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1. The difference between:

(a) the British Isles, Great Britain, Britain, the United Kingdom, and England.

(b) London and Greater London.

2. What each of the following stands for:

(a) the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street, London's square mile of money.

(b) the "money", the "goods", the "hands", the "lungs" of London.

3. The literal and figurative meanings of:

the City, Westminster, Whitehall, Downing Street.

Ex 3. Find in the text the English for:

полное наименование; административные здания; финансовый и деловой центр; правительственные учреждения; рабочий Лондон; район доков и фабрик; изобиловать контрастами

Key structures and word study

Ex 4. Make up five groups of three words associated in meaning or area of usage:
















Ex 5. In (a) find words in the text opposite in meaning to the following. In (b) replace the words in bold type by their opposites. Make all necessary changes. Translate the sentences.

(a) small, modern, many, noisy, full, short, ugly, rich, big, wide, good, dry, clean, light.

(b) 1. The bottle is less than half full. 2. Turn down the radio, please. It's too loud. 3. The area is rich in minerals. 4. The weather was damp and cold. 5. The sun was up. It was light. 6. The bag was full and very heavy. 7. Every time he tells the same story. 8. The girl wants a shorter dress. 9. Old cities usually have narrow streets. 10. The film is too long. 11. That's a bad joke! 12. The country has a dry climate. 13. She likes this sort of heavy humour. 14. My friend lives in a noisy street. 15. The traffic is not so heavy in the morning as in the afternoon.

Ex 6. Compare the meanings of the words in bold type.

1. (I) This is a new building, (II) This is a modern building. 2. (I) The painter was a big man. (II) The painter was a great man. 3. (I) He is a new writer, (II) He is a modern writer. 4. (I) It was a damp day. (II) It was a wet day. 5. (I) This is fine silk. (II) This is beautiful silk. 6. (I) The girl was quiet, (II) The girl was silent.

Ex 7. In the following pairs of sentences, bring out the difference in meaning* between the words in bold type.

1. (i) There's heavy traffic in the dock area. (ii) He speaks with a heavy accent. 2. (i) These are all empty boxes. (ii) These are all empty words. 3. (i) It was a dark morning. (ii) It was a dark secret. 4. (i) There is a wide avenue across the city. (ii) There is a wide difference between these two ideas. 5. (i) It was a quiet colour. (ii) He was a quiet child. 6. (i) Long hair is no longer fashionable. (ii) Her sister was ill for a long time. 7. (i) This is a big place you have here. (ii) "Love" is a big word. 8. (i) The bag is light. (ii) The colour is light. 9. (i) This is dry wood. (ii) This is a dry subject. 10. (i) The tree is still green. (ii) The boy is still green. 11. (i) The house is damp. (ii) The climate is damp. 12. (i) It is a fine morning. (ii) This is a fine museum.

Ex 8. The words below are names of parts of the body. Complete the sentences, by one of the words (used as a noun) and translate them into Russian.

ear (2), heart (2), hand, face, eye, head, foot, mouth, body

1. Moscow is the — of the Soviet Union. The — of Moscow is the Kremlin. 2. This year the camp is situated at the — of a hill. 3. The child has a good — for music. 4. The painter is very famous. He has a wonderful — for colour. 5. The boy has a very good — for foreign languages. 6. They have some very nice watches in that shop, quite modern, too, with square — and three —, one for the hours, another for the minutes, and still another for the seconds. 7. Father's seat was at the — of the table. 8. A legislative — is a group of persons who make laws. 9. London lies in the — of the Thames.

Ex 9. Compare the meaning of the following words with the words of the same root in Russian.

office, financial, business, hotel, museum, gallery, class, modern, contrast, official, mile, figurative, professional, broker, commercial, firm, company, residence

Ex 10. Translate the following sentences. Note the pattern.









of workers

1. В 2000-м году население Советского Союза будет более 270 000 000. 2. Ежегодно сотни москвичей получают квартиры. 3. В Большом Лондоне более семи миллионов жителей. 4. В субботу и воскресенье Лондон пустеет. Сотни лондонцев выезжают за город. 5. Днём улицы любой столицы мира заполнены тысячами машин. 6. В Венгрии одно большое озеро. Это—Балатон. А в Финляндии десятки больших и сотни малых озер.

