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Ex 14 Study the following phrases and (a) recall the sentences in which they are used in the text and (b) use them in sentences of your own.

in the fields; behind (at) the wheel of a tractor/a car; at the end of (a valley, corridor; story, etc); a long (short) way from the road (house, etc); one after another; be (run, etc) after sb/sth; come into one's head; across the field (room, street, etc); come (climb) over a wall; go (come, call, etc) back; strike sb on (the nose, the head, etc); be afraid for one's life; come to one's mind; get (a) pleasure out of doing sth; look forward to sth; do without sb/sth; wake up.

Ex 15 Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs. Retell passage (B).

(A) 1. There was nothing in his past to be ashamed —. 2. We like the same book but — different reasons. 3. They were a noisy crowd and she got little pleasure — — their company. 4. I've been after this book — months. 5. Why has it come — your head to invite them both? They'll be quarrelling—each other all the time and our week-end will be spoiled. 6. — the end — the hall was an escalator that led — the street. 7. He was putting one picture — another — front — me and I could see how eagerly he was waiting — a word of admiration. 8. It had suddenly come — his mind that a careless step might ruin his whole career. 9. Looking — the wall she saw children running — the garden, shouting something excitedly — each other. 10. I had the feeling that the secretary was watching me — — the corner — her eye while she was arranging the cards — the desk — alphabetical order. 11. With her brother — the wheel she was not afraid — her life. 12. The doctor looked — the boy's arm and said: "I don't like the look — it — all. He must be taken — hospital — once."

(B) — three weeks Mr Raggett, all dressed up, called — Kate daily. After staying — tea he usually ended the evening by asking — her hand. He knew he couldn't do — her.

One evening when he reached the door and was going out, Kate called him —.

"Sit —, Mr Raggett," she said calmly. Mr Raggett took his seat. — — the corner — his eye he saw the girl come — the room and sit — — the sofa — him.

"You've asked me many times to marry you. I am sure it is very kind — you. And if I have hurt your feelings by refusing you, it's because I have thought that I was not good enough — you. Still, if you are firm — your decision and haven't changed your mind, I agree." Mr Raggett's heart missed a beat.

"I suppose you have a little money," Kate continued.

She heard him catch his breath. "A very little," he said — a whisper.

"I want it to be a small affair: just ourselves and a few friends. We shan't spend much money — it and we'll have three nice weeks — London."

"Perhaps you want to take a little longer to think everything —," said Mr Raggett. Now that the moment he had been looking — — so much had come, he wasn't sure he wanted to get married.

"I've quite made — my mind," the girl said. "And now I want to marry you just as much as you want to marry me."

(After "A Safety Match" by W. W. Jacobs)

Ex 16 Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. Use the correct form. Translate the sentences into Russian.

beat v, ruin v (2), recognize, settle (2), be ashamed (2), harm, harmful, harmless, reason, firm, straight, alone (2), ugly (2)

1. Our plans are not definite at all. Nothing has been — yet. 2. I should warn you he's not that easy to — at chess. 3. If she keeps on smoking like this, she'll be — her health. 4. I said what I thought of him — to his face, not that he liked it. 5. She said she was tired and wanted to be left —. 6. It was a perfectly — joke, and it's your own fault if you don't see the funny side of things. 7. He was — in his decision to have his own way in the matter. 8. She was easy to —. She had changed very little since I saw her last. 9. Another mistake like this may — his career at the laboratory. 10. She shouldn't have gone to the South against the doctor's advice; the heat did her more — than good. 11. That was an — thing to say! Aren't you — of yourself? 12. He couldn't explain why he had suddenly changed his mind; he had no — to give, he had just felt that way. 13. She wasn't exactly pretty, some people even said she was —. 14. Too much exercise may be — to a person with a weak heart. 15. She didn't like to go places—, she always took somebody along with her. 16. The old man held his head high. He hadn't done a single thing in his life to be — of. 17. They turned to the professor for help as it seemed he was the only person who could — their problem.

Ex 17 Replace the Russian words and phrases by suitable English equivalents in the correct form. Retell the passage.

With a heavy heart Miss Meadows walked along the cold corridors that (вел к) the music hall.

Forms Four, Five and Six were waiting for her there.

She (ударила по) the piano with her baton. "Silence, please! Immediately!" Her voice (звучал) cold and hard. She (не переставая, думала) of the letter she (получила) that morning. It (наполнило) her with un-happiness. "... I feel more and more strongly that our marriage could be a mistake. Not that I do not love you. I love you as much as it is possible to love a woman, but I don't think I am a marrying man." (Одна) in the world again! Oh, how it (больно). She should have known that nothing would come of it.

Miss Meadows said in a voice of ice, "Page fourteen, please. A Lament."*

What could be more tragic than a lament! How she had always (c нетерпением ждала) their meetings! How good-looking Basil was. And he knew it, too.

"The headmaster's wife (без конца приглашает) me to dinner. I never get an evening to myself."

"But can't you (отказаться)?"

"Oh, well, I can't (обидеть ее), (так не делают). And then it may (повредить) my chances."

The voices were silent, the piano waited.

