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Ex. 3. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:

Gerund construction


(Possessive Case)





Indefinite (Active): V+ -ing

(working; writing)




Indefinite (Passive): being + V3

(being worked; being written)



Perfect (Active): having + V3

(having worked; having written)


Perfect (Passive): having + been + V3

(having been worked; having been written)

На початку речення герундіальний комплекс|зворот,оберт| перекладається|перекладає,переказує| підрядним реченням із сполучниками|реченням| "те, що"; "в тому, що": This| doctors| knowing| English| well| helps| him| in| the| work|. – Те, що цей лікар|лікарка| добре знає англійський, допомагає йому в роботі.

Після присудка герундіальний комплекс|зворот,оберт|перекладається підрядним реченням|реченням|із|із|сполучником "що": We know ofhis having performedon this operation well.– Ми знаємо, що він добре провів операцію.

Ex. 4. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to Gerund Constructions:

1. I remember his brother taking medicinal herbs to prevent upper respiratory tract infections. 2. He does not like her using herbs without doctor’s advice. 3. They heard of bronchial infection’s having depended on many factors. 4. We know of immunologic factors' being a cause of his disease. 5. The infertility's being the problem for many partners is known to everybody. 6. His having been sent to the regional hospital is unexpected for us. 7. They informed of the infectious disease's having led to chronic pneumonia.

Reading and developing speaking skills

Ex. 5. Read VOCABULARY and memorize the following words.

Ex. 6. Compose 2-3- sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.

Ex. 7. Insert the missing letters:

Notif_; ste_p; gri_d; oi_tment; evap_rate; es_ential oil; de_oction; cr_de drug; he_b.

Ex. 8. Read and translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian:

Simmer; ointment; purge; crude drug; distil; utilize; seed; retard; bark; decoction; grind; evaporate; steep; currently; tincture; powdered; soak; salve.

Ex. 9. Read the following text: medicinal herbs

Medicinal herbs have been used for centuries to treat everything from depression to high blood pressure and cancer. Herbs have been the principals if not the only medicines used in many countries. Recently doctors and other medical professionals have started realizing the importance of these medicinal herbs and their potential for treating and curing a wide variety of ailments as an alternative to pharmaceutical drugs and medications.

Medicinal herbs covering a wide range of types of plants are well known to everybody. The parts of the plants used for medicine may be their leaves, flowers, roots, seeds or bark.

Herbs are the source of pharmacologically active substances that effect the living organism. Dr. Varro Tyler, Professor of Pharmacognosy at the Purdue University School of Pharmacy and Pharmacal Sciences, defines herbs as “crude drugs of vegetable origin utilized for tretment of states,

Medicinal Herbs

often of chronic nature, or to maintain a condition of improved health.”

The early Romans and ancient Egyptians and Indians used herbs for many medicinal purposes. Modern medicine investigates the benefits of herbs through Pharmacognosy – a study of crude forms of plant, animal and mineral medicines.

Medicinal herbs strengthen an organ so that it can heal itself. Some medicinal herbs purge the body of toxins and illnesses, while others build up the immune system, which will help in retarding illness. There are many ways in which herbs can be prepared to be used to medicinal purposes:


Soak a cloth in a cool herb solution, then apply directly to the injured area.

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