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      1. Grammar: Pronouns.

We use pronouns instead of nouns.

Pronouns fall under the following groups:

  • Personal: I, he, she, it, we, you, they.

Personal pronouns have two cases.

  • We do not have singular and plural forms of you. We can say “You are right” to someone we do not know at all or we know very well, to a child or to an adult.

  • We use it for thing, to refer to animals, a baby of a child. We use he, she, who when we refer to pets, ships, cars, motorbikes, a country, if a reference is “affectionate”.

  • Reflexive: myself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourself (yourselves), themselves.

We often use reflexive pronouns with the verbs: amuse, blame, cut, dry, enjoy, hurt, introduce.

We can use reflexive pronouns after prepositions.

  • Demonstrative: this (these), that (those), such, the same.

Both this and that can be applied to persons or things.

The pronoun same is always used with the definite article.

  • Interrogative: who, whose, what, which.

They are used to form special questions

Who refer to human beings, what is usually refers to things (it may be applied to people when inquiring about their occupation).

Which has a selective meaning. It may refer to persons or things.

Ex. 5. Fill in the blanks with a personal pronouns.

  1. I see a teacher. I see ... .

  2. Please, read the letter, read ... .

  3. I know the boy, I know ... .

  4. I am glad to meet both Tom and Ann, I am glad to meet ... .

  5. Give me the book, give ... to me.

  6. I do not like Ann's brother, I do not like ... .

Ex. 6. Insert a reflexive pronoun where necessary.

  1. He shaves ... every day.

  2. Go and wash .. .

  3. She washed ... quickly and went to prepare breakfast.

  4. He likes his wife to dress ... well.

  5. Behave ... !

  6. You can not behave ... .

  7. The child fell and hurt ... badly.

Ex. 7. Translate into English.

  1. Чьи это брюки? - Это мои брюки.

  2. Я принес вам важные новости.

  3. Кто-то постучал в дверь.

  4. Вы помните его? Какой это был мужественный человек.

  5. У нее прекрасные волосы. Они длинные и волнистые.

  6. Кто там? - Откройте, это я.

  7. Какие это были чудесные цветы.

  8. Достаточно, можете прекратить работу.

Ex. 8. Translate into English.

  1. Кто знает этого человека.

  2. Кто из вас разбил эту вазу?

  3. Кого из них вы спрашивали об этом?

  4. Кого вы ждете?

  5. Кому вы дали свой словарь?

  6. Какой это цвет?

  7. На каком этаже вы живете?

  8. Кто этот высокий человек?

Сpcп 5. Character.

Практические цели: Закрепление навыков чтения и перевода текстов, развитие устной и письменной речи, закрепление лексического материала.

Ex.1.Read and translate the text. Render it in no more than 10 sentences. What do yon think will come out of the relationship? Finish the story.

Love is a Fallacy

... I had long coveted Polly Espy. Let me emphasize that my desire for this young woman was not emotional in nature. She was, to be sure, a girl who excited the emotions, but I was not the one to let my heart rule my head. I wanted Polly for shrewdly calculated, entirely cerebral reasons.

I was a freshman in law school. In a few years I would be out in practice. I was well aware of the importance of the right kind of wife in furthering a lawyer's career. The successful lawyers I had observed were almost without exception, married to beautiful, gracious, intelligent women. With one omission Polly fitted these specifications perfectly.

Beautiful she was. She was not yet of pin-up proportions, but I felt sure that time would supply the lack. She already had the makings.

Gracious she was. By gracious I mean full of graces. She had an erectness of carriage, an ease of bearing, a poise, that clearly indicated the best breeding. At table her manners were exquisite.

Intelligent she was not. In fact, she veered in the opposite direction. But I believed that under my guidance she would smarten up. At any rate, it was worth a try. It is, after all, easier to make a beautiful dumb girl smart than to make an ugly smart girl beautiful.

My first date with Polly was in the nature of a survey. I wanted to find out how much work I had to do her mind up to the standard I required. I took her first to dinner.


fallacy-софизм, ложный выход

cerebral-зд. по рассудку

she would smarten up (coll.) - она поумнеет

Ex. 2. Render the story in English.