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1. When did the sloops the Mirni and the Vostok leave Kronstadt? 2. Where were they going? 3. What were the seafarers hoping to find in the Antarctic? 4. What did the famous English seafarer James Cook write in his diary about the Unknown Southern Land? 5. What sloop was under the command of F. F. Bellingshausen? 6. Who headed the Russian scientific expedition to the Antarctic? 7. What sloop was under the command of М. P. Lazaryev? 8. What course did the sloops follow? 9. What places did they pass on their way to the Antarctic? 10. When did the expedition cross the Antarctic Circle? 11. What appeared before them the next day? 12. What stopped the movement of the boats? 13. What was in their way? 14. Why didn't the seafarers know that they had made one of the greatest geographical discoveries of the century? 15. How long did the expedition last? 16. How many kilometres were covered? 17. How many islands were discovered, described and mapped? 18. In what place did the sloops leave the Antarctic waters?

Ex 47 Act as interpreter. Sum up the dialogue.

A: How is freedom of scientific, technical, and artistic work guaranteed in the USSR?

В: Государство создает необходимые материальные условия для развития научного, технического и художественного творчества. Академия Наук СССР стоит во главе научной мысли в нашей стране.

A: What questions does the Academy of Sciences deal with at its sessions?

В: По установленной традиции ежегодно весной советские ученые созываются на сессию, чтобы подвести итоги проделанной за год работы (review their last year's work) и наметить задачи на будущее.

A: What scientific discoveries can you mention?

В: Это открытия в области физики, химии и биологии. Они имеют большое практическое значение для различных отраслей экономики страны.

A: How do Soviet scientists look upon science?

В: Наука сегодня не является больше вещью в себе. Это активный инструмент в планировании, прогнозировании и развитии научного, технического и социального прогресса.

A: What can you say about the educational importance of scientific discoveries?

В: Они дают человеку новые сведения об окружающем нас материальном мире.

Ех 48 Use the following words and expressions in situations of your own.

1. Modern Science

the age of great (wonderful, etc) discoveries in physics, chemistry and other sciences; a scientific and technological revolution; Soviet science; make great (important) progress; hold first place in the world in many spheres of research; change the face of the earth; be meant for the good of man; bring changes into our way of life; Soviet scientist; be famous for; do important scientific work; work out new methods; be widely used in industry and agriculture.

2. An Experiment in Physics

be interested in physics; take part in the work of a Students' Scientific Society; a marvellous idea; come to one's mind; talk things over with one's Professor; follow the Professor's advice; spend a lot of time in the laboratory; make experiments; have a lot of trouble at first; remain in the laboratory for days; not disturb sb in his work; get interesting results; work sth out at last; be invited to speak at a scientific conference; be thrilled; accept the invitation; be proud of sth; write an article; appear (be published) in a scientific magazine.

3. The Telephone is a Wonderful Invention

Mr Brown: frankly enjoy having a telephone at home; be extremely proud of sth; a marvellous idea; invite Mr Smith to dinner; hope to have a nice quiet chat; take up the receiver; make a call; wait for the wife to answer the telephone; hand the receiver to Mr Smith; watch Mr Smith's face; immediately see that sth is wrong; not expect sth to happen; hardly know what to say.

Mrs Brown: hear the telephone ringing; believe that it is her husband at the other end of the line; say sth quite frankly; be against sth; not choose one's words; (the words) be meant for her husband's ears only; repeat several times; not keep a hotel; be displeased; even not try to hide one's anger.

Ex 49 Discuss the following, giving your arguments for or against.

1. You believe that a person can become a genius by very hard work Your friend disagrees, saying that even if a person works hard, he has very little chance of becoming a genius if he wasn't born one.

2. The same facts or happenings are often interpreted differently by different people. You say that it is so because people never really get a full understanding of a fact or a full picture of a happening, or to put it differently, their interpretation is a' result of their limited knowledge of a fact, subject, etc. Your friend believes that it happens so because people are less interested in the fact or happening as such, and are more interested in their own reactions to it, in their feelings and thoughts.

3. Your friend believes that it's wonderful to be famous. What do you think?

Ex 50 Subjects for oral and written composition.

1. Retell the story in the person of: (a) Charles Chaplin; (b) Mrs Einstein; (c) Professor Einstein's assistant.

2. Say how true was the story told by Mrs Einstein to Charles Chaplin.

3. Tell the story of some great scientific discovery.

4. Tell the life story of a great scientist.

5. The Radio (or Television) and its uses.

6. Science in the home.

7. Tell a story to illustrate the proverb: "Necessity is the Mother of Invention."

8. Describe an episode or incident that had happened to you ending the story with the words: "I had had all my trouble for nothing."

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