Ех 11. Answer the following questions, using 'both' and 'all' according to the model.

Model: 1. Which of these two exercises is difficult?

(a) They are both difficult.

(b) Both of them are difficult.

2. Where are the government offices in London?

(a) They are all in Whitehall.

(b) All of them are in Whitehall.

(A) 1. Which of his brothers is a worker? 2. Are the students in your group Russian? 3. Where are your English books? 4. Are these two stamps English? 5. What are your parents? 6. Where are the children? 7. Are Rooms 30 and 32 on the left-hand side of the corridor? 8. Are the new hotels in Moscow big?

(B) 1. What cities are Gorky and Saratov? Are they on the Volga? 2. Are Sochi and Gagri on the Black Sea? 3. Where are the theatres situated in London? 4. Are the Stock Exchange, the Royal Exchange and the Bank of England in the City? 5. Are Cambridge and Oxford University towns?

Ex 12. Fill in the blanks with 'it' or 'there' according to the sense.

1. The Lake District in England is called so, because— are really a lot of lakes there. — is a very beautiful part of the country. At the beginning of the 19th century — was a group of poets who lived in this district. They were known as Lake Poets.

2. Prince Edward Island is the smallest province in Canada, both in territory and population. In fact, — is like one large, well-kept farm. — is no place more than a few miles from the coast. — is a very quiet island. — is almost like being in another world. — is no heavy industry on the island. Its main industry is agriculture. Yet — is a historical place for — is the birthplace of Canada.

Ex 13. Add the correct form of 'there is', or 'it is' to the following.

1. — a beautiful cathedral in this place before the war. 2. — a short way from here to the station? 3. — a shorter way to the station if you are in a hurry. 4. — a pity that you won't be at the party. 5. — a woman standing here a minute ago. 6. — a fact that he is a clever man. 7. — no time for tea if we are in a hurry. 8. — time to go to bed. 9. — no place like home. 10. — a problem to get to Oxford from London? — no problem at all. You can get there either by boat or by bus. 11. — one empty seat in the plane when 1 arrived. 12. — a beautiful park here in a couple of years. 13. Don't you think—time for another cigarette? 14. — a place I know where you can have good coffee. 15. — a crossing here?

Ex 14. Study the following phrases. Recall the sentences in which they are used in the text. Use them in sentences of your own.

one of the cities; in the world; on both sides of the river; across the river; in fact; during the day; at night; a street with shops; a district of docks; in the City (this part of the town, the West End, the East End); lots of houses; full of contrasts; a city of contrasts

Ex 15. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs. Retell the passages.

(A) 1. The full name—the Soviet Union is the Union—Soviet Socialist Republics. Moscow, its capital, is one — the largest cities — "the world. It is situated — both sides — the Moskva. There are ten bridges — the Moskva river. — fact, there are twelve, but two — them are for underground-trains. 2. — the heart — England, about 112 miles north west — London, is Birmingham, a city — over a million inhabitants. The district around Birmingham is a district — factories and mines. The nearest port is Liverpool—the mouth—the river Mersey—the Irish Sea. 3. One—the towns, right—the centre—England is Stratford, Shakespeare's birthplace. — the bank — the river Avon there is a monument to Shakespeare. Not far — it is Shakespeare's house; a small house — small rooms, and a small garden. Now Stratford is a busy town — streets full — people and cars. 4. The streets — the West End — London are all famous — something: Piccadilly — its clubs, Harley Street — its doctors, Charing Cross Road — its bookshops. 5. If the City is a busy place — the day and a quiet place — night, Soho (— the heart — the West End) which is famous — its French, Italian and Swedish restaurants, is a busy place — night, but quiet — the day.

