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III. Practise the pronunciation and stress

Alimentary canal, proteins, tongue, esophagus, stomach, to provide, series, to process, to convert, substance, nourishment, starch, to digest, acid, to pass through, distribution, pancreas, to break up, to grind, gland, to moisten, to lubricate, saliva, to convey, pharynx, average, to churn, gastric juice, hydrochloric acid, chyme.

IV. Form the new words using the following suffixes and translate them

- ment: nourish

-y: fat

- tion: distribute

-ary: aliment

- ed: digest aid

-ar: muscle

- ive: digest distribute

- er: simple

-ing: grind, chop, distribute

-ly: part, usual

V. Read and translate the following word combinations

  1. to digest: digestive system, digestive enzyme, to digest food particles, partly digested food, complex sugars are digested to.

  2. stomach: muscular stomach, to pass from the stomach, the stomach stores and helps to digest food, stomach churns food around and mixes it with gastric juice.

  3. to break: to break down protein, to break up food.

  4. to consist of: simpler substances consist of small molecules, digestive system consists of the alimentary canal.

  5. to secrete: secretion, secretions from the liver and pancreas.

  6. part: partly, particles, parts of the body, fine particles, the partly digested food (chyme).

  7. to distribute : distributing, distribution, distributive, distributor.

VI. Remember the following prepositional phrases

to pass through

проходить через

to pass from ... to ...

проходить от ... до

to hold about


to churn around


to break down

разрушать, раздробить

to break up

разбивать (на мелкие куски)

to consist of

состоять из

usually after two to five hours

обычно спустя (через) 2-5 часов

VII. Read and translate the following word combinations from the text

  1. Substances that the body uses for nourishment.

  2. Molecules that can then pass through the intestinal wall.

  3. Saliva which also contains a digestive enzyme.

  4. Gastric juice which includes hydrochloric acid.

  5. The series of organs that process and convert food into simpler substances.

VIII. Read and translate the text, part I

IX. Find in the text the sentence with the Passive Voice and translate it

X. Find English equivalents for the following words and word combinations

более простые вещества

набор органов

для распространения (распределения)

проходить через

пищеварительный фермент

кишечная стенка

желудочный сок

кровяное русло

поджелудочная железа

с помощью слюны

соляная кислота

увлажнять пищу

мышечная трубка


обеспечивать кислотную среду


пищеварительный тракт


тонкий кишечник

мышцы глотки

частично переваренная пища

разрушать белок