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4) Запиши словами.

1) 11 – eleven sweets

2) 13 – thirteen apples

3) 15 – fifteen oranges

4) 17 – seventeen carrots

5) 18 – eighteen tomatoes

6) 20 – twenty nuts

Lesson 25

  1. Запиши словами.

  1. 11 – eleven nuts

  2. 12 – twelve sweets

  3. 16 –sixteen carrots

  4. 18 – eighteen apples

  5. 13 – thirteen oranges

  6. 20 – twenty lemons

  1. Вставь much, many, a lot of.

  1. The farmer has a lot of apples on his farm.

  2. You must drink much tea with honey.

  3. Has he got many friends?

  4. She hasn’t got many sweets.

  5. Pupils have got many pens and pencils. They write and draw.

  6. Jill doesn’t eat many cakes. She likes apples.

  1. Помоги продавцу сделать рекламу его товара. Впиши нужные слова в объявление.

I have got red and big carrots, a lot of good cheese, nice cakes, strong tea, green cabbages, a lot of sweets, white eggs.

  1. Составь вопросы. Расположи слова в нужном порядке. Образец: run, Do, in, you, morning, the? – Do you run in the morning?

  1. May, in, come, I? – May I come in?

  2. play, you, Can, hockey. – Can you play hockey?

  3. a pen, take, I May ? – May I take a pen?

  4. swim, Do, in, you, morning? - Do you swim in the morning?

Lesson 26

  1. Расколдуй волшебную ромашку. Запиши словами.

twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety

  1. Заполни таблицу. Запиши, что ты любишь и что не любишь делать.

I like to…

I don’t like to…

play tennis

eat porridge

do my homework

drink tea with milk

visit my friends

live in the forest

skate in the park

go to the zoo

  1. Узнай у мистера Гринвуда о его учениках. Составь и запиши четыре вопроса.

Образец: Does Jack like to play football? Does Bess do her homework every day?

  1. Does Nick like to play with his friends?

  2. Does Martin like to do his homework every day?

  3. Does Mary like to read books on Sundays?

  4. Does Pam like to count and write?

Lesson 27

  1. Запиши словами.

  1. 23 – twenty-three pens

  2. 62 – sixty-two bags

  3. 45 - forty-five pencils

  4. 78 – seventy-eight bikes

  1. Выбери и обведи подходящее по смыслу слово.

  1. Rabbits like… . a) cakes b) carrots c) honey

  2. My horse doesn’t eat … .

a) carrots b) apples c) meat

3) Monkeys like … .

a) fish b) bananas c) lemons

4) Bears like … .

a) honey b) corn c) ham

5) Hens eat … .

a) butter b) ice cream c) corn

3. Переделай предложения. Используй модели.

. ?

. ?

. ?

Образец: His pets like milk and cheese. – Do his pets like milk and cheese?

  1. They go to the park. – Do they go to the park?

  2. Her friends play tennis on Sundays. – Do her friends play tennis on Sundays?

  3. We go to school together. – Do we go to school together?

  4. You speak and read English well. – Do you speak and read English well?

  5. The sisters drink tea for breakfast. – Do the sisters drink tea for breakfast?