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Reported Speech

Imperative (Requests, Warnings, Instructions, Prohibition)

Ex 31. Study the following chart.

Direct Speech

Reported Speech

  1. The old lady says/said to the young man: "Give me a hand with my heavy suitcase."

  2. "Never say such things again," Father said to me.

  3. Peter said to his wife: "Don't forget to send me a telegram, please."

  1. The old lady asks/asked the young man to give her a hand with her heavy suitcase.

  2. Father told/ordered me never to say such things again.

  3. Peter asked/begged his wife not to forget to send him a telegram.

Ex 32. Use Reported Speech.**

1. "Don't repeat this mistake again!" the instructor warned the sportsman. 2. "Leave your address with the secretary," the assistant said. 3. "Phone to me for an answer tomorrow," the manager said to the client. 4. "Don't be so silly," the father said to the kid. 5. "Give a smile," the photographer said to me. 6. "Please, help me to make a decision," Ann asked her friend. 7. "Don't leave these books on the table, put them back on the shelf," the librarian said to the student. 8. "Be a good girl and sit quietly for five minutes," the nurse said to the child. 9. "Leave your things here," my companion advised me. 10. "Don't discuss this question now," said the chairman.

Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives

Ex 33. Study the following chart.





hot .

















more comfortable

most comfortable



















Ex 34. Compare the following according to the model.

Model: the Don, the Dnieper, the Volga: long, short

1. The Don, the Dnieper and the Volga are long rivers.

2. The Dnieper is longer than the Don but shorter than the Volga.

3. The Volga is the longest of the three, and the Don is the shortest.

1. the Urals, the Pennines, the Alps: high, low; old, young. 2. the climate of Karelia, the Central Asia Republics, Siberia: damp, dry; cold, hot. 3. the Azov Sea, the White Sea, the Caspian Sea: deep, shallow; cold, warm. 4. the Behring Strait, the English Channel, the Gibraltar Strait: narrow, wide. 5. the four seasons of the year: spring, summer, autumn, winter; cold, warm; beautiful.

Ex 35. Use the following patterns in sentences of your own.

1. The weather today is better (worse) than it was yesterday.

2. This book is as interesting as that one.

3. The Thames is not so (as) long as the Dnieper.

4. He is twice as old as I am.

5. His library is much richer than mine.

6. She is two years younger than I (am).

Ex 36. Translate the following sentences.

1. Какой из шести континентов самый большой? 2. Какой самый короткий месяц в году? 3. Днем на улицах города гораздо больше транспорта, чем вечером. 4. Новые здания гостиниц более современные и они гораздо выше, чем старые. 5. Моя библиотека не столь интересна и богата, как библиотека моего друга. 6. Николай самый молодой из моих друзей. Ему столько же лет, сколько и моей младшей сестре. 7. Кто у них в семье самый- старший из детей? 8. Летом у нас больше свободного времени, чем зимой. 9. В конце года у них в отделе вдвое больше работы, чем обычно. 10. Мой брат на три с половиной года старше меня.

Ех 37. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the adjective given in the brackets. Use the article where necessary.

1. The Soviet Union is — country in the world (large). Its territory is 22,402.2 thousand square kilometres. 2. There is no country in the world that is as — in minerals as the Soviet Union (rich). The Soviet Union has — reserves in the world of important minerals such as coal, oil, gas, iron, zinc, nickel and others (rich). 3. Moscow, the capital of the Soviet Union, is one of its — towns (old). It is — than Leningrad (old). 4. Red Square is — place in Moscow (beautiful). In old days it was — place in Moscow (busy). 5. The Hermitage in Leningrad is one of—of the world's art museums (fine). There are—than two and a half million works of art of different ages, countries and peoples (many). 6. Leningrad, like Moscow, is one of — industrial centres in our country (important). 7. The British Museum in London is famous for its library, which has one of — collections of books in the world (rich). 8. The English Channel, at its — part, the Strait of Dover, is 32 kilometres wide (narrow). 9. Among the world's— countries are the Vatican, in Rome, and Monaco, which is situated in the South of France (small). 10. The Sears Tower in Chicago is the world's — all-electric building (tall). It is — than both the Empire State building and the World Trade Centre in New York (tall).

The Article

Ex 38. Study the following chart.

  1. Give me a book. (any book)

Give me the book. (the book in your bag)

  1. There is an article in today's paper.

The article is on modern architecture.

It's an interesting article.

Ex 39. Make up situations, explaining the use of the article in the following pairs of sentences.

1. (I) This is a house, (II) This is the house. 2. (I) You can have a new bag. (II) You can have the new bag. 3. (I) May I have an English dictionary? (II) May I have the English dictionary? 4. (I) This is a famous picture, (II) This is the famous picture. 5. (I) You had a copy of my report, (II) You had the copy of my report. 6. (I) She is a doctor, (II) She is the doctor.

Ex 40. Fill in the blanks with articles.

1. This is—very difficult sentence for me.—sentence has too many unknown words in it. 2. Ours is — noisy street. — street is in the centre of the city. It is — street with very heavy traffic during the day. 3. "Is there — theatre in your town?" "Yes, we have one. — theatre is in the town's central square." 4. You have — mistake in the second form of the verb. — mistake is bad, it is not — spelling but — grammar mistake. 5. He has— interesting collection of butterflies. —collection is the second best in our country. 6. He has — elder brother. — brother is away the greater part of the year. He is— sailor.

Ex 41. Fill in the blanks with articles. Retell the passage.

I like Elsom. It is — seaside resort in — South of England. — town is not very far from Brighton and it has the charm of — old town. — town was never fashionable. In winter Elsom was usually — quiet place and the Dolphin — very comfortable inn. In — hall of — inn there still is a framed letter from Mr Thackeray, — famous writer. In August and September — town is full of holiday-makers and is for two months — noisy place.

(After "The Round Dozen" by W. S. Maugham)

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