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HISTORY OF SEAFARING - нет словаря и ключей.doc
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XII. Say in one word, see the words below

  1. the action of taking something or someone by force

  2. make it difficult for somebody to do something

  3. place where a river enters the sea

  4. another thing, another possibility

  5. soldiers who fight on horseback

  6. take aggressive military action against enemy with armed forces

  7. not to allow the enemy to take you by force when the enemy attacks you

  8. make somebody lose enthusiasm about something

  9. place where fleet is being built

  10. a unit of an army divided into some companies, battalions

  11. to go by sea in a ship

  12. ships and people used to conduct military operations at sea

  13. make something stronger than it was before

  14. start building a town in an empty area

  1. alternative

  2. attack

  3. cavalry

  4. discourage

  5. found

  6. hinder

  7. mouth

  8. navy

  9. regiment

  10. repulse

  11. sail

  12. seizure

  13. shipyard

  14. strengthen

XIII. Give English equivalents

остро нуждаться, выход в открытое море, южные части, устанавливать экономические отношения, не оставалось ничего другого, задерживать развитие, устье реки, состоять из, под командованием, отвлечь внимание, предстоящее нападение, отправилась на Азов, взять штурмом, отразить атаку, главная причина провала, помешать получать снабжение, не испугал, наоборот, проводить действия, строить флот на судоверфи, для этой цели, обращать внимание на, объединённые силы, восемь полков, разбили флот, привели к захвату, укрепить позиции, был основан, с дипломатической миссией

XIV. Tell your classmates about the Azov campaign of Russia unit III The expedition of Bering and Chirikov,

1724 – 1728

In 1724, Peter I decided to send an expedition to the Pacific Ocean, as nо one knew whether Asia and America were joined by an isthmus or separated by а strait. (Facts about Semyon Dezhnev’s expedition remained unpublished, and the stories of his feat had been long forgotten).

The expedition had other tasks besides finding out whether Asia and America were joined or not. By this time Russia had already become an important sea power and was carrying on extensive foreign trade in the Baltic Sea area. However, there was nо Russian mercantile marine yet on the Pacific Ocean. It was therefore desirable to find sea routes to America and Japan and start trading with them. Finally, it was important to get detailed information about the far-eastern domains of Russia and find out whether it was possible to get more sables, polar-foxes, beavers and other valuable furs from those parts.

The expedition set out in January 1725, under the command of Vitus Bering and Aleksei Chirikov. In 1726, after а most difficult journey of more than ten thousand kilometres, during which many of the men perished, the expedition reached Okhotsk. Неrе а ship named Svyatoi Gavriil was built, on which in June 1728 they sailed out into the Pacific Ocean.

At first they sailed northwards along the coasts of Kamchatka and Chukotka. In the strait between Asia and America Bering discovered an island which he named St. Lawrence, but he could not sight the opposite coast of the strait – the Alaska Peninsula – as the shortest distance between the two continents is 90 km.

Оn the 16th of August, the seamen reached Latitude 67º18' N. The coast of Asia swerved more and more to the west. Bering decided that it was sufficient proof of the existence of а strait, and that the expedition could return. Chirikov alone insisted on continuing the voyage until the boat should reach the mouth of the Kolyma, west of which the coast was already known, or until they should соmе across ice floes, which are always to be seen in the Arctic Ocean. This daring plan, however, was rejected, and the ship turned back. On their way back they came across an Island which they called the Island of St. Diomede.

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