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HISTORY OF SEAFARING - нет словаря и ключей.doc
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I. Repeat the words after the teacher

Mediterranean, seized, proposed, island, anchored, frigate, nevertheless, advance guard, perpendicularly, parallel, hurricane, bombardier, command, Lieutenant, causing, artillery, though, testifies

II. Read and translate the international words

battle, command, theatre, operation, parallel, frigate, attack, tactics, perpendicularly, block, battery, Lieutenant, artillery, total, monument

III. Read and translate the information using the vocabulary

IV. Translate the verbs, give the three forms

take place, sail, seize, assist, land, propose, conduct, destroy, anchor, decide, order, approach, fight, pursue, block, inflict, send, comprise, enter, join, shoot, fire, blow up, cause, spread, destruct, capture, lose, bring about, defeat, testify, erect

V. Give the derivatives of the words

fort, ship, Russia, coast, other, spread, destruct, rise, sea

VI. Give Russian equivalents

famous battle, took place, under the command, sailed out from Kronstadt, the Mediterranean sea, seized Arcadia, landing operations, so as to destroy, was located at the island, anchored in two lines, nevertheless, commanding the advance guard, instead of sailing, at the shortest range, hurricane fire, hand-to-hand fighting, was defeated, had to take shelter, to inflict the final blow, joined the battle, shot into flames, outspread of the fire, total destruction, galleys were captured, under cover, testifies to, high level of seamanship, in memory of the victory, was erected

VII. Arrange the following in pairs of synonyms

    1. assist a. battleship

    2. battle b. begin

    3. cause c. blow up

    4. command d. bring about

    5. destroy e. build

    6. erect f. capture

    7. famous g. defeat

    8. pursue h. distance

    9. range i. fighting

    10. seize j. fire

    11. shoot k. follow

    12. shoot into flames l. help

    13. start m. leadership

    14. warship n. well-known

VIII. Arrange the following in pairs of antonyms

  1. destroy a. defeat

  2. enter b. enemy

  3. famous c. erect

  4. friend d. leave

  5. victory e. unknown

IX. Grammar revision

Translate the sentences into Russian

  1. The Turkish fleet was defeated.

  2. It was blocked up.

  3. 1 battleship and 6 galleys were captured.

  4. A monument was erected.

Translate the sentences into English

  1. Враг был побеждён.

  2. Огонь был открыт кораблём Европа.

  3. Турецкий флот заблокировали в бухте Чесма.

  4. По врагу был нанесён окончательный удар.

  5. Было уничтожено 15 вражеских судов.

X. Answer about the article

  1. When did the battle of Chesma take place?

  2. When did the Russian-Turkish war take place?

  3. Where did the squadron under the command of Spiridov sail out from?

  4. Where did it come to?

  5. What did the Russian squadron do there?

  6. Why did Spiridov propose conducting all operations on the sea?

  7. In what way was the Turkish fleet anchored?

  8. How many ships did the enemy have?

  9. How many ships did the Russians have?

  10. What new tactics did Spiridov use in the battle?

11.Why did the Turkish fleet take shelter in the bay of Chesma?

12.What ships were sent to inflict the final blow on the enemy?

13.Who commanded the squadron?

14.What ship opened fire on the Turkish fleet?

    1. What did the ship commanded by Lieutenant Ilyin do?

    2. How many Turkish ships were destroyed?

    3. How many were captured?

    4. How many men did the Russians lose?

    5. What does the result of the battle of Chesma testify to?

    6. What monument was erected in memory of that victory?

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