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VI. Read through the sentences below then put a circle around the number which most closely coincides with your opinion. Before starting, look at the Key.

Questionnaire: Children and Parents


1.Yes, definitely; without questions

2.Yes, perhaps

3.Well, that depends

4.No, not really

5.No, definitely not

Children should obey their parents


It is an advantage to be an only child


Girls and boys should be brought up in

the same way – without definite roles


Most men would prefer to have a son as their first child


You should never hit a child


It is a child’s duty to look after his or

her parents when they are old


Parents should never quarrel in front of their children


The best way of punishing a child is to stop his or her pocket money


Babies are boring


It is wrong for both parents to go to work if they have small children


No family should be allowed to have more than four children nowadays


Children under 18 should never be out later than 11 o’clock in the evening


When you have finished, discuss your answers with your partner.

Remember to give reasons for your opinion – and even to argue with your partner if you disagree with him or her.

(From: Functional English by Peter Watchyn-Jones Penguin, 1983)

Spoken Etiquette

Introducing yourself and other people Formal

Let me to introduce myself. / May I introduce myself?

Позвольте мне представиться.

May I ask your name, please?

Могу я узнать Ваше имя?

I’m ever so glad to meet you.

Очень приятно с Вами познакомиться.

It’s nice to meet you. Pleased to meet you.

Приятно познакомиться.

You’ve never met each other, have you?

Вы не знакомы, не так ли?

I don’t think you’ve met my brother.

Вы, кажется, не знакомы с моим братом?

Meet my friend , please.

Познакомьтесь с моим другом


Great concert, isn’t it? By the way, my name is …

Отличный концерт, не так ли? Кстати, меня зовут ….

Hi! My names …. Whats yours?

Привет! Меня зовут …А тебя?

I say, haven’t the two of you met?

Послушайте, вы ведь не знакомы.

Look. Have you two met?

Послушайте, вы знакомы?

This is Ann.

Это Анна.

Im Tony.

Я Тони.

Nice to meet you.

Приятно познакомиться.

What would you say?

  • Introduce yourself to someone at a party.

  • Introduce yourself to a group of children you’re going to teach.

  • Introduce your friend to your parents.

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