to write business letters

when we returned home

The train

to smile

when I looked out of the window.

Ex 29 Translate the following sentences, using either the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous tense form.

1. Наш поезд шел очень быстро, я не успевал читать названия станций, которые мы проезжали. 2. Когда поезд тронулся, он что-то крикнув мне, но я ничего не слышал. 3. Когда я добрался до станции, уже темнело. 4. Мы вызвали врача, когда поняли, что ее состояние ухудшается. 5. — Когда вы видели ее в последний раз? — Я не помню точно, но знаю, что это было в прошлом месяце. 6. Вчера в это время мы были еще в поезде и ехали по Украине. 7. Когда он зажег свет, он увидел, что кто-то спал на кровати. 8. Когда поезд прибыл, мы все стояли на платформе. 9. Я завтракал в маленьком кафе на станции, когда я увидел его в окно. Он стоял под большими часами и ждал кого-то.

Ех 30 Complete the following sentences, using the Future Continuous Tense according to the model.

Model: My vacation is coming to an end. (return to the University in two days). I'll be returning to the University in two days.

1. I can't discuss the matter with you now. But (see you tomorrow), won't I? 2. "I think, he'll be here in time." "Yes, I think he will." (he, come by the fast train). 3. She is on a visit, (she, not dine with us today). 4. I don't think they will come. (they, move to a new flat). 5. There are a lot of people here and (more, arrive next week). 6. Let's wait. (he, wake up soon). 7. Look, it is getting dark. (it, rain in a minute). 8. There's nothing he likes better than to tell stories. I wonder what (he, tell us next). 9. "Who (give) a talk on the current situation Friday next? 10. Don't leave yet. (we, have supper in about twenty minutes).

Ex 31 Translate the following sentences, using the Future Continuous Tense.

1. Давайте пойдем побыстрее. Через минуту начнется (будет) дождь. 2. Я не буду писать ему. Я увижусь с ним. 3. Приходите, пожалуйста. Соколов будет рассказывать о своей поездке в Англию. 4. Через месяц мы переезжаем на новую квартиру. 5. Ты будешь завтра проходить мимо кинотеатра, купи два билета. 6. — В чем ты будешь на вечере? — В новом платье, конечно. 7. Никуда не уходи. Поезд прибывает через несколько минут. 8. Летом вы, конечно, опять будете путешествовать?

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