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      1. Выберите правильный синоним

28. "способность"

  1. Ability

  2. Condition

  3. Possibility

  4. Knowledge

  5. Quality

29. "enter the school"

  1. Go to school

  2. Ask to school

  3. Come to school

  4. Invite to school

  5. Attend the school

30. "grant"Stipend

  1. Admittance

  2. Scholar

  3. Requirement

  4. Account

31. "assert"

  1. Confirm

  2. Give

  3. Learn

  4. Convince

  5. Type

32. "power"

  1. Energy

  2. Grade

  3. Ability

  4. Stress

  5. Level

33. "homework"

  1. Assignment

  2. Job

  3. Work

  4. Labor

  5. Task

Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

34. Moscow University was founded in …...

  1. 1755

  2. 1986

  3. 1660

  4. 1991

  5. 1870

35. How many institutes are there in Eurasia national university?

  1. 8

  2. 4

  3. 7

  4. 9

  5. 6

36. Eurasian National University was founded in ….

  1. 1996

  2. 1992

  3. 1991

  4. 2001

  5. 1995

37. Eurasian National University was conferred a special status by the Decree of the president

N. Nazarbaev in July ….

  1. 2001

  2. 1991

  3. 1995

  4. 2003

  5. 1993

Выберите правильный перевод:

38. "зритель"

  1. Spectator

  2. Sportsmen

  3. Tours

  4. Tournament

  5. Coacher

Выберите антоним:

39. "indoor games"

  1. Outdoor games

  2. Favorite games

  3. Chosen games

  4. Sport games

  5. International games

40. "win"

  1. Lose

  2. Goal

  3. Shout

  4. Score

  5. Support

Выберите правильный перевод:

41. "первокурсник"

  1. Freshman

  2. Schoolboy

  3. Student

  4. Applicant

  5. Schoolgirl

42. "декан"

  1. Dean

  2. Doctor

  3. Director

  4. Patient

  5. Student

43. "crew"

  1. Команда

  2. Соревнование

  3. Тур

  4. Игра

  5. Перерыв

44. "rival"

  1. Соперник

  2. Игрок

  3. Фанат

  4. Спортсмен

  5. Победа

45. "trampoline"

  1. Батут

  2. Каток

  3. Подушка

  4. Матрац

  5. Арена

46. "amateur"

  1. Любитель

  2. Тренер

  3. Оппонент

  4. Слушатель

  5. Надсмотрщик

47. "scholarship"

  1. Стипендия

  2. Ученое звание

  3. Зарплата

  4. Гонорар

  5. Аванс

48. "applicant"

  1. Абитуриент

  2. Студент

  3. Школьник

  4. Ученик

  5. Магистр

Выберите правильную форму глагола:

49. I ….already…. my term paper. Now I can relax.

  1. Have finished

  2. Has finished

  3. Finished

  4. Was finishing

  5. Is finishing

50. He ….. a book at 7 o'clock yesterday.

  1. Was reading

  2. Is reading

  3. Has read

  4. Will read

  5. Were reading

51. ….. just started new work.

  1. I’ve

  2. I’d

  3. I’ll

  4. I’m

  5. Have

52. I had lost my key. I found it when …. for something else.

  1. I was looking

  2. I looked

  3. I’ve looked

  4. Look

  5. Looks

53. ….you found a job?

  1. Have

  2. Did

  3. Had

  4. Were

  5. Has

54. Well, six month ago I …. working for a car company.

  1. Was

  2. Been

  3. Had

  4. Have

  5. Were

55. You …. my letter, didn't you?

  1. Received

  2. Are receiving

  3. Will receive

  4. Was receiving

  5. Had received

56. Oh. But you …… be here for my party, won’t you?

  1. Will

  2. Are

  3. Do

  4. Was

  5. Were

Выберите правильный модальный глагол:

57. You look ill. You …….see doctor.

  1. Should

  2. Shall

  3. Needn't

  4. May

  5. Has to

58. I have lost my umbrella. So I …. stay at home when it rains.

  1. Have to

  2. Can

  3. Could

  4. Needn't

  5. Has t

59. You …. take any book

  1. Have to

  2. Can

  3. Could

  4. Needn't

  5. May

60. ….. I begin reading the text?

  1. Shall

  2. Can

  3. Could

  4. Needn't

  5. May