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Ex 15 Read and retell the following.


Karl Marx was 31 years old when, in 1849, with his wife and three children he began his exile in London. He was received there very coldly. His first home was in Chelsea, which he had to leave very soon as the rent* was too high. The family moved to 28, Dean Street, Soho, where in two small rooms they were to remain for six years.

The life was hard and because of their financial difficulties Marx was often unable to go out into the street as much of his clothing was in the hands of the pawnbroker.* Writing to a friend in Germany in August 1851 he said that his position was "gloomy" and his wife was "worn down by the day-to-day struggle against poverty". The years in Dean Street were full of struggle and tragedy. Three of Karl Marx's children died there.

At that time he continued his economic studies and worked daily in the British Museum from nine o'clock in the morning till seven at night.

A change for the better took place in 1852 when the New York Daily Tribune asked him to write for them. He wrote two articles weekly for eight or nine years. Though the pay was not high it was some help for the family.

In 1862 Marx tried to get work with one of the railway companies as an official, but he was refused because they said his handwriting was poor.

Frederick Engels helped him with money and Marx was able to write his great work. Capital, the first volume of which was published in 1867.

The years from 1868 to 1883 were for Marx a time of great activity and struggle within the international Socialist movement against the anarchists led by Bakunin.

In 1872 Marx went to the Hague for the international congress at which the anarchists were defeated.

On March 14, 1883 Marx died in his chair in the study at his home 41, Maitland Park Road, Haverstock Hill, where he spent the last fifteen years of his life. From this house he was carried to his resting place in Highgate Cemetery which has since become a place of pilgrimage which is visited every year by hundreds of Socialists from all over the world.

(After "Karl Marx in London" by S. Russell)

Speech and composition

Ex 16 Read the following. Answer the questions. Retell the passage in English.


В августе 1920 года новый партийный билет получал Николай Ильич Подвойский. На вопрос «Социальное положение» он ответил: «Солдат революции». Таким был и остался в памяти народа член большевистской партии с 1901 года Н. И. Подвойский.

Н. И. Подвойский родился 16 февраля 1880 года на Черниговшине в селе Кунашовка в семье учителя.

В 1901 году Подвойский переезжает в Ярославль, поступает в юридический лицей и становится одним из руководителей студенческого революционного движения и подпольной партийной организации.

В конце 1907 года в Петербурге Подвойский впервые встретился с Лениным.

За годы подпольной деятельности Подвойский арестовывался пять раз, он провел длительное время в тюрьме.

В исторические дни Великой Октябрьской социалистической революции в качестве председателя Военно-революционного комитета | Николай Ильич под руководством Ленина готовил вооруженное восстание и вел революционные войска на штурм Зимнего дворца. Зимний дворец был взят. Вооруженное восстание в Петрограде победило. В составе первого Советского правительства он был Народным комиссаром по военным делам (People's Commissar for Military Affairs). Солдат революции, Подвойский был верным соратником Ленина. До конца жизни (1948 год) Подвойский работал на благо народа.

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