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Срсп 10-11 travelling

Практические цели: Практиковать студентов в устной речи по теме, в изложении текста и в высказываниях проблемных вопросов .

Travel is the name of a modern disease which started in the mid- fifties and is still spreading. The patient grows restless in the early spring and starts rushing about from one travel agent to another collecting useless information about places he doesn’t intend to visit. Then he or she will do a round of shops and spend much more than he or she can afford. Finally, in August, the patient will board a plane, train, coach or car and go to foreign places along with thousands of his fellow – countrymen, not because he can afford to go but simply because he cannot afford not to. The result is that in the summer months everybody is on the move.

What is the aim of all this traveling?

Each nationality has its own different one. The Americans want to take photographs of themselves in different places. The idea is simply to collect documentary proof that they have been there. The German travels to check up on his guide- books. Why do the English travel? First, because their neighbour does. Secondly, they were taught that travel broadens the mind. But lastly, and perhaps mainly, they travel to avoid foreigners. I know many English people who travel in groups, stay in hotels even the staff is English, eat roast beef and Yorkshire pudding on Sunday and steak- and – kidney pies on weekdays, all over Europe. The main aim of the Englishmen abroad is to meet people, I mean, nice English people from next door or from the next street. A Roman friend of mine told me :”I no longer travel at all. I stay here because I want to meet my friends from all over the world.” “What exactly do you mean?” I asked. “Whenever I go to London my friend Smith is in Tokyo and Brown is in Sicily. If I go to Paris my friends are either in London or in Spain .But, if I stay in Rome all my friends, I’m sure, will turn up at one time or another. The world means people for me. I stay here because I want to see the world. Besides, staying at home broadens the mind.” (After G. Mikes)

Ex.1. Read and translate the text.

Ex.2..Find the answers to the following questions in the text.

1. Travel is the name of a modern disease, isn’t it? 2. Is it still spreading? 3. When did it start? 4.What happens to most people in the early spring? 5. What do they start doing? 6. How much money do they usually spend on things for their summer travel? 7. When do people finally go on holiday? 8. Why do they go? 9. What is the result of this mania for traveling? 10. Why do the Americans travel? 11. Why do the Germans travel? 12.What were the Englishmen taught about traveling? 13.Do many English people travel in groups? 14.What kind of hotels do they stay at?

15. What food do they eat abroad? 16..What is the main aim of the Englishman abroad? 17. What kind of people do they like to meet when traveling? 18. What did a roman friend of the writer tell him? 19. Why does he stay at home?

Ex.3.Discuss the text.

  1. Describe the symptoms of a modern disease called travel.

  2. Imagine you are an American tourist; a German tourist; an English tourist. Explain why you travel.

  3. You are a Rome friend of Mikes. Explain why you don’t travel but stay at home.

Ex.4.Why do people travel? Work in pairs. Complete the dialogues. Begin your answers with ”I believe that...”, “I don’t believe that...”

A: Some people think that travel is the name of a modern disease. Isn’t it quite old?

B: .............................................................................................................................

A: Do people travel more nowadays than in the 19th century?

B: .............................................................................................................................

A: Isn’t it natural for people to want to want to see new places?

B: ............................................................................................................................

A: Do you think people like to meet their neighbors far away from home?

B: ..............................................................................................................................

A: People travel mostly in summer, don’t they? But I think traveling in winter is also very exciting, isn’t it?

B: ..............................................................................................................................

Ex. 5. Do you like travel living? Ask and answer.

  1. When do you usually travel?

  2. Where do you go?

  3. Do you collect information about the places you intend to visit?

  4. Do you go to a travel agency to collect information or buy guidebooks?

  5. When do you start preparing for your trip?

  6. What things do you buy for a summer (winter) trip?

  7. Do you like to take photos of different places that you pass through?

  8. Do you think that travel broaden one's mind?

  9. What do you think is the aim of the traveling?

  10. What places do you like traveling?

Ex. 6. Compose dialogues using the key words for the situations given below.

  1. You work at a travel agency .Clients come to ask about holidays. You suggest holiday trips on board different ships which would suit their requirement.

Key words: cabin seat, crossing, be sea sick, sun deck, state-room, call at many ports, life-belts, reserve a passage, voyage.

2.Imagine you are at the information bureau of some railway station and you want some information about the trains.

Key word: leave, arrive, compartment, reserved seats, express train, through train, lower berth, dining car, run on schedule, single ticket, return ticket.

3.You have got to go on business, it is very urgent and you have too little time but you are afraid of flying. Your friend reassures you.

Key words: be safe, save a lot of time, comfortable trip, expensive, weather conditions, wait for hours, landing, without delay, smooth flight.

Learning recommendations:

Class activity: In this unit of the course book students are supposed to get introduced with the new material: read the text, translate into their native language, summarize in English, complete post-reading tasks and grammar exercises, discuss new speech topics, compose monologues and dialogues in the class.

Home task: Students are assigned to find out additional short information about specific topic of the unit, complete grammar exercises, prepare reports given by the teacher.


1. Учебно-методический комплекс для студентов 1 курса неязыковых специальностей, М.Ж. Тусупбекова, А.М. Мухтарханова, 2008, Астана, _____стр.