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методическое пособие по английскому языку.doc
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10. Translate from Russian into English:

Листовая пластина, водонепроницаемый слой, противоположные направления, верхний слой, хвойные растения, ответственен за, водяной пар, центральная жилка, процесс производства пищи, транспортировать пищу, разнообразие размеров, цветов и текстур, разветвляться в двух направлениях, по уши влюбиться, электронное сообщение, так быстро, как только возможно.

11. Match the following expressions with prepositions with their English equivalents:

fall in love with


consist of


bring in


responsible for

как только

be covered with

быть ответственным за что – либо

take in

быть покрытым чем – либо

in between


be in charge of

влюбиться в

full of

заносить (привносить)

divide into

ответственен за

branch from

полон чего -либо

fall off

делиться на что – либо

as soon as

состоять из

12. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences in the Past Continuous (Progressive) Active/Passive or in the Present Simple (Indefinite) Active / Passive:

a) was / Lucy / when / Kate / talking / to / up / smiling / Alex / and / to / her / came

b) playing / they / tango / were

c) they / he / not / was / when / dancing / was / were / talking / at / he / just / to / looking / her / her

d) Kate / Alex / dancing / were / and / together

e) is / in / water / a / transpiration / vapor / emitted / process / called

f) be / as / leaves / grouped / or / can / simple / compound

g) leaves / special / called / substances / that / contain / are / pigments

h) be / into / their / leaves / divided / how / are / can / arranged / veins

i) is / the / for / responsible / water / xylem / transportation

j) the / leaves / branch / have / that /out / dicots / of / veins / that / two / different / ways

13. Translate sentences from Russian into English:

a) Когда в аудиторию вошёл преподаватель, студентами обсуждалась тема последней лекции.

b) Пока влюблённые танцевали, музыканты играли танго.

c) Листовая пластина покрыта водонепроницаемым слоем, который называется кутикулой.

d) Когда Кейт читала конспект лекций по теме «Листья», ей позвонил Алекс.

e) Двудольные растения имеют листья, жилки которых разветвляются в двух противоположных направлениях.

f) Между верхними и нижними слоями листовой пластины находятся клетки, полные хлорофилла, который необходим для фотосинтеза.

g) Хвойные растения сохраняют свои листья – иголки годами и выращивают новые, как только теряют их.

Class work

14. Decide whether the following statements are true (t) or false(f), if the sentence is false, correct it. While answering use the following phrases:

I believe (consider, suppose, guess)

I would rather…

I am convinced that…

1. At Lucy’s party Kate was wearing a beautiful green dress.

2. They were playing tango the night Alex and Kate were dancing their first dance.

3. Alec is a romantic person.

Начало формы

4. The parts of the plant that are mainly in charge of making food for the plant are the roots.

5. A thin stalk that connects the blade of the leaf to the plant's stem is the petiole.

6. A thin, flat part of the leaf that extends off the end of the petiole is the blade.

7. The top layer of the leaf that is its waterproof covering is the cuticle.

8. Little opening in the leaf that allows for the taking in of carbon dioxide and the emission of oxygen during photosynthesis are stomata.

9. The releasing of water vapor from the plant into the air is called transpiration.

10. In between the top and bottom layer of the leaf is the green material essential for making food or photosynthesis in the plant. It is chlorophyll.

11. The substances in leaves that give them different colors in the fall are called veins.

12. A compound leaf has a number of flowers.

13. Palmate have one main vein called the midrib, and smaller branching veins.

14. Pinnate have several large veins branching from the leaf base into the blade.

15. Stomata have guard cells on either side of the stomata to help regulate the amount of carbon dioxide and oxygen that flows in and out of them.

16. Kate was very surprised at Alex’s letter.