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Методичка Системы.doc
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III. Translate the following words and word combinations

  1. to contract: the muscles contract; the heart contracts; How many times does the heart contact? contraction; contraction of the diaphragm; The heart makes 30 contractions per minute.

  2. to trigger: to trigger contraction; to trigger reaction; to trigger sneezing; to trigger coughing; to trigger breathing in; What triggers sneezing?

  3. to expand: the lungs expand; the chest expands during inhalation; What expands during inhalation?

  4. respiratory center: respiratory center is a collection of cells in the brain; cells in the respiratory center; to send signals to the respiratory center; to send messages from the respiratory center to the diaphragm.

  5. to exhale: exhaling takes place; exhalation; during exhalation; during exhaling the chest subsides.

  6. diaphragm: diaphragm is a sheet of muscle; the muscles of the diaphragm contract; the diaphragm and rib muscles relax.

  7. sensitive to smth: to be sensitive to dust; Are you sensitive to the dust? to be sensitive to carbon dioxide concentrations; He is sensitive to flower dust; She is not a sensitive person.

IV. Match the antonyms

  1. to relax

  2. to breathe in

  3. to breathe out

  4. to run out

  5. to narrow

  6. to enlarge

  1. to rush in

  2. to subside

  3. to contract

  4. to exhale

  5. to expand

  6. to inhale

V. Find English equivalents for the following words

Посылать сообщения; вызывать реакцию; пласт мышц; много рёбер; сокращения мышц диафрагмы; уровень углекислого газа; чувствительный к пыли; сокращаться во время вдоха; грудина; стимулировать сокращения; быстро расширяться; воздух стремительно врывается; много раздражителей в дыхательном горле.

VI. Read the 2nd part of the text “The Respiratory System”

VII. Find in the text these prepositional phrases and translate the whole sentence

  1. to be housed in

  2. to be made up of

  3. to pull downward / up

  4. to rush in

  5. to build up

  6. to be sensitive to

  7. to send back to

VIII. Translate the following words and word combinations into English

Нижняя стенка грудной клетки; рёберные мышцы расслабляются; 15 раз в минуту; совокупность клеток в мозгу; дыхательный центр; концентрация углекислого газа; достигать определённого уровня; стимулировать вдох; наличие частичек пыли; вызывать чихание; клетки в стенках лёгкого; происходит выдох; вызывать выдох; посылать сообщения из дыхательного центра к диафрагме и рёберным мышцам.

IX. Fill in the missing parts of the sentences

  1. The lungs are housed in a ___, which is made up of ___, ___ and ___.

  2. Diaphragm is a _____ at the floor of the cage.

  3. When we breathe in, the muscles of the diaphragm ___ and the diaphragm is ___.

  4. The ribcage is ___ and the air ___.

  5. When we breathe out, the diaphragm and rib muscles ___ and the chest ___.

  6. Respiration is controlled by ___.

  7. The cells in the respiratory center are sensitive to ___.

  8. When carbon dioxide reaches a certain level, messages are sent from ___ to ___ and trigger contraction.

  9. During inhalation stretch receptors send signals ___.

  10. Then the muscles of ribs and diaphragm ___ and the person ___.

  11. Many dust particles in the nose can trigger ___.

  12. Many irritants and mucus in the windpipe cause ___.