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Speech and composition

Ex 48 Answer the following questions, using the vocabulary of the lesson. Sum up your answers (orally, or in writing).


1. What is the best time of the week (day) to call on a friend? 2. Do you like making calls after you've had a busy day at the Institute (office)? Does it make any difference, is it all the same to you? 3. When did you see your friend last? 4. What is the best way to let your friend know that you're coming if he has no telephone? 5. Are all these arrangements necessary if he has a telephone? 6. How long do you usually stay if it's a friendly visit (a business call)?


1. When do people catch colds more often: in good or bad weather (on cold and windy, or warm and sunny days)? 2. When did you have a cold last? 3. How long did it last? 4. Must you stay in bed when you have a cold? 5. Do you call a doctor, or do you go to see him? 6. Does your local doctor call on other patients on his way to see you? 7. Does he go about town in a car, or does he walk from house to house? 8. Do you pay the doctor for his visits?


1. Are you usually excited when going on a holiday? 2. When are you leaving? 3. What day have you decided on? 4. Have you already booked the tickets? 5. Did you go to the station to book the tickets or did you reserve them by telephone? 6. How long will it take you to get your things ready? 7. What arrangements must you make before going away? 8. Will you arrange with somebody to see you off? 9. Do you usually travel light, or do you have a lot of luggage? 10. When will a person say: "I hope you have a nice journey"?

Ex 49 Read the passage, answer the questions, and retell (or write up) the passage in English.


Так называется книга английского писателя Стена Барстоу. Это книга о юноше и девушке, которые встретились и понравились друг другу. Через некоторое время он понял, что это ошибка, что это не любовь, но было уже поздно. Они поженились и стали жить в доме ее матери. Их семейная жизнь была несчастливой. Однако молодые люди решили начать всё сначала, уехать из дома родителей жены, но это уже конец книги.

В книге Стена Барстоу описывается обычная, повседневная жизнь. Фамилия героя, Браун, одна из самых распространенных в Англии. Ничего нет романтического и в том, как познакомились Вик Браун и Ингрид (они работают на одном заводе). Он забыл дома деньги и просит ее купить ему билет в автобусе.

Книга обсуждает проблемы, которые важны и интересны для молодежи любой страны, помогает им лучше понять себя и других.


1. What is the name of the book? 2. Who wrote the book? 3. What is the book about? 4. What did the young man understand after some time? Was it real love or a mistake? 5. Where did the young people live after getting married? 6, Was their family life happy? 7. What did t he young people decide to do? 8. How does the book end? 9. What kind of life does the author describe in the book? 10. Why did the author call his hero Brown? 11. Are there many people of the same name in England? 12. Was there anything romantic about the way Vie met In-grid? 13. Where did they both work? 14. What problems does the book discuss? 15. Why is the book both important and interesting for young people in any country? 16. In what way can the book help young people?

Ex 50 Act as interpreter. Sum up the dialogue.

Q: What role does TV play in the life of the Soviet people?

А: На этот вопрос трудно ответить одним предложением. Телевидение можно сравнить с дальними дорогами, которые открывают для человека все время что-то новое.

Q: How many channels broadcast TV programmes?

А: Центральное телевидение передает программы по четырем каналам.

Q: What programmes' does the first channel cover?

А: Новости и текущие события, концерты и фильмы. А что вас больше всего интересует?

Q: "The World of Animals" and "Cinema Travel Club".

А: Программы «В мире животных» и «Клуб кинопутешествий» любят и дети и взрослые.

Q: What is your favourite evening programme?

А: Во-первых, это программа «Время». Она начинается в 9 часов вечера по московскому времени. Кроме этого я с удовольствием смотрю передачи об искусстве.

Q: TV can be an excellent source of knowledge. Are there any special programmes for schools and universities?

А: Да, конечно. Эти программы обычно передаются по четвертому каналу.

Q: To sum up what has been said here I should say that there are different Soviet TV programmes with something of interest for every viewer.

Ex 51 Use the following words and expressions in situations of your own.

1. The Doctor Calls

a beautiful morning; wear light clothes; change (of the weather); start raining; the whole day; get wet; catch (a) cold; get worse; stay in bed; call a doctor; ask what's the matter; describe the symptoms; the best way to get well is ...; last (of the cold).

2. Asking the Way

go on a business trip; last (of the journey); arrive in a strange city; stay (stop) at a hotel; decide to take a walk all by oneself; cross the street; catch a bus; get late; take the wrong bus home; get off at the wrong stop; find oneself in a strange place; meet a stranger; ask the way; find out; be a long way from one's hotel; walk all the way back; take a decision.

3. Seeing a Friend Off

help sb with the arrangements for a holiday; get ready for the trip; be (get) excited; have a busy time; call at sb's place; a short (long) way from ...; call a taxi; throw the bags into the car; travel across the city; arrive at the station just in time; catch a train; a fast train; say goodbye to sb; start on one's Journey.

4. Traffic Rules Are For You Too

get off a bus; heavy traffic; crowds of people; be late for the theatre; cross the street in the wrong place; catch sb; explain the traffic rules to sb; hope that sb will not do it again (repeat the same old mistake).

5. Happy Birthday to You

arrange a birthday party; send letters (invitations); get everything ready for the party; make coffee (tea, etc); have enough food and drinks; be excited; wait for one's guests; wear a new suit (dress, etc); put on all the lights; arrange the flowers; have a really wonderful time; do some dancing (singing); drink (to) sb's health; wish sb many happy returns of the day; last till midnight (of the party).

Ex 52 Discuss the following, giving arguments for or against.

1. It's about nine o'clock and two friends are just leaving the cinema (theatre). They discuss the film (play). One of the friends liked it, the other didn't.

2. Your friend says that watching TV is bad for people. For one thing, people were much healthier when there was no TV, for another, they used to meet their friends more often. You say that a person can learn a lot if he watches TV regularly.

3. You are discussing the "generation gap" with your friends. You see the reason for it in the different interests and aims of the younger and older generations. Your friends disagree with you, saying that the reason lies in the different understanding of one's rights and duties.

4. A TV language programme, no matter how good, is of little use in learning a foreign language.

Ex 53 Subjects for oral and written composition.

  1. Describe an evening in the Brown family.

  2. Describe an evening in your own home.

  3. Give a brief talk on a TV programme the whole family enjoys watching in the evening.

  4. Describe a busy railway station a few minutes before a holiday train leaves.

  5. Someone stops you in the street and asks the way to the railway station. Tell him the shortest way, using such landmarks, as a monument, a new school building, a metro station, an intersection, a cinema.

  6. Write down a telephone conversation between yourself and a friend in which you make an arrangement to go to the cinema and to have tea at your friend's flat afterwards.

  7. Tell a story to illustrate the proverb "All's well that ends well".

  8. Complete the following letter:

Dear Nick (Tanya),

I was surprised to get your letter this morning, saying that you waited for me the other evening. I am, of course, very sorry that you did so. I sent a telegram in the morning to say that I wasn't coming.

The matter is that ....


Text: "To Kill a Man" by Jack London1.

Grammar: Complex Object

Adverbial Clauses of Time.

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