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III Answer the questions:

  1. Why do companies use research and development activities?

  2. What is research?

  3. What is development?

  4. Can research and development exist separately?

  5. Who saves time at companies?

  6. What do industrial engineers do?

  7. Why does one machine perform only one task?

  8. What problems do they decide in the field of textile research?

  9. What does research development deal with?

  10. What do research chemists do?

IV Complete the sentences with the words from the text:

1. Research and development are…..

2. The people working in research and development solve…..

3. Industrial engineers plan…….

4. …..figures out the best way to produce a garment.

5. A very important task of the apparel industry is……

6. Tests are made to…….

7. People in research and development work for some years……..

V Find the English equivalents to the words:

Залишатися в бізнесі, існувати, економити час, прискорювати, зупинка, хімік, проходити скрізь, звичайний, впевнитись, первинна форма

VI Make up sentences with the terms:

In order to, ready to use, to adjust, to be necessary for, to improve, to develop, to make a test, to be resistant to

VII Give definitions to the words:

A scientist, a chemist, an employee, an engineer, apparel industry

VIII Translate the sentences into English:

  1. Дослідження та розвиток – це два процеси на виробництві для покращення якості та ефективності.

  2. Ці два процеси взаємопов’язані та нероздільні.

  3. Багато людей різних професій залучені в ці процеси від початку до кінцевого результату виробництва.

  4. Промисловий інженер розробляє та планує найшвидші шляхи створення речей.

  5. Потрібно детально розробити кожен крок процесу виробництва одягу.

  6. Дослідження та розвиток дозволяють полегшити та прискорити роботу людей, усунути всі перешкоди в роботі операторів.

  7. Хіміки-текстильники постійно розробляють нові тканини та матеріали для сучасного одягу.

  8. Розробка товару – важлива частина успішного представлення товару.

  9. Потрібно переконатись, що тканина підходить для певного виробу.

  10. Результати тестів приймаються до уваги і відповідно до них проводяться необхідні зміни та доробки.

IX Speak on the topic using the following words and word-combinations:

Research and development, industrial engineers, to speed up, scientific jobs, to develop fabric and equipment, to make tests, textile chemists


I Read and remember:

1. messy clothes – неохайний, брудний одяг

2. a care label – бірка про догляд

3. laundering – прання

4. soil-removing chemicals – хімікати для видалення плям

5. detergent – пральний порошок

6. a load – загрузка

7. to dissolve – розчиняти(сь)

8. biodegradable – схильний до біологічного розкладу

9. starch – крохмаль

10. to absorb moisture – поглинати вологу

II Read the text and define the main idea of it:

Taking Care of Your Clothes

It is true that wearing messy clothes can ruin an impressive outfit. It can even make an expensive outfit look cheap. In addition, taking care of not-so-expensive clothes will make them look better than they are.

In 1973, a law was passed requiring clothing manufacturers to attach permanent care labels to all garments.

Knowing when to clean your clothes is another matter. Light-coloured clothes are the easiest to decide about. When they are dirty, they look dirty. However, even dark-coloured clothes should be cleaned regularly.

Laundering is the process of washing clothes using water and soil-removing chemicals. These soil-removing chemicals include bleaches, soaps, and detergents.

Basic laundry know-how is a follows: clothes must be sorted and if you are washing by machine, the loads will be fairly large. Most people sort clothes into dark and light loads. Heavy items such as towels and robes, are often washed together, and delicate items form their own separate loads. Permanent press garments are washed separately from other garments. Delicate items that must be hand washed are often washed one at a time or two or three similar garments are washed together. Delicate clothes, wools, and silks are washed in cool water, while other clothes can be washed in warmer or hot water. Choosing the best soil removers is a very important part. Soap is the usual choice for natural fibers. Soaps do not easily dissolve in water, so clothes washed in soap must be rinsed very carefully. Soaps are biodegradable. This means they break down into natural waste products that do not harm environment.

Detergents were invented about the same time that manufactured fabrics were. They came along when people began to use automatic washing machines to do laundry. Something better than soap was needed – a cleanser that would clean in less time, work in cool water, and work on synthetic fabrics. The advantages of detergents are that they use less hot water than soaps, and they are excellent for cleaning manufactured fabrics.

Other chemicals have been invented to improve laundering methods. These include bleaches, brighteners, clothes softeners and starches. Most laundered clothes are washed in a machine. When garments are dried too long or at too high temperature, wrinkles have a tendency to set. Fabrics also may stiffen somewhat. Clothes should be removed from dryers as soon as the machine turns off.

Some garments, such as knits and sweaters tend to shrink or mat when machine dried. These garments should be spread flat in their original shapes to air dry. A terry cloth towel under the garment helps absorb the moisture. Clothes dried by this method need only a light ironing or pressing.

Ironing and pressing are two different techniques. When ironing a garment, you slide the iron back and forth over the material to apply dry heat. Pressing uses a combination of heat and moisture. A different motion is also used. Instead of moving iron back and forth, you lift the iron and lower it onto the fabrics. The steam that results from the heat smoothes wrinkles out of the fabric.

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