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Speech and composition

Ex 55 Answer the following questions. Sum up your answers (orally, or in writing).


1. What climate do you have in your part of the country? 2. What is the climate like in Britain? 3. What is the difference between a sea and a continental climate? 4. What kind of climate do you think is the ideal one?


1. What do men (women, children) usually wear in winter (summer, etc; on a rainy day; in cold, damp, hot, etc weather)? 2. What do you wear at home (at the office, Institute, etc; when on vacation; to a party, reception, the theatre, etc)? 3. How do fashions change with the times? 4. Why do fashions change every now and then? 5. What can clothes tell of a person's character, his life style, etc? 6. What are people's clothes made of? 7. What clothes are made of wool (cotton, silk, leather, nylon, etc)? 8. What do the English mean when they say "We are not rich enough to buy cheap things"?

Ex 56 Read the weather forecasts, note their style. Say what time of the year they refer to. Consult your local paper, and (a) give the full story behind the brief item about the weather; (b) write up the weather forecast in English.

WEATHER: Showers, wintry at times. Outlook: Cold with rain or sleet.

WEATHER: Cloudy with rain. Some sunny intervals. Temperatures will range from near normal in the South to cold in the North. Windy.

WEATHER: Mainly cloudy with rain. Normal temperatures. Outlook for tomorrow and Thursday: Changeable.

Tomorrow and Monday: Rain at first in the South, with some snow over high ground.

WEATHER:Generally very cold, with very cold north

WEATHER: Showers. Rather cold. Tomorrow and

easterly air-stream continuing. Sunny and dry, with frost and some icy patches.

Thursday: Occasional rain with some snow In North. Temperatures below normal.

WEATHER: Cloudy at first, clear in the afternoon. Outlook: Mostly mildand unsettled.

WEATHER: Sunny intervals, but showers in Eastern areas; cold and windy. Outlook: Cloudy with showers; cold.

WEATHER: Bright with showers. Outlook: Sunny intervals and showers.

Ex 57 Read the passage. Answer the questions. Retell (or write up) the passage in English.

Как у каждого народа, у англичан много хороших традиций, и спорт — одна из них.

Англичане любят спорт. В зимние воскресные дни на вокзалах можно часто встретить семьи с лыжами: мама, папа, дети, а иногда и дедушка с бабушкой. Я видел много таких семей. Поезда, уходящие в снежные, горные районы, забиты лыжниками всех возрастов.

А традиции англичан в одежде? В данном случае я не говорю об одежде клерков или гвардейцев, а об обычной, повседневной одежде англичан.

Среди англичан можно редко встретить людей в слишком яркой одежде. Если вы встретите мужчину в ярком галстуке или яркой рубашке, не спрашивайте, как пройти на Гордон-сквер, он не может вам этого сказать, потому что он приезжий.

(С. Образцов. «Две поездки в Лондон»)

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