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1. When did Podvoisky receive a new membership card? 2. What answer did he give to the question about his social standing (position)? 3. How will he always be remembered by the people? 4. When did Podvoisky join the Bolshevik Party? 5. When and where was Podvoisky born? 6. What was his father? 7. When did Nikolai Podvoisky come to Yaroslavl? 8. What Lyceum did he enter to continue his education? 9. What role did Podvoisky play in the student movement and the underground party organisation? 10. When did Podvoisky first meet Lenin? 11. How many times was Podvoisky arrested during the years of his underground activity? 12. What was Podvoisky's role as chairman of the Military Revolutionary Committee in the historic days of the Great October Socialist Revolution? 13. Why was it important to take the Winter Palace? 14. When did it become clear that the armed uprising in Petrograd had won? 15. What post did Podvoisky hold in the first Soviet Government? 16. What did Podvoisky work for till the end of his days?

Ex 17 Topics for oral and written composition.

1. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, the founder of the first Socialist Workers' and Peasants' State in the world.

2. The role of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in building up a new society.

3. The social programme as outlined in the decisions of the 26th Congress of the CPSU.

4. The life story of a revolutionary.

5. My favourite hero.

Lesson eleven

Text: A Meeting in the Night (from "How Long the Train's Been Gone" by

James Baldwin)!

Grammar: The Infinitive. Syntactical Functions. Active and Passive Forms.

A meeting in the night

Caleb and I began walking very fast, down the avenue, toward our block in Harlem.2 The subway station3 was near the movie house, and the movie house was dark. We knew we were late; we did not think we were that4 late. We were hurrying down the long block that led east to our house when we heard a car braking and were blinded by bright lights, and were pushed up against a wall.

"Turn around," a voice said. "And keep your hands in the air."

We did as we were told. We were to be searched. I felt the grainy brick beneath my fingers. A hand patted me all over my body, every touch humiliating. Beside me, I heard Caleb catch his breath.

"Turn around," the voice said.

The great lights of the police car had gone out; I could see the car at the curb,8 the doors open. I was afraid to look at Caleb, for I felt this would, somehow, be used against us. I stared at the two policemen, young, white, tight-lipped and self-important.

They turned a flashlight on us, and looked us over carefully.

"Where are you boys going?"

"Home," Caleb said. I could hear his breathing. "We live in the next block." And he gave the address.

Now I heard the effort Caleb was making to fight down the rising panic. "We just took my girl to the subway station. We were at the movies." And then he added bitterly, "This here's my brother. I got to get him home. He's only ten years old.

"What movie did you see?"

And Caleb told them.

"You got any identification?"6

"My brother doesn't. I do."

"Let's see it."

They looked at his wallet attentively, looked at us, handed it back. "Get on home," one of them said. They got into their car and drove off.

"Thanks," Caleb said. "Come on, let's go home. Little Leo. You were properly frightened."

"Yes," I said. "Were you?"

"That's right, I was frightened."

"You behaved calmly enough," I said.

We were in our block, approaching our house. He grinned. Then he said, "Leo, I'll tell you something. I'm glad this happened. It had to happen one day, and I'm glad it happened while I was with you — of course, I'm glad you were with me, too. They didn't arrest me only because you were there."

"What for?"

"Because I'm black," Caleb said. "That's what for." I said nothing. I said nothing, because what he said was true, and I knew it. It seemed, now, that I had always known it, though I had never been able to say it. I was filled with an awful wonder; it hurt my chest and paralyzed my tongue. Because you're black. I tried to think, but I couldn't. I only saw the policemen, those eyes with the dangerous look in them, and felt those hands all over me. Were they people?

"Caleb," I asked, "are white people people?"

"What are you talking about, Leo?"

"I mean, are white people — people? People like us?" He looked down at me. His face was very strange and sad. It was a face I had never seen before. We were in the house now, and we climbed a few more stairs, very slowly. Then, "All I can tell you, Leo, is — well, they don't think they are."



1. James Baldwin was born in 1924 and grew up in Harlem, New York. He has written a large number of books, the best known are: "Nobody Knows My Name", "Another Country", "Notes of a Native Son". His most recent novel, published in June 1968, is "Tell Me How Long the Train's Been Gone" from which the excerpt has been taken. In recent years James Baldwin has won recognition as a spokesman for Black rights.

2. Harlem: a section of New York City in Manhattan with a large Negro population

3. subway station: a station of the New York underground railway

4. that: here means "to that extent, so" and is used for emphasis

5. curb (AmE): (BrE) kerb: обочина дороги

6. identification: a photograph, a card with a person's name and address, a driver's license, etc which prove who a person is

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