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Medicinal herbs have been used for centuries to treat different diseases. Herbs have been the principal medicines used in many countries. The parts of the plants used for medicine are their leaves, flowers, roots, seeds or bark. Herbs are the source of pharmacologically active substances that effect the living organism. Medicinal herbs are used in the form of compress, decoction, essential oil, extract, ointment, powder, syrup, tincture, and tea. Medicinal herbs are used as medicine to treat influenza, colds, upper respiratory tract infections (Echinacea); bronchial infections, infected wounds, inflammations of the throat, gums, and mouth (Myrrh); morning sickness, nausea, intestinal colic, gastritis (Peppermint); inflammation of the mouth and pharynx (Camomile) and many others.




antibiotic ["xntIbaI'OtIk] антибіотик

inhibit [In'hIbIt] пригнічувати, стримувати

protozoan ["prqutq'zqun] протозоон

potent ['pqut(q)nt] сильнодіючий; міцний

mold [mquld] пліснява; пліснявий грибок

own to [qun] визнавати

bactericidal [bxk'tIqrI"saIdl] бактерицидний

streptococcus (pl. streptococci) ["streptqu'kOkqs] стрептокок

bacteriostatic [bxk"tIqrIo'stxtIk] бактеріостатичний

topical ['tOpIk(q)l] місцевий, топічний

range [reInG] коливатися

adverse ['xdvq:s] несприятливий, побічний

Word-building conversion

Ex. 1. Familiarize yourself with the following material:

to help допомогати– a help допомога

Ex. 2. Read and translate the following words:

To work – a work; to act – an act; to group – a group; to form – a form; to plan – a plan; to head – a head, to exercise – an exercise.


Ex. 3. Read the following sentences with their translations:


The ancient Egyptians and ancient Greeks treated different diseases.

Стародавні єгиптяни та греки лікували різноманітні захворювання.

The work is rather difficult but very important.

Робота досить складна, але важлива.

Take this medicine two or three days.

Приймайте ці лікі 2 або 3 дні.

Fractures are defined as either closed or open.

Переломи визначаются або як закриті, або як відкриті.

Type AB blood has neither A nor B antigens.

Четверта група крові не має ні А, ні В антигенів.

Ex. 4. Read and translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

1. Balanced skin is neither oily nor dry. 2. The nerve cells that form the peripheral nervous system are located either within the neural tube or are derived from neural crest cells. 3. The key to treatment is either decreasing the amount of acid present or strengthening the protective lining of the stomach or duodenum. 4. A number of smaller veins empty into either the cardiac veins, the coronary sinus, or directly into the right atrium. 5. All arteries of the systemic circulation are derived either directly or indirectly from the aorta.

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