(B) Scotland is — the north — the British Isles. It is — the north — England. Scotland is a country — its own traditions, traditions which are alive even now and are rare — the modern world. Scotland is part — Britain, but Scotland is not England. It differs — England — many ways. Scotland has her own administration of government* which is centred—Edinburgh. She has her own national heroes, a national dress, the kilt** (which is, strictly speaking, only — men); her own typical instrument, the pipes*** (or the bagpipes); her own national country dances and songs (some — which are very popular — England, too); her poetry (some — which is famous — the English-speaking world). In short: Scotland is not England.

Ex 16. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. Use the correct form. Translate the sentences into Russian.

several (2), different, difference (4), differ, damp (2), famous (3), full, empty (2), quiet, modern

1. Charles Dickens is a — 19th century English writer. He is— for his novels about working-class England. 2. There are—paintings by Rembrandt in the Hermitage, the world — museum in Leningrad. 3. The Rossiya hotel in Moscow is an interesting example of — architecture. 4. In the words of the great American writer Mark Twain the — between the right word and the almost right word is the — between lightning and the lightning bug.**** 5. The family was out of town, and the | house stood —. 6. The play is — of humour. 7. You really mustn't smoke on an — stomach. 8. The woman's clothes were — with the rain. 9. There were — people at the bus-stop. 10. There is a world of — between "few" and "a few", "little" and "a little". 11. October weather is — and foggy. 12. In contrast to his brother who is a noisy sort of man, he is very —. 13. The sisters — from one another in the colour of their eyes. 14. In fact there is no — in meaning between "have something" and "have got something". 15. Three — persons told me the same story.

Ex 17. Replace the Russian words and phrases by suitable English equivalents. Retell the passage.

I was born in a small town in the north of England. There is a big castle in the centre of the town and (несколько) fine old churches. Here most of the streets are dark and (узкие); the houses are on both sides of the streets and they are not much (отличаются от) each other. In the suburbs the houses are bigger and newer, with (всеми удобствами), and the streets are (шире).

There are three cinemas in the town. One of them is not far from our house. I usually go there once a week; but when the film is good we all go to the cinema together. Before the war we still had trams, but now we only have buses.

The town itself is а (тихое) place now, with very few people in the streets during the day and very (небольшое уличное движение). But there was a time (несколько) hundred years ago when the town was quite (знаменитым). (Действительно) it has a long and interesting history.

The country around it is very beautiful. There is a river nearby where one can bathe, or fish. There are two bridges (через) the river. On the other side of the river there are some low, green hills.

Ex 18. Test translation.

(A) 1. Столица Советского Союза — Москва. Она расположена по обеим сторонам Москвы-реки. Москва — большой промышленный город со множеством фабрик и заводов. Это также порт пяти морей. Москва является культурным центром страны. Здесь много музеев, картинных галерей, театров и кино. Библиотека имени В. И. Ленина — одна из самых крупных библиотек мира и самая большая библиотека в Советском Союзе. Она находится в самом центре Москвы, недалеко от Кремля. 2. Москва — очень старый город; ей более 800 лет, но это также и молодой город с новыми проспектами, красивыми площадями и парками. Новые районы города отличаются от старых. Улицы в новых районах широкие, с высокими домами по обеим сторонам. Здесь нет ни фабрик, ни заводов. Здесь много солнца и воздуха. В жилых домах все удобства. В Москве живет более 8 млн. человек.

(В) 1. Какая самая красивая улица Москвы? 2. Сколько мостов через Москва-реку? 3. Где самый большой стадион в Москве? Как он называется? 4. Чем отличаются новые районы Москвы от старых? 5. Как сейчас выглядят Ленинские горы? 6. Где самое большое уличное движение в Москве? 7. Чем славится Красная площадь? 8. Как полностью называется Советский Союз? 9. Каково население Советского Союза?

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