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HISTORY OF SEAFARING - нет словаря и ключей.doc
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IX. Insert the proper words, see the words below

  1. 20-gun brig “Mercury” was … in Sevastopol on the 28th of January 1819.

  2. Frigate “Standart”, brig “Orfey” and brig “Mercury” (commander captain-lieutenant A. I. Kazarsky) were ordered to … near the way out of the strait Bosporus.

  3. Ship’s crew noticed Turkish … consisting of 14 ships.

  4. The best Turkish ships gradually … “Mercury”.

  5. The rest of the Turkish squadron lay to waiting when the admirals would catch or … refractory Russian brig.

  6. 184 guns against 20 left no hope for a successful … of the fight, which was inevitable.

  7. After the first Turkish shots a … of war was held on the brig.

  8. According to the old military tradition a man of a junior … had a privilege to express his … first.

  9. Any … officer should burn a powder magazine by a pistol shot.

  10. The commander appealed to the sailors not to disgrace the … of the Andreev flag.

  11. To the demand to … the brig replied by volleys and rifle shots.

  12. “Mercury” … all attacks until another good shot damaged the fore-topsail-yard of the Turkish ship.

  13. “Standart” and “Orfey” considering “Mercury” sunk put a flag at half …

  14. Brig’s feat was highly … by the enemy.

  15. Ship’s … added a chapter to the book of Russian sea glory.

  16. In 1834 the monument built according to the design of the architect Brullov was erected in Sevastopol on the money … by seamen.

  17. The high monument with the words: “To Kazarsky. To the … as an example” is crowned with bronze triera.

  1. appreciated

  2. council

  3. crew

  4. cruise

  5. gathered

  6. honour

  7. laid down

  8. mast

  9. opinion

  10. outcome

  11. posterity

  12. rank

  13. reached

  14. repelled

  15. sink

  16. squadron

  17. surrender

  18. survival

X. Say in one word, see the words below

  1. to start building a ship

  2. the line connecting sea and shore

  3. the early morning

  4. the people serving on the ship

  5. the group of ships

  6. long and narrow flag used on a ship for signalling and identification

  7. the line between sky and ground

  8. officer in command of a fleet or squadron

  9. effect or result of a battle

  10. position in the armed forces of fleet

  11. space in a ship for cargo

  12. the right side of the ship

  13. the left side of the ship

  14. shooting of many cannons or rifles together

  1. admiral

  2. coast

  3. crew

  4. dawn

  5. hold

  6. horizon

  7. lay down

  8. outcome

  9. pennant

  10. port side

  11. rank

  12. squadron

  13. starboard

  14. volley

XI. Give English equivalents

защищать побережье, крейсировать у выхода из пролива, на рассвете, состоящий из 14 судов, сосчитав турецкие вымпелы, пушистые облака, остальная эскадра, лечь в дрейф, потопить непокорный бриг, мало шансов, успешный исход боя, военный совет, согласно старой военной традиции, младший по чину, выразить мнение, взять в плен, любой оставшийся в живых офицер, зажечь крюйт-камеру, не посрамить честь Андреевского флага, быть верным долгу и клятве, правый борт, левый борт, залп пушек, отразить атаку, приспустить флаг в знак траура, присоединиться к флоту, оценить подвиг, древние времена, храм славы, щедро наградить, по проекту, воздвигнуть памятник, собранные моряками деньги, потомству в пример

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