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HISTORY OF SEAFARING - нет словаря и ключей.doc
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I. Repeat the words after the teacher

Siberia, Korean, Chinese, Manchur, ′Tartary, European, Crimean

II. Read and translate the international words

annexation, territory, socially, politically, empire, stable, colony, fort, governor-general, legal, activate, policy, separate, diplomacy

III. Read and translate the information using the vocabulary

IV. Translate the verbs, give the three forms

refer, involve, spill, drive back, recognize, remain, follow, begin, enter, concern, raise, use, supply, lead, explore, prove, connect, approach, become, look, chart, decide, turn, fail, penetrate, pass, keep, evade, name, establish, convert, sail, let, pass, settle, declare, activate, present, sign, assign, continue, send, call, call at, found, adjust, specify, accompany, find, reject, accept, annex

V. Give the derivatives of the words

annex, Korea, China, Europe, social, north, possible, explore, increase, settle, legal, act, post, week

VI. Give Russian equivalents

southeast corner, runs down the coast, the northern fringe, Russian adventurers, by the treaty, significant number, they were followed by Russians, raise the problem, naval defense, possibility of using, supply route, outlet of the river, connected to the estuary, a puzzle to explorers, becomes increasingly shallow, looks like, to chart the coasts, failed to penetrate, keep a secret, evade a British fleet, in captain’s honour, allegedly Chinese territory, establish a fort, converted serfs into Cossacks, had no choice but to let pass, including settlers, declared illegal, presented the local governor with a treaty, the treaty assigned all lands to Russia, continued down the Amur, military supply ship, called at the bay, found an outpost, in return for, to adjust a frontier, to accompany weapons, reject the treaty, accept weapons, continued negotiations, ceded to Russia, pure diplomacy, took advantage of weakness, to annex territory

VII. Arrange the following in pairs of synonyms

    1. accept a. allow

    2. adjust b. bay

    3. agreement c. call at

    4. annex d. change

    5. area e. concern

    6. border f. found

    7. cede g. frontier

    8. chart h. give

    9. coast i. great

    10. convert j. join

    11. empire k. marine

    12. enter l. mouth

    13. establish m. part

    14. estuary n. penetrate

    15. gulf o. plot

    16. involve p. power

    17. let q. quantity

    18. naval r. receive

    19. negotiations s. refuse

    20. number t. regulate

    21. reject u. shore

    22. route v. talks

    23. section w. territory

    24. significant x. treaty

    25. spill y. way

VIII. Answer about the article

  1. What part of Russia does this article refer to?

  2. What areas are involved?

  3. When did Russian adventurists first spill over the Stanovoy Range?

  4. What raised the problem of naval defense of the east coast of Siberia?

  5. What expedition did Nevelskoy lead in 1848?

  6. What did the expedition prove?

  7. Why was the Tartar Strait a puzzle to European explorers?

  8. Who charted the coasts of the strait?

  9. Why couldn’t La Perouse prove that it was a strait?

  10. In what way did Nevelskoy prove it?

  11. What city did he found on the Amur?

  12. In what way did East Siberian governor Muravyov form a military force?

  13. In what way did Russia activate the Far Eastern policy?

  14. What did the Aigun treaty assign?

  15. When was Vladivostok founded?

  16. What deal did Putyatin make with the Chinese in1859?

  17. What convention did Ignatyev sign in Pekin in 1860?

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