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Text e history of antibiotics

Although potent antibiotic compounds for treatment of human diseases caused by bacteria (such as tuberculosis, bubonic plague, or leprosy) were not isolated and identified until the twentieth century, the first known use of antibiotics was by the ancient Chinese over 2,500 years ago. Many other ancient cultures, including the ancient Egyptians and ancient Greeks already used molds and plants to treat infections, owing to the production of antibiotic substances by these organisms. At that time, however, the compounds having antibiotic activity and present in moulds or plants were unknown.

The antibiotic properties of Penicillium sp. were first described in France by Ernest Duchesne in 1897. However, his work went by without much notice from the scientific community until Alexander Fleming's discovery of Penicillin.

Modern research on antibiotic therapy began in Germany with the development of the narrow-spectrum antibiotic Salvarsan by Paul Ehrlich in 1909, for the first time allowing an efficient treatment of the widespread problem of Syphilis. The drug, which was also effective against other spirochaetal infections, is no longer in use in modern medicine.

Antibiotics were further developed in Britain following the re-discovery of Penicillin in 1928 by Alexander Fleming. More than ten years later, Ernst Chain and Howard Florey became interested in his work, and came up with the purified form of penicillin.

The term "antibiotic" was originally used to refer only to substances extracted from a fungus or other microorganism, but has come to include also many synthetic and semi-synthetic drugs that have antibacterial effects.

Text f side effects

Possible side effects are varied, depend on the antibiotics used and the microbial organisms targeted. Adverse effects can range from fever and nausea to major allergic reactions including photodermatitis. One of the more common side effects is diarrhea, sometimes caused by the anaerobic bacterium Clostridium difficile, which results from the antibiotic disrupting the normal balance of the intestinal flora. Such overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria may be alleviated by ingesting probiotics during a course of antibiotics. An antibiotic-induced disruption of the population of the bacteria normally present as constituents of the normal vaginal flora may also occur, and may lead to overgrowth of yeast species of the genus Candida in the vulvo-vaginal area. Other side effects can result from interaction with other drugs, such as elevated risk of tendon damage from administration of a quinolone antibiotic with a systemic corticosteroid.

It is a common assertion that some antibiotics can interfere with the efficiency of birth control pills. Although there remain few known cases of complication, the majority of antibiotics do not interfere with contraception, despite widespread misinformation to the contrary.

II. Speak on the following topics:

1. Immune System.

2. AIDS.

3. Endocrine System.

4. Diabetes.

5. Drugs.

6. Vitamins.

7. Medicinal Herbs.

8. Antibiotics.





neuron ['njuqrqn] нейрон

branching ['brQnCIN] розгалуження, гілкування

axon['xksOn] аксон,|паросток| провідна частина|частку| нервової клітини,відросток нервової клітини

dendrite['dendraIt] дендрит,відросток нервовоїклітини, що розгалуджується

synapse ['saInxps] синапс

spinal cord ['spaInql 'kO:d] спинний мозок

meninges (sing. meninx) [mI'nInGI:z]

мозкові оболонки

dura mater ['djuqrq 'meItq] тверда мозкова оболонка

arachnoid [q'rxknOId] павутинна оболонка (мозку)

pia mater ['paIq 'meItq] м'яка мозкова оболонка

innermost ['Inqmqust] той, що знаходиться глубоко усередині; внутрішній

relay [rI'leI] передавати

afferent ['xfqrqnt] аферентний

efferent ['efqrqnt] еферентний, відцентровий

forth ['fO:T] вперед, далі

distribution ["dIstrI'bjuS(q)n] розподіл

brainstem (brain stem) ['breInstem] стовбур головного мозку

hypothalamus ["haIpo'Txlqmqs]


blood supply ['blAd sq'plaI]


critical ['krItIk(q)l] важливий, суттєвий, необхідний

signal [sIgnl] сигнал

output ['autput] об'єм

consume [kqn'sju:m] вживати,

поглинати, споживати

action potential ['xkS(q)n pqu'tenS(q)l]

потенціал дії

viscera ['vIsqrq] внутрішні органи

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