"Quite good," said Miss Meadows, but still in such a voice that the younger girls (почувствовали испуг).

(Вдруг) the door opened. A little girl in blue (подошла к) her.

"Well, Monica, what is it?"

"Oh, if you please, Miss Meadows," said the little girl, "Miss Wyatt wants to see you."

The headmistress sat at her desk. "I sent for you just now because this telegram has come for you. І (надеюсь) it isn't bad news." (Слишком взволнованная) to say anything, Miss Meadows opened the telegram.

"(He обращай внимания на) letter was mad bought hatstand today Basil." She (поднялась). She half ran towards the door.

"Oh, just one minute, Miss Meadows," said Miss Wyatt (твердо). "I must say I don't like my teachers to (получать) telegrams in school hours."

(Полная) hope, love and joy she ran back to the music hall.

"Page 32," she sang out and (отвернулась) to (скрыть) her smile.

We come here today with flowers and joy ...

"Stop! Stop!" cried Miss Meadows. "This is (ужасно). (Что с вами сегодня?) Think, think of what you're singing. Use your (воображение). It should (звучать) warm, happy and eager. (Еще раз.) Quickly. Now then!"

And this time Miss Meadow's voice (зазвучал) over all the other voices — full, deep and rich.

(After "Singing Lesson" by Katherine Mansfield)

Ex 18 Speak on the following topics. Use the words and phrases given below.

1. Coleman Goes Duck Shooting

popular; want to be alone; go duck shooting; get pleasure out of shooting duck; be good at sth; look forward to sth; favourite place; at the end of the valley; a long way from; reach some place; cross several fields one after another; leave one's bicycle at the roadside; carry a gun; walk along with a gun under one's arm.

2. Coleman Is Attacked by the Bull

hear a thundering; look back; run for one's life (as fast as one can); be frightened; be afraid for one's life; unexpectedly; have no time to think; hope to reach the wall; climb over the wall; be safe; out of danger; see sth out of the corner of one's eye; be struck by the girl's calm behaviour; feel ashamed and angry.

3. Maggie Comes to Coleman's Help

go for a walk; enjoy the beautiful day; hear a thundering; know the ways of the bull; be dangerous; climb over the wall; carry a light stick; run towards; strike on the nose; hurt; drive away the bull; give one's reasons for doing sth.

4. Coleman and Maggie Look at Each Other

Coleman: twenty-four; very good-looking; a strong face; even white teeth; a straight nose; long lashes; blue eyes; just six foot tall; well built; sing well; play the accordion; dance; a good worker; a good man in a boat and behind the wheel of a tractor; extremely popular.

Maggie: have an expression at the place, as ugly as Barney's Maggie; tall; the kindest thing to be said about ...; nice hair; nice brown eyes; well built; calm; proud; know one's own mind; know how to keep one's mouth shut; a good, understanding person.

5. Coleman Sees Maggie Home

monthly fair; buy cattle; be happy to see sb; get pleasure out of pronouncing sb's name; look forward to the dance; like the look of sb; enjoy dancing with sb; want to be with sb all the time; let sb go first; know that one loves sb; make up one's mind; arrange with sb that ...; make a promise; to ask for sb's hand; be filled with happiness; be unable to do without sb.

6. The Incident at the Pub

Friday night; work the whole day; get a pint at the village pub; drink alone; be cleaned up and shine like a pair of shoes; hear a name mentioned; catch sb's attention; feel terribly unhappy; settle the matter for oneself; change one's mind about marrying sb; get drunk; start a quarrel; beat up; break one's promise.

Ex 19 Test translation.

1. Трудно представить, как он сможет сделать эту работу один. Я думаю, нам следует помочь ему. 2. У нее нет оснований не верить ему. Он никогда не нарушал своего слова. 3. Они отказались от нашей помощи по многим причинам. 4. То, что он говорит, вполне разумно. Я полагаю, что нам следует согласиться с ним. 5. Решайся. Цена разумная. Лучшей (фото)камеры за эту цену ты не найдешь. 6. Если вы пойдете по этой дороге, она приведет вас прямо к станции. 7. Не сидите на солнце в такой жаркий день. Это вредно для здоровья. 8. Его шутка была совсем безобидной. Вам не надо было обижаться на него. 9. Он вел себя некрасиво. Он даже накричал на нас. Ему должно быть стыдно сейчас за свое поведение. 10. Не мешайте ему, оставьте его в покое. Разве вы не видите, что он чем-то расстроен? 11. Хотя он сам не танцует, ему доставляет большое удовольствие наблюдать, как танцуют другие. 12. До лагеря очень трудно добраться, он расположен высоко в горах. 13. Я не думаю, что его кто-то преследовал. Это ему просто показалось. 14. Трудно сказать, чего он добивается. 15. Он вне опасности. За его жизнь нечего бояться. 16. Зачем вы ссоритесь? Вы вполне можете уладить это дело спокойно. 17. Я старался успокоить его, но это было бесполезно. 18. Нам не удалось переубедить его. Он был тверд в своем решении. 19. Я знаю, что он человек твердого характера. 20. Извините, пожалуйста. Я не узнал вас.

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