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The Indefinite Tense forms (Present, Past and Future)

Ex 22 Study the following chart.


  1. I usually go to work by bus.

  2. They live in the country.

  3. We don't know his address.

  4. Does she speak English?

  5. The book describes the museums of our town.

  6. The earth moves round the sun.


1. She lived in Smolensk before the war (in 1940, three years ago, etc).

2. He caught a big fish just now (yesterday, last week).

3. When he came, she told him everything.

4. When did you see him last?

5. He got to the station in time, bought a ticket and went out on the platform.


  1. I shall ('ll)* finish this work tomorrow (in two days, next week, etc).

  2. We shall not (shan't) have a meeting on Monday.

  3. She will ('ll) be busy in the evening.

  4. They will not (won't) come here next year.

Еx 23 Practise the 3rd person singular. Present Indefinite Tense.

M o d e l 1: Does Ann study at the Institute for Foreign Languages?

No, she doesn't. She studies at the Institute for International Relations.

1. Does he teach at school? (at the Institute). 2. Does it often rain here in summer? (in autumn). 3. Does she work at a factory? (at an office). 4. Does he live in Leningrad? (in Moscow). 5. Does he get up at 7 o'clock? (at 8 o'clock). 6. Does he go to his office by bus? (by the underground). 7. Does she sleep in the open air during the summer? (in the house). 8. Does he smoke before lunch? (after lunch),

M о d e 1 2: You speak English and Mary speaks French.

1. They like to dance and she — to sing. 2. Her parents live in the country and she — in town. 3. I go to bed at 11 o'clock but the child — to bed at nine o'clock. 4. We have tea at five o'clock and Mary — milk at five o'clock. 5. They watch TV in the evening and their sоn — it in the afternoon. 6. You read English books and your brother — French books. 7. I hear well and my grandmother— badly.

Ex 24 Open the brackets, using the Present Indefinite tense form, and retell the story.


Have your ever heard of "elevenses"?

At eleven o'clock a lot of people (stop working) and (have) a cup of tea or coffee, or, if they (be) at school, a bottle of milk. This mid-morning snack (be) called "elevenses". '

"Elevenses" also (mean), of course, time for a chat and there (be) always a lot to talk about. Ladies (talk) about the weather and the latest fashion. Men (discuss) politics, business and the latest news. Mike and Jane (work) at an office. They usually (have) their "elevenses" right in the office room. It (not take) them much time, fifteen minutes all in all. Mike (like) his tea rather sweet and strong. Jane usually (have) a cup of coffee with one lump of sugar.

Ex 25 Complete the following sentences, using the Past Indefinite Tense.

M o d e l : Now he lives in Moscow but a few years ago he lived in Kiev.

I. Now he studies English but at school —. 2. Now he often sleeps in the daytime but he never — before 3. Now she knows something about the life of these people but before she came to live here she — nothing about them. 4. Now I play tennis well but when I was eighteen —. 5. I am a student now and have my lunch at the Institute but when I was a schoolboy, I —. 6. He leaves home at 8 in the morning but when he lived in the country he —. 7. He doesn't smoke now but only a few months ago —. 8. She seldom writes to me now but there film was to their liking. 6. I don't. My brother does. He goes to work by the underground. 7. No, it isn't. Fifty roubles is not enough to buy a good radio-set. 8. No, they won't. They are out of town. 9. I do. But my English is not quite up to the mark. 10. Yes, there are. The only thing we haven't got in our flat is air-conditioning.

Ex 34 Express disagreement with the following statements.

1. She never has milk for supper. 2. He won't answer her letters. 3. They studied German at school. 4. The students at our Institute have lunch at three o'clock. 5. She will never go there by plane. 6. There won't be many people in the streets on Sunday. 7. They work at this office on Saturdays. 8. He left school long before the war.

Ex 35 Make up sentences from the following groups of words, the missing elements may be added.

  1. during their summer vacation; go home; all foreign students.

  2. next year; these students; study many more subjects.

  3. be his favourite writer; Mark Twain; when he was a schoolboy.

  4. bring more chairs; be a lot of guests; at today's meeting.

  5. when it began to rain; stop playing football; the boys.

  6. be no more wars; if peace-loving people; fight for peace.

  7. often; we; have long discussions; the current situation; our teacher.

  8. after two years in the army; come back; a different man; I am sure.

  9. Bernard Shaw; be born to a poor family; begin to work at an early age.

  10. the last years of his life; Nikolai Gogol; Suvorov Boulevard; live; here; read for the first time; to the actors of the Art Theatre; his comedy "Inspector General".

  11. Alaska; leave for; 1897; Jack London together with thousands of other people; not find gold; write a lot of stories.

Ex 36 Translate the following sentences into English, using the Indefinite tense forms (Present, Past or Future).

1. Он ездит на работу на автобусе. 2. Я помню, что я тоже ездил на работу на автобусе, когда жил в этом районе. 3. Вчера мы не обедали дома, мы ходили в ресторан. 4. Что у вас обычно бывает на завтрак? 5. Он начал изучать английский язык, когда был еще ребенком. 6. Сколько вам понадобится времени, чтобы закончить перевод? 7. Он очень хорошо описал нам дорогу к историческому памятнику. Мы сразу нашли его. 8. Ты знаешь, когда начнется собрание? 9. Я просмотрю ваш доклад завтра. 10. Мой день начинается с зарядки. 11. Когда он уехал в Ленинград? 12. Все студенты ездили в Киев во время каникул, кроме Петрова. 13. — Поезд давно отошел? — Десять минут назад. 14. Когда я жил в деревне, я любил утренние прогулки до завтрака. 15. Этот автобус здесь не останавливается, пройдите немного дальше по улице. 16. Вчера у них была беседа на эту тему. 17. 0н не всегда обедает в институте.

Ех 37 Open the brackets, using the correct tense form.


Although we (live) in the twentieth century, many people (be interested) in things that (happen) in the sixteenth century or (happen) in the twenty-first century. A lot of films, books and plays (be) about historical subjects or science fiction.* One day you (watch) a film about Henry VIII, and the next day (read) a book about men on Mars.

We must remember though that the present (come) from the past, and the future (come) from what (happen) now.

It (be) difficult to imagine man in different ages. What (feel) it like to live in the thirteenth century? What (eat) we in the year 2000? Of course, we (know) a lot about what (happen) in the past. There (be) books that (describe) the past, letters and things from the past centuries. But what it (be) like in the twenty-second century? Historians (look) at our clothes and (laugh)? They (be surprised) that our transport (be) slow, and our life busy? They (think) that our food (be) strange? Perhaps they (think) we (be) lucky to live in a world which still (have) some room and where people (be) happy. Or perhaps they (be) happy living on the Moon or even Mars and (stay there and not wonder) about what (happen) on Earth